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Everything posted by Jen1407

  1. I am getting married Jan 19 at Riu Ocho Rios. Just over four months to go, can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I know how you feel rosieposie. I am hoping to claw my way back on, I just haven't figured out how to do that. LOL!!! It's so easy to fall off the wagon and so hard to get back on, why is that? Monday is the start of a new week. Here's hoping I can figure out how to get back on the wagon.
  3. Thanks Becky - that is exactly what I was looking for!! Although I was hoping for an earlier flight time, hopefully it will change closer to the date.
  4. Thanks Lua - I keep asking my TA about the flight times and she keeps saying nothing yet. Who is your tour operator? We are booked through Sunquest.
  5. Sorry for the confusion Ladies. I meant to inquire about the flight times (I have updated the thread title). We are flying out of Toronto on Jan 15, 2011 to Jamaica. I was hoping to find out the departure time so I could add it on our invites.
  6. Does anyone know when the flight schedules will be posted for Jan 2011 departure? We are booked through Sunquest, not sure what airline we are flying with. I want to do my invites but would like to have the travel information included. I asked my travel agent and she said it would be awhile. We leave in 5 months so I would have thought the times would be sorted out by now. Any help would be great.
  7. If you have Rogers cable it is on channel 67, its free right now.
  8. I just read on-line that Canadians are now able to watch Big Brother After Dark on the Global Reality Channel from midnight to 3 am. I will have to check it out tonight and see what it is all about.
  9. My FI and I will have been together 14 years by the time we get married this January. I know - long time!!! I didn't think we would ever get married, lol!!!
  10. Welcome and happy planning, you will find tons of helpful information on this forum.
  11. Welcome and happy planning, you will find tons of helpful information on this forum.
  12. Welcome and happy planning, you will find tons of helpful information on this forum.
  13. Welcome and happy planning, you will find tons of helpful information on this forum.
  14. Welcome and happy planning, you will find tons of helpful information on this forum. I am getting married at ROR on Jan 19, 2011.
  15. Welcome and happy planning, you will find tons of helpful information on this forum.
  16. Welcome and happy planning, you will find tons of helpful information on this forum.
  17. Welcome and happy planning, you will find tons of helpful information on this forum.
  18. Welcome and happy planning, you will find tons of helpful information on this forum.
  19. Welcome and happy planning, you will find tons of helpful information on this forum.
  20. Welcome and happy planning, you will find tons of helpful information on this forum.
  21. Welcome to the forum. A week to go, you must be getting very excited. All the best on your wedding day!!
  22. Welcome and happy planning, you will find tons of helpful information on this forum.
  23. Jen1407


    Welcome and happy planning, you will find tons of helpful information on this forum.
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