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Everything posted by DLT

  1. Well, we've had a change in date. She needs to coordinate her wedding with Spring Break 2011 to be able to take leave (she's a teacher). I checked flights today and they averaged $400 round trip from ATL. Hopefully I'll be able to get something definite on guest lodging now. Keep your fingers crossed!
  2. Hi, we are working with someone but so far we're getting a lot of material to review but without pricing. They basically want to give us a variety of resorts and packages to look at, which I appreciate, but before we can even begin to think about making a decision, we need to get an idea about pricing for guests. We're not in a position to make a budget, because we're focusing more on costs for family to attend. If it's not affordable for anyone to be there, we may need to look at other options.
  3. I love this thread! The pictures and information provided have been wonderful. Does anyone who has already had their wedding mind sharing a cost breakdown? We're looking at an March/April/May ceremony and even though airfares are not available, I would like to know what to expect for the ceremony, reception, guest lodging, etc. Thanks...
  4. Thank you so much for responding. $875, is that for a room with airfare separate? Or with airfare? You're right about ours being a bit early for airfare, but it's been hard just to figure costs for the wedding package, a reception, and guest lodging. Thanks again for responding!
  5. My daughter is hoping for a Breezes Runaway Bay wedding in May 2011. She has looked at all of the packages but hasn't made a decision. Her father and I are divorced and I'm not sure he will help. She would like to have 20 guests who will come in on Wed and leave on Sun. Her ceremony will be Sat and they will honeymoon until the next Fri or Sat. With all of the inclusives, this place looks like a fantastic option, but we have no idea what to expect for overall costs. Everyone we speak with wants a budget amount first. Has anyone had a simple wedding with 20 guests who are staying around the same amount of time? She would like some decorations, a cake, flowers, photos, and a reception of some sort. If so, would you mind giving me an idea of how much your package cost? And, how much your guests paid for lodging and airfare? We would fly out of ATL. Some of our guests will be paying as couples and some will be paying as singles. We haven't been able to offer anyone an estimated amount and that has kept them from committing to be there. And, to get her grandparents there, we may be paying for them totally. Can anyone offer any info on this? I could really use some help.
  6. Hi, my daughter is engaged and hoping for an April 2011 wedding. Her hopes are to find something in the Caribbean or Hawaii. We're very new to this, so I appreciate any help anyone has to offer!
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