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Everything posted by Jen1407

  1. DWBride615 - your wedding/vacation sounds like it will be a lot of fun, your guests will be very appreciative of what you have planned for them. Having your wedding at a castle sounds so romantic. We don't really have anything planned for our guests in terms of excursions, we are going to get together for cocktails with the group either on the night of arrival or the 2nd evening. We are doing a rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding but that is just for wedding party and parents. We tossed around the idea of taking the group on an excursion but felt that seeing it is their vacation as well we didn't want to make them feel obligated to do something they didn't want to do.
  2. I don't think it is rude at all. We decided not to have a stag and doe but I will still be having a bridal shower along with a bachelorette party and FI will be having his stag.
  3. Ayita - my fingers are crossed for you that everything works out for you this time.
  4. I am in Guelph. My wedding is taking place at Riu Ocho Rios on Jan 19, 2011.
  5. Definitely the fuschia shoes!! I am going with blue shoes.
  6. Your pictures are fabulous, they did a fantastic job. Love your shoes by the way!
  7. Finally made it back to the gym last night after a week of being lazy - 30 mins of cardio and 45 minutes of weights. It feels good to be back at it.
  8. Congratulations on your engagement. Happy planning.
  9. Congratulations on your wedding!! I am so glad that everything was the way you envisioned. Thanks for the review.
  10. We are getting married in Jan and my FI's parents will be hosting our AHR in Feb or March at their place.
  11. My FI and I have been together almost 14 years and we have always talked about having DW wedding. Once the engagement happened we actually tossed around the idea of having the wedding at home, this bummed a lot of people out as they were really looking forward to going away. In the end we decided to stick with what we have been dreaming about for a long time and will be having a DW wedding in Jamaica. So far we have 41 people booked.
  12. What motivates me to exercise is the picture I have in my head of myself in a bikini, not a pretty picture. Less than 6 months to go so I better get a move on. I have a date with gym on Monday!!
  13. I am so sorry to hear that you lost your engagement ring. I am sure it will turn up when you least expect it.
  14. My FI decided on a DW at the end of Jan 2010 and have been happily planning ever since. We will be married in Jan 2011.
  15. Love them, they turned out great. I will be ordering my mugs from there as well. Hope they turn out as good as yours did.
  16. We haven't decided on a song yet - but leaning towards Everything from Lifehouse.
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