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Everything posted by mareW9

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by chrissytina924 No Problem.. it's: [email protected] m & her name is Esterlin Josefina Martinez.. hope that helps! Thank you so much!! I'll try writing Esterlin. We really hope to stay with Melia - I definitely can't afford to run back and do more site visits (much as I would like to!).
  2. These flowers are all so beautiful! I never even heard of real touch before this forum. How are you all getting them down to your destinations though?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 yeah Erin, I'm hoping so! It's unreal they wouldn't have an ATM on site, sounds crazy!! We were just there about 2 weeks ago - and no ATM! I was surprised too. They have a cash-changing desk, but if you take out US dollars, they charge a lot - My fiance wanted to take $100 and they were going to charge $30 or $40 for the transaction. They explained to him that it was because they take the money in pesos and then have to exchange it. We ended up taking pesos and it was a little cheaper.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by chrissytina924 My coordinator is very slow answering back emails as well. I was told bc its due to the different country and especially around this time is "wedding season" so they have many weddings going on.. i can give you the contact emial of my rep as I dont have Laura if you like... That would be great! We still haven't heard back and it's been over a week - I don't mind them taking some time to respond as long as it doesn't mean we lose the date! I'm also going to try to call again on Monday. Not having the date / place confirmed is really holding up the rest of the process
  5. Thank you for the review! I'm thinking about changing our location completely and IRHS is one of the locations I've liked the most (from research). The cake was hysterical!
  6. Hi FutureMrsG521 - I don't have an electronic copy of the packages - she said they were new and so she just printed them out for us when we visited. Is there anything specific you would like me to look up? I think the basic package prices are the same - Tides is $1296 and the Tropical Fairy Tale is $1728. Then there are some premium packages for more guests and with some added things included: Tides 35 - $2012, Tides 50 -$2676, Tropical Fairy Tale 75 $6328, Fairy Tale 100 - $8,158. The alcohol packages are now $6/$12/$18. We got a tentative reservation date from Laura last Friday and she sent us the contract, but the contract wasn't updated with the new package info so I sent her a question - last Friday and again on Wednesday - and still haven't heard back. Anyone else have this issue? I'm concerned this means we'll lose the date and thinking about changing locations.
  7. stay awake: need coffee (and not to be stuck on a phone call half in Japanese)
  8. I have similar issues... My bridesmaids/MOH range in age from 14 to 35 (14, 20, 21, 30, 33, 35)! I am picking out colors and letting them get dresses they (or their mom) feel is appropriate/nice. But personally, I've never been into the completely matching thing - esp for older bridesmaids.
  9. I love the dress! You look great! I agree with the other girls - pearls would be nice. Or maybe a simple diamond pendant.
  10. Wow! I'm glad you were able to find another seamstress! They should really be ashamed. Good that you stood up for yourself - I think so many of these shops run scams. I have a friend who was a bridesmaid in a wedding and is tiny - she tried on a size 6 at the shop that fit perfectly and they tried to get her to order a size 10!!!
  11. Hey ali.jeff2011 - my fiance and I just came back about 2 weeks ago from visiting Melia and Laura gave us printouts of the new packages - there are a lot of changes - there are Tides packages for 35 and 50 guests with some extras included and Tropical Fairy Tale packages for 75 and 100 guests - also with some extras included - (although I think the cost is probably pretty close to the same). The alcohol prices changed too - $6/$12/$18 now - went down some. I don't have the information with me and only got a hard copy but feel free to send me any questions if you want me to look something up in the packet.
  12. Thanks for posting the review! My fiance and I are planning to get married at Melia in January .... if Laura would ever get back to us on the contract issues. Does anyone have contact information for any of the other WCs there?
  13. I saw something yesterday that said FujiFilm makes an instant photo camera - like the Polaroid idea - i haven't looked into it further, but it might be something to research if you like the Polaroid idea. I think it's called the Fujifilm instax and the camera itself is under $100.
  14. mareW9

    DR bride2be

    Hi Amanda! Welcome and congratulations! My fiance and I just got back from visiting Dreams PC - it was really nice and Deyanira was really sweet. There's a whole thread on Dreams PC with lots of information!
  15. We're also planning our wedding at Melia in January - really liked all of the options available. When we visited earlier this month, they had some new package choices - including options for larger groups. Tides 35, Tides 50, Tropical Fairytale 75 and Tropical Fairytale 100. Some of the prices are also changing for 2011 - in fact, some even dropped! I don't have an electronic copy of the new guides though, but definitely ask.
  16. We got engaged after a little over 2 years... wedding will be just under 3 years from our first date.
  17. Thanks, everyone! Michelle, beautiful photos! We're leaving on Thursday. My camera broke earlier this year in the Bahamas - same day we got engaged actually - but I'll make sure my fiance brings his and post whatever we take!
  18. Melissa - thanks so much! This is very helpful!
  19. Really cute dress! I'm planning to pay for the flights for my side of the bridal party, but my side of the wedding would have a harder time making it for our day if we weren't helping. I don't think anyone should feel bad if they're not able to do that... but I am planning to be less picky about things to keep other costs reasonable for them.
  20. Wow! This just makes me nervous! We're already thinking we'll be between 80 and 100 - have heard the same complaints about how we must not want anyone there... but I know at least on of his friends already said she invited another couple to come along! My fiance is furious already. Good luck keeping everything in check!
  21. Tara, thank you! That really helps a lot! I'm really looking forward to having a date and resort finalized - it's definitely a big group - I'm hoping that we're overestimating, but he has a large family! Quote: Originally Posted by taratoons Hi Marian! Wow, what a group you will have, that's a great turn out! We had 41 people in our group, including my husband and I. Overall, I would definitely say that I liked DPB better, even before staying at DPC. I liked the beach better at DPB, the rooms, the landscaping/rocks everywhere, and the fact that it was smaller/more luxuriously laid out. However, even knowing all these things, it was not a hard decision. With that many people in our group, and many "partiers", we wanted a bigger resort, with lots to do, and a louder more exciting atmosphere. My neice and nephew came too, and I thought it was more suited to kids at DPC. I LOVE the pool at DPC too, and also, I liked the gazebo/reception options better at DPC. To me, DPB is beautiful, but I see it as more suited to a honeymoon or something due to it's smaller/more intimate size. In addition, we stayed at DPB in June, and only visited DPC for 3 hours, so although we loved DPB, we wanted the excitement of staying somewhere new! They are both great resorts, it just depends on your priorities and what you see as the most important (to us, it was the size of the resort, the pool, and the ceremony/reception options that really cemented the decision... We didn't care so much about the beach). Hope that helps, and happy planning! :0)
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by melissamary679 After we booked, Melani took about 3 weeks to bill us. The total was $518 for the deposit for the Ultimate package. Now our travel agent has just finished negotiating hotel rates for the guests! Hi Melissa! Would you recommend the travel agent you're working with? My fiance and are looking for someone in the NYC/NJ area to help us make similar arrangements.
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