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Everything posted by MissNatalie18

  1. I went back and looked at several reviews of the resort, and I started to cheer up a bit...many of the ones in the past year were good reviews. I am going to ask Cemone if I can ensure that anyone in my group does not get bothered with any time share crap...that will not go over well with my guests. I am also going to try and have my guests be able to pre-book dinner resos for everynight before we arrive, then they don't even have to really talk to the butler and we can ensure we all have spots together. I am debating between the Fantasy Package and the Aqua...I have to refresh my memory on the major difference, if I remember Fantasy doesn't have a cocktail hour? I am for sure having the Fantasy set up though, as I am not a fan of bright colours, so the aqua set up is a no go for me. I have to price everything out before I make a decision...guess I should do that soon! I also am debating maybe a reception at the Jelly Fish, which in that case I may just do the free wish package with some minor upgrades...ahhh so many decisions to make
  2. Wow you are getting married so soon! I am on April 14, 2011...I hope your reveiw is good for both of our sakes! What have you done in terms of planning so far? What package did u pick? Â PPR, I am working with Cemone Glinton. I have already confirmed Pastor York on my own, and I will not be charged the extra $150, nor do I have to pay for him to come on site. Hopefully they will switch it for you! Â
  3. OMG - I was debating writing the same thing on here last week, but decided not to because I was to angry to even write. What is up with the seaweed on the beach...I am freaking as well and am worried I made a horriable decision picking PPR. Now what do we do? I even thought about calling my TA and figuring out if I could switch, but it is way to late. Ahhhhh...maybe we can make each other feel better some how...I just keep on trying to tell myself it is all about how fun we make the wedding, and with all our fam and friends there it has to be a blast even if there are a few crappy things.
  4. Hi All,  The last Thursday of the month is coming up soon - August 26! I see there are a few new brides, so I am hoping we can have a good showing this time. Just to re-cap, for those of you that don't know we meet the last Thursday of every month at 6PM at Melrose on 17th AVE. Please try to make it out girls, it is a lot of fun and Sandy and I have been brining items to show each other and to compare notes. Also, I was thinking, some of us may have bought things in a rush and have no decided we don't want them anymore...I suggest we bring these items as well in case one of the other Calgary brides might want to buy them or borrow etc. I will be brining a pair of wedding shoes I bought that I decided are not right for me anymore, so hopefully one of you girls love them. Please let me know if you are definitely attending, as I base my numbers on that, and last minute cancellations are sad for me lol  Nat
  5. Hi Ladies, Okay so I talked to my WC and she said I can book Pastor York myself and I will save $150 - that is a no brainer, I have emailed him already and he is booked. Basically they charge you $150 extra to contact him on your behalf...unreal! So glad I am on BDW otherwise I wouldn't have known I was getting ripped off.
  6. Hey Bikergirl, I didn't know that about the colours and the packages. I am going to ask my WC asap...she gets back to me quite quickly. Also, I did confirm that Pastor York is $300 for hotels not affiliated with him, so why do I have to pay $450 because he is contracted with PPR...that is insane. A pass for him to come on site can not be $150...I am finding out about this tomorrow as well...and I will update you all.
  7. Darn it!!! I am not sure about the package yet. I need to talk to the WC more to find out how much I can change things in the packages. I like what the Aqua gives you...but those are not my colours...so I am all over the place. I like the way the Fanatsy package looks, but it doesn't include all the stuff I want. So I am totally confused. What about u?
  8. Thanks for the update Amanda...this helps a lot. What a great find!!! I am heading to CrossIron Mills today, in hopes of finding some summer clothes on sale for the trip. Sandy - How much did Pastor York quote you for the wedding ceremony? Do you have to pay for him to come onto your hotel grounds? My hotel contracts him out, so I have to book through them, and they just said it is $450 to have him. Just want to make sure I am not being ripped off. If I remember correctly he is $300 or $350 for you?
  9. Glad to see we have some posts up and running in here! I hope as well that the old thread comes back. I have made Tammy aware of this, but she seems to think it may resurface eventually? The PPR has said that Pastor York is $450...do we know if that is the price he charges all couples, or just couples staying at the PPR because he is contracted through them. I recall one of the girls on here saying it was only $300? I know that they would have to add the pass for him to come on the grounds for the day, but that still shouldn't add up to $450. Dania - we are going to be there the same week!!! This is super exciting - is your photog going to be there on Thursday. I would consider looking at his/her work and possible sharing?! Let me know.
  10. Sandy - OMG I am laughing so hard...that is the most amazing thing I have ever heard. Don't worry, I think it is such a funny story to tell, and no one will ever know about it, unless they are Star Wars fans. Go with it! Maybe even do something silly during the wedding to laugh about with everyone. Something subtle, like maybe come out with light sabers or something and do some pics with guests...HAHA In all honesty though, I think you are fine. I would totally get married on that day if I had booked it already, even if I hadn't booked it but that was the only day they had I would still get married on it. Amanda - thank for that tip...what colours do they have? Can these ones be hung? Are there lots of sizes?
  11. Hey Ladies, Well, Sandy and I had a great time at Melrose again. We exchanged a lot of ideas and timelines etc. It is super fun meeting with her, and we hope more of you can make it out next month. We are even thinking of working on some projects together and sharing costs of shipping etc. Sandy - I have been super busy today and followed up with everything we spoke about...Pastor York - CHECK, DJ Mania - CHECK, Sarah - CHECK and Photographer - CHECK...thanks for all the inspiration. Have a great long weekend ladies.
  12. Hey...would you be able to show me how they turned out...I am debating using this idea. I am getting married in the DR as well!
  13. Hey Ladies, Not sure if you all noticed, but our old thread has dissapeared. I figured now is a better time than any to start a new one!!! I have booked my wedding at the PPR for April 14th, 2011. I am getting right into the planning stages and am super excited to chat with everyone about our ideas. I went to go book DJ Mania today, and he directed me back to PPR. Apparently he is contracted out by them, so we get priority for our weddings, and we don't have to pay a guest fee. I think it comes to $750 for three hours...which seems alright. I have to ask my friend who booked him privately for her resort what the fee was. I think she said $800 for four hours...but PPR said our reception is only three. I just want to make sure that we get the same prices, and that they are not raised because he is contracted through them. Also, just looking into photogs...I really like Michael/Phil Steingard...is anyone interested in sharing? I haven't got their pricing yet, but they are based out of Canada, so I don't want to have to pay for their plane if that is the case. I know they do a lot of weddings in DR, so I am interested in seeing what his fees include. As for invites, I am about to email out a STD...however I still have to create it. I want it to look very pretty and sophisticated, but I am horriable with PowerPoint etc. Any suggestions would be awesome. I am also going to get someone on esty to do my Passport invites, I think her name is Sarah Spourili...sorry about the spelling!!! And finally, I have to book pastor york...once that is all done, the fun DIY projects begin!!! Looking forward to starting this new thread and hearing everyones suggestions!!! Natalie
  14. I am in love with your save the dates...I wish I could find some great vintage postcards for mine like that...but I am doing Dominican...and I did a quick search and none of them look as amazing as the Hawaii ones If you happen to see any please PM me!!
  15. Awww...thats to bad KRama...next time please do come...we need all the help we can get!!!
  16. Hey Kittenheart, Can you pm me with what you have left for sale...I am interested in a few items and would like to know for the record what is gone and what is still available
  17. Hey All, I know some of you have been wondering about our meeting!!! We get together the last Thursday of every month to chit chat about our wedding and the progress we have been having. That month was our first get together and three of us made it out...Sandy and I seem to be the cheerleaders of the event! We will both be there tomorrow, even if it is just the two of us, I am sure we will have lots to catch up on. Linds is hopefully going to make it as well, and that is all that has confirmed so far. Location is Melrose on 17th. Time is 6PM Date is last Thursday of every month I am not going to make a reso just because I have no idea who will show up, so I will try and get there early and tell the hostest to guide you all to me...just ask for me when you arrive or Sandy. I hope to see many of your tomorrow! Natalie
  18. Ohhhh yippppi....after I just posted that my pic came up that I had downloading a long time ago on the old forum, but it was too big to actually appear. I was kinda bumed, but it looks like the new forum supports larget images. This is excited...I will post some of my engagement pics later on in the week
  19. Hey All, So so far we have me, Sandy and Linds (fingers crossed)! Hopefully a few more girls can make it. Pam, can one of us pick you up? I am going to make resos for 6PM and will make them tomorrow, just going to wait and see if some more girls are coming. Either way, we will have fun no matter who is there. Don't forget to bring any tips or pics or things you have on the go. I will bring one of bm dresses that I just bought...I am eager to see what you guys think...I am debating the colour still. Nat
  20. Hey Ladies...Thursday is coming up soon! Can I get a headcount? Sandy - AMAZING dress!! Hope to see you on at Melrose
  21. Looks like your on your way to an amazing wedding. I love the garter your mommy made for you...I am totally going to make my mom make me one as well..so pretty and special! Thanks for the idea and have an amazing time
  22. Good luck Sandy!! I am sure you will find some amazing dresses
  23. So exciting Pam. I went dress shopping shortly after getting engaged...never having even thought about a wedding dress style in my life before. I went to two stores over one weekend, tried on about 15 dresses and found my dress. I was pretty impressed! I think you just know when you try it on that it is "the one"! Although, now I hate looking at any other dresses because I always wonder if I made the right decision. It is funny how dresses that you think you will love you hate when you try on. I also think pics of other ppl wearing your dress doesn't do it justic either...here is a pic! http://pics.classifieds.weddingbee.c...ff-white-2.jpg http://media.preownedweddingdresses....ite-2008-5.jpg
  24. Hey Guys... Hope all is well. I will make the reso's soon for the 29th...Let me know if you will be coming so I can get a number count. Also, I book my resort!!! Paradisus Palma Real for April 14th wedding date. My guests are coming from Ontario and the price is in between 1700-1800! Kinda steep. Also, bough my bm dresses...I will bring one on Thursday for you ladies to see. I got them at H&M for 40 each!!!
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