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Everything posted by amh777

  1. As I'm getting closer to the wedding date I am having more and more questions... to all you brides who have already had your wedding @ Beach Palace--- 1) Is a cake stand necessary? Not sure what they use/have to put it on 2) Did you use a money/card box? Wondering if its somewhat gauche considering that people already had to lay out a good amount of money to make the trip in the first place. Just dont want anyone who DOES bring a card to have nowhere to put it, etc. 3) If you had a reception -- which of the different plazas/areas did you use and why? I think there are like 3 choices and the 2 smaller ones are probably what I would choose, just not sure which is better or has the better layout 4) Did you have a guest book, or did you use something else similar? THANKS!!!
  2. Merrylee, please do post your pix!! Can't wait to see recent photos... I'm getting married there this July.
  3. How far in advance do you have to book that DJ company? Sounds like a good plan!
  4. Awesome, Jackie!!! Thanks for the pix!! Did you have a private reception? I was wondering if that terrace is where most of those are... it looks familar from other pix
  5. So are you able to hear everything well during the ceremony? Did you have to pay for the CD system use during the ceremony? Â
  6. Another question about the live music @ palace resorts... in the classical trio or duet-- do you get to pick which two instruments? I'm guessing its either the flute, sax, violin or pipe? Anyone use the duet or trio? How did you like it? Did you think having two added much more than just one would have? Thanks!
  7. Good question... and for those of you who had soloists... did anyone walk down the aisle to the typical bridal theme... I think its called Canon... I'm wondering which soloist would better perform that-- a violinist? I'm guessing there is no hope for a pianist!
  8. Cool!!! I totally know what you mean about the scared part... its all overwhelming!
  9. I dont know if you were planning on symbolic or not, but I would think that may be the reason you got the same email as me. However, once I said ours was just symbolic,my date was immediately confirmed.
  10. I think I've already resigned myself to the fact that I will be paying extra for another piece of luggage to haul all my bridal loot. There is NO WAY I can get all my clothes and stuff for almost 2wks in a suitcase AND fit all my bridal stuff too. I guess that is cheaper than it would be to pay for the items @ the resort.
  11. Mocha- I never got a call back from Jennifer, but contacted another rep there and found out the reason they couldnt book me... it was b/c they apparently share the justice of the peace in the hotel zone and there is another wedding booked prior to me @ another resort that is using him. I told her we were planning to have a symbolic ceremony anyway b/c we were planning on getting married @ home prior to avoid the hassle of getting legally married there.. so she said that was fine and confirmed the date. YAY!
  12. I've called her and left a voicemail for her-- Jennifer Gamboa... no call back yet :( ... as I sit here watching my phone like a hawk for a return call.... Is Jennifer the one who sent you the email?
  13. I just got back an email that they can't process my request.... huh??! Do you have to have the resort booked for your room prior to making the wedding date reservation? Seems crazy to have to do that.
  14. I havent had it done yet.. I have an apptment for next week to try it out b/c my friend's dermatologist is running a special on that botox stuff from the UK... forget what its called... but it $200 per area with a $75 mail in rebate, so I asked the fiancee' for that for my birthday! My friend loves it.. she says it has taken yrs off her face.. she has had it probably about 3-4 times. For a point of reference, I'm 35, so this is about the time they say you should start for preventative measures.
  15. Hi all.. how long approx did it take for you to get confirmation of your wedding date for a Palace Resorts wedding? The website says 24-48 hrs.. wondering if it was closer to the 48 hr mark... Also, will they confirm a date prior to you making actual bookings for the rooms, etc? I'm going w/ the complimentary pkg... so will I need to pay a deposit, etc? Thanks!
  16. There are a lot of wonderful photographers on the vendor links here... I'm personally foregoing the extras on the wedding decorations from the resort and bringing my own to spend that money on a photographer to capture the "mood" of the whole day. I'm hoping to spend $1500 or so for the whole package which I would hope includes a TTD... I am having a smaller affair, so I dont think I need countless hours w/ the photog. I dont think the resort photogs are able to get that same feel at least from all the pix i have seen b/c they might not have the same type of equipment the outside photogs do... I think if you get married at most of the resorts that are big on weddings, you will get the WC included. How much attention you get prior is proabbly a point of contention for most people, but it seems like it all ends up well in the end.
  17. Wow... now there is a new thing to obsess over! Thanks!!! Just kidding. I'm doing the 6pm wedding in July 2011 in Cancun and I'm a big sweater so I need to have it later so I dont look like I just jumped in the ocean. Botox... here I come!
  18. Congrats!!! I'm going to be a Cancun bride as well... just going to tell everyone to be cautious off the resort (if they go off at all) and travel in pairs... just like you would in any big city.... just can't beat the Cancun prices and value!
  19. I just peeked @ your blog... wow!!!! You are fabulous to keep it up with everything like that!! I'm jealous!
  20. I totally understand!! YOu think picking a destination wedding will be easy, then you see there is STILL a ton of stuff to do!!! Argh!! I think the best thing to do is get your date set and then do the Save the Dates...there are also a bunch of lists on the timing of things so that should help too... baby steps!! Congrats!
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