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Everything posted by mrs*j*2011

  1. I'm down to 2 weeks! In just 14 short days I will be getting ready to take the walk down the aisle! Of course as my luck would have it, I have come down with a nasty throat infection but thank goodness the doctor was able to give me some antibiotics so I'm officially on the mend. Now we're just getting ready for Christmas and the last few days of work before we fly away to Jamaica! I'm not excited or anything...
  2. I've been letting my TA handle most of the communication with the WC at Sandals. She (the WC) has been less than helpful so I'm just waiting to get there to finalize some details with the people on-site. I did make my appointments to have my hair and makeup done the morning of the wedding - I decided to book ahead of time so I could secure a decent time slot. It also allowed me to pay in advance in case there were any price increases. I purchased a photography package they were running over the summer. We're getting 210 photos (in both print and on a CD) and a bunch of other random stuff for $1300. It comes out to about $6 per photo versus $20 per photo, which is what it normally is. I was worried about the quality but I've heard from enough brides who had good experiences so I'm crossing my fingers. Don't rely on your WC to inform you of any kind of promos or specials though...I was the one who asked my WC and the information she had was way different that what I was told elsewhere (and I ended up being correct). It helps to talk to other Sandals brides and get their take. The WC informed us we would not be able to have chairs on the pier for our ceremony but I saw a video of a wedding with just that, at the exact location I am getting married. I was also informed the restaurants don't allow more than 4 per table and you can't push tables together. I spoke with a bride who just returned from Sandals Royal Caribbean (where I'm getting married) and she said large groups were eating together all the time. If there was one piece of advice, I'd say find a good TA and make use of him or her. They have a lot more pull than we do as brides. They know the questions to ask and as far as I've experienced, the WC's in Miami are just sales people pushing extras on you. I never once got that "warm and fuzzy feeling" while dealing with my WC. I just felt like yet another bride on a very long list. I know I'm coming off as pessimistic but I really do have high hopes once we arrive that everything will be perfect. I found it a little bit frustrating that there aren't a lot of Sandals brides on here, as compared to some of the other resorts. I'm a total type A personality and need to always know what's going on and the details of everything I'm planning so I've done a TON of research and really learned a lot in these past 6 months.
  3. I'm getting married in 17 days at Sandals Royal Caribbean. We're doing the BB package with a 1 hour cocktail hour followed by dinner at one of the restaurants since we have a small group. There aren't many Sandals reviews on here but there are some. I plan to write a review when I get back. In the meantime, I've found the Facebook page to be pretty helpful (Fans Who Love Sandals Weddingmoons). It was started by a former Sandals bride and there are a few TA's who actively participate so it's a good place to go if you have questions.
  4. I did not find this to be the case. I returned a few items to BB&B and only received a store credit, no cash. I did an exchange on one item and the original purchaser used 20% off coupon so they honored the discount on my exchange. I had also heard that Target is a nightmare when it comes to registry returns and exchanges (much like their normal return policy) but I didn't have a problem exchanging an item there. I just had to print a copy of my registry to show the item was purchased off it. Just my experiences...might be totally different depending on individual store management, etc.
  5. Gahhhh! My FI decided this morning (29 days before our wedding) that he doesn't like his wedding day outfit and wants to change it. He couldn't have told me this 5 months ago when I could have returned everyone's shirts and gotten my money back?! So instead of short sleeve linen shirts for him (ivory) and his best man (orange), he wants to wear a long sleeve white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He thinks the BM can still wear the original shirt but I'm thinking it's the total opposite style and it is going to look out of place. Not to mention both dads will be wearing that type shirt too. It's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, and it's his wedding too, but I'm still a little irritated! He said he'd wear what I want him to if I'm pissed about it but I've made every decision so far and I don't want him to be uncomfortable and/or unhappy. What should I do? Part of me wants to at least find a new shirt for the best man to at least match my FI and leave the dads as they are. Will it look weird if they're wearing different style shirts?
  6. this post is 4 years old...the OP was married over 3 years ago.
  7. I had to send my e-ring out to get rhodium plated today and I don't want to be "naked" for 2 weeks so I went to JC Penney's and bought a filler ring (it was only $6!). I noticed it's square but I had no idea what it meant so I'm glad I found this thread. I can say I've been wearing it for about 8 hours now and it definitely doesn't spin. Kinda makes me wish my real ring was square! Oh and it doesn't feel at all different. Actually this ring is a lot wider than mine too and still it doesn't feel any different.
  8. I just recently read that Shonda Rhimes wants to make a musical episode, spotlighting Callie and Miranda because they can actually sing. I personally think it sounds like a terrible idea but I'm not all that fond of musicals in general (Glee = not for me). I guess it might be okay if they do it right...?
  9. I worked with a woman named Jean Greene so to me your name doesn't sound weird! I understand what you're saything though. It'll just take some time for you to get used to it. And just think...it could be much worse. You could be marrying into an awkward name. I worked with a guy who's last name wass Dumas (pronounced DO-MAS but everyone always pronounced it dumb-ass) and another guy, his last name was Annis (prounounced ANN-ES but everyone said anus).
  10. I can't decide if I want to do white or color lights this year! We have both and usually alternate every year. What are all you ladies doing?
  11. Janine - your wedding and TTD pictures are absolutely STUNNING!! I can't wait to see more and read your review...and of course catch a glimpse of the little starfish in your bouquet!
  12. I love the picture of you and your bridesmaids - you all look so happy! Is your dress by Mori Lee? It looks like my dress (# 4511) and its so nice to see someone besides the model wearing it! Congrats on your wedding!
  13. I'm carrying my dress on and I dare them to try and take it away from me! I'll sit with it on my lap if I have to but I am definitely not going to check it. It's small enough where I can place it in an overhead compartment on top of our suitcases. I read somewhere that you should try and board first and the flight attendants might offer to put your dress in the first class closet. And of course, be super friendly to all the airline staff at check-in and at the gate so they don't try to make you check it.
  14. Aside from taking them out to admire them when they arrive next week, yes. I'm going to just pack the boxes in my carry-on so they don't get smushed during travel or worse, lost with my checked luggage.
  15. I'd pick # 2. With the first one, I'm imaging you dripping with sweat lugging 30 lbs of dress around! It really depends on where you're getting married, if you'll have a reception dress to change into and if you want style over comfort. I don't think you can go wrong with either dress - they're both stunning!
  16. Thanks Jane! My bouquet was $110 and the MOH bouquet was $55. I am also getting 4 boutonnieres, 2 corsages and a hair flower for me. The total including shipping came to $254.
  17. Knowing that I can add anything once I arrive at the resort makes me feel better about having to deal with the WC's. Plus after reading the reviews from past Sandals brides, it seems that everything goes smoothly for the big day. The on-site coordinators are much better to work with. I'm getting married in 6 weeks (actually, 6 weeks and 30 minutes from right now!) so I'll be sure to do a full review once I get back for all the Sandals brides out there.
  18. Congrats Teira! And congrats to everyone who participated on a great season!
  19. Congrats Teira! And congrats to everyone who participated on a great season!
  20. I was hesitant at first but then I realized my family just wanted to celebrate wtih me and since we're only inviting immediate family to the wedding and are not planning an AHR, I decided a shower would be totally acceptable. It was really great to see the extended family that I only see once in a while. The gifts, etc were just icing on the cake. In the end, it's what you're truly comfortable with. Everyone just has to understand you cannot possibly extend a wedding invite to every person and if they don't want to attend the shower as a result, so be it.
  21. I just got the proofs of my flowers today! I ordered them from wedideas.com and they were totally awesome to deal with. I gave them the general idea of what I wanted and let them run with it. I can't wait to actually have them delivered next week! My bouquet maid of honor bouquet
  22. I am beyond frustrated with the WC's at Sandals. I've given all the details and my list of "wants" to my TA and she is dealing with it for me. From the slow responses to the grammatically incorrect emails (that make no sense) to flat out refusals (to stuff I KNOW is possible)...I've had it with Sandals. I'm sure everything will work out just fine but it's a hassle that no bride-to-be needs. I'll just be glad when we finally get there and are able to speak to and make plans with the on-site coordinator. So in other words, I feel your pain!! Unfortunately I don't have any inside info to share. I'm bringing my own flowers and we're doing the 1 hr private cocktail hour (we're only having 8 guests). My only suggestion is use your TA if you have one. Let her fight your battles for you, they have much more pull with Sandals than you do.
  23. Thanks everyone. I never associated taking vitamins with food. It was always just a morning thing when I was growing up, regardless if I ate breakfast or not. I'm going to check out the Rainbow Light prenatal. Normally I don't care much about organic/natural stuff but it seems like the best way to go, particularly because vitamins and I have never really gotten along in the past. Lindsey - thanks for sharing your experience post-pill. I would imagine after so many years of consistently getting the hormones, it might take a few months to return "normal"...although there are those people who miss one pill and end up pregnant!
  24. Hi ladies! I'm jumping in here a few months early but I have a question...er, maybe two! I'm getting married in 7 1/2 weeks (yay!) and will be going off BCP a few weeks after. My gyn suggested I start pre-natal vitamins if I'm thinking of TTC. This was last year so I didn't really give it much thought. But now, as the time is approaching I'm wondering if there's a particular brand or whatever I should look for in the vitamins? In general, I've always had a hard time taking vitamins. I tried to take a multivitamin a few times over the past couple of years and I end up getting sick (cold and flu like stuff) so I just stop and start to feel better. I think it's an overload of vitamins to my system, if that makes any sense? Also, not helping my cause...I'm on a gluten free diet so the vitamins can't have any weird additives that might contain wheat. (Sounds crazy but I've seen it in regular vitamins). I've been on BCP for 14 years and prior to that my periods were very heavy with severe cramping. I'm nervous how my body is going to react once I stop taking the pill. I know everyone is different but how did all you long-term BCP'ers feel the first few months?
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