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Everything posted by AshleyTX

  1. Is the rehearsal dress a dress size 10 or street size (jeans) size 10?
  2. Mufn - You are getting married a week after us, we'll be leaving Dreams on the 15th (getting married on the 8th). When will you be arriving?
  3. Below I have posted an email reply that I received from our Wedding Coordinator at Dreams, Yarai. Some of the info may not apply to you, depending on some of your individual event details, but, I thought some of the info may be good to know/share! I cannot believe how fast time is flying by - the Holiday's will be gone before you know it and soon it will be "crunch" time! We are getting SO excited about July 8th, but, still lots to do (especially since we're also planning a rather large party/reception back home after the wedding). My Fiance and I are both huge fans of food, especially around the holidays, we've registered for a Marathon in January just to stay in check! Music - We are planning on using the iPod Rental Equipment for the ceremony/reception, who will actually be changing the music for us (from one song to another)? Do we need to assign this "task" to one of our guests? Will the same equipment set-up be used for both the ceremony and reception (how fast will they get it moved over, we would like to have the music playing during the Cocktail Hour?)to have the sound system at both locations the cost will be $350.00 as there is a technician fee to have it moved from one side to the other. During the ceremony the thecnician will be able to change the songs for you but if you wish for him to change the music at the reception there is a technician fee of $75.00 us per hour and he could also do the MC for announcing you guys as the new Mr and Mrs and the dancing. To move the system from one side to the other takes about 15 mins so no problem at the cocktail hour, we will only have the last 15mins without any music. Trio - I have noted that the Ultimate package that we are getting comes with a music Trio for one set, can you expalin what this is and when they play (ceremony/reception)?Trio is a group of musicians with 3 different instruments. On the wedding guide you will be able to see the different instruments combination we can due for trios. 1 set is of 45 mins played and 15 mins of break. We can have the sound system for the ceremony and then have the trio for the cocktail hour. Or have the trio for the ceremony and part of the cocktail hour. Flowers - We are not interested in having the Groomsmen or Parents wear the boutonniers/corsages that come with our package, is there a way that we can exchange these for a simple flower or two for each of my three bridesmaids? I do not want a full boquet for my bridesmaids, just a simple flower or two will do! We can certainly exchange the 2 boutonniere and 2 corsages for 3 singles flowers, what do you think about a single alactraz with a nice colored ribbon attached to it. Table - Can we arrange to have a table set up at the reception that we can place a few pictures on as well as the guestbook that we are going to have our guests sign?Yes not a problem just let me know how many pictures and size is possible to see what size table we will need to request Shippig - We are planning on shipping several boxes to Dreams prior to our arrival, what time frame would you suggest that we starte sending this stuff, two weeks before the wedding? Yes, I will suggest at least 2 weeks but please note as mentioned on the wedding guide to please contact a customs broker as you will doing an internationals shipping and there are some standard and procuders you will need to follow in order to be able to have everything arrived on time. Customs department in Mexico is quite strict so I do recommend you to contact them as soon as you get a chance Menu - Can you please send me the most up-to-date menu that we have to choose from for both the Cocktail Hour and the Gold Menu? How many appetizers do we get to choose from for the Cocktail hour? How are these served, buffet style or a waiter walking around with a tray? Drinks - The Cocktail Hour and Reception are Open Bar correct? Will guest have to go to one of the hotel bars to receive their drinks, will we have a private waiter, or a private bar set-up at the reception?The must updated menus are the ones on the wedding guide, there hasn’t been any changes to it. Appetizers as mentioned on the wedding guide the amount will depend on the final head count, they are usually stationed. You will indeed to have Full Open Bar and there will be waiters and bartenders assigned to your event who will be serving your guests. Pictures - Is there a way that you can send me some pictures of the beach set-up as well as the reception set-up? We are trying to decided what "extras" we will want to have included. Please find them attached. Rehearsal - Approximately what time will the rehearsal be at on Thursday evening? How long will it last? Will we be able to do an acutal walk-through of the ceremony?The reahearsal is a walk through the way everyone will be walking in, where they will stand and how to walk out. The actual ceremony we do not go through as we leave this for your special day it usually takes between 15 and 30 mins depending on the group. I will prefer to have the rehearsal between 3 and 4:00 pm in case that I have a wedding on the day so we don’t have to be rushing things up. Decorations - Will there be any additional charge for any decorations that we bring for the reception (candles on table, ect)? No no additional charge just please let me know what you will be bringing so i can noted down This is all I can think of for now, but I'm sure there will be more to come in the near future!
  4. Yes, we are getting married at Dreams on Friday, July 8th 2011.
  5. Although we still have 9 months until our wedding I'm starting to feel the pressure/anxiety (partially because I'm a teacher and have limited time to plan during the school year). There are two "major" decisions I'm in the process of making, music and photographer. Please share any advice you may have, past reviews, opinions, etc, I would love to hear it all! Since we're having a fairly large party/reception when we return home, I'm trying to "budget" my funds as best I can in Cabo. Music - DJ or iPod? What is the average DJ cost? If you used an iPod for the Ceremony/Reception were you satisfied with the sound system, the "flow" of your music, etc? (basically its in your hands, or one of your guests your assign the "job" to push play, as well as from maneuvering from one playlist to another?) Who changed the songs throughout the actual ceremony for you? Is it worth it to pay the extra money for the DJ so you can have an MC? Photographer - We have gone with the Ultimate Dreams Pacakge, I belive it comes with 50-60 pictures. Have you all/are you all planning on getting a photographer of your own? Were you satisfied with the pictures that were included with your package? Are you able to tell the photograher what you want him to "focus" on? Don't get me wrong, I love pictures (and know that a lot of my guests will be taking plenty throughout the night) but I am a little hesitant to spend SO much money on an additional photographer. Although they're great for memories sake, I may put 5-7 up in my house for show? I've filtered through a lot of threads on here but am also interested in those "if I could do it all over (what would you do/not do the same)"? I would love to hear what you all have to say (as I'm sure many of the others planing would)! Thanks in advance for all of your help and time you put into keeping up with this site! Ashley
  6. Another July wedding! We're getting married on Friday the 8th and staying until the 15th, so we'll be there at the same time! How many days before the wedding are you planning on coming in for? We're flying in on Monday the 4th. Have you started looking into any of the details yet?
  7. We have decided to go the route of renting the equipment and have our music stream through an iPod rather than have a DJ. We feel comfortable enough that we'll be able to manage the equipment, especially considering the Best Man is in a band as well as several of the guest (hopefully they'll be able to "troubleshoot" if needed). I'm anxious to hear some feedback from those of you that used and iPod as well. Did you have a different playlists put together for each part of the reception (cocktail, cake cutting, dinner, etc)? How did you have the music coincide with the actual ceremony? How many songs do we need for the actual ceremony (we're doing the symbolic)? I feel confident with many aspects of the wedding planning process, but, the music part is stressing me out!!
  8. I seen several of you post reviews and pictures including Fire Dancers at your reception at Dreams. I did not see this information in the packet that was sent to me, how did you all arrange this? And how much did it cost? We reall like the idea ad think that our guests would really enjoy it!
  9. So we've got the date booked and are sending the Deposit today! July 8th 2011 will be OUR day! Such a relief to have a date set! We were give Yarai as our WC, anyone else been assigned to her? She's seemed to know all of the anwers to my questions thus far (although replies do take 5 days on average, which is understandable being that our date is over a year out). We really look forward to working with her to plan our special day! We're taking our Save the Date invite pics next weekend. A close friend of mine is a photographer and is going to go with us down to one of our local beaches and take our pictures, we're really looking foward to that since we're both such "water" people!
  10. Yes, I cannot stop saying it, "I'm Engaged!" (or looking down at my hand!) Since we have already decided on Dreams, I emailed them last night to ask about availability for June/July 2011. For those of you who did the same (email Dreams), about how long did it take for you to hear back from them and get things rolling? I'm a teacher and want to take full advantage of getting most of the planning done this summer so I won't have as much to do when school starts back up. I'm just curious to know how well/fast the WC is with communication. I look forward to getting to know you all and share stories/ideas over the next year! DSC04693.jpg picture by ashleyvaligura - Photobucket
  11. Hi there! This is my first post, but I've been "checking out" the website for about a week now. Although I'm not engaged yet, a little birdie has told me it's happening within the next few weeks! We've decided we want a destination and have even already decided on Dreams in Cabo sometime in June/July of 2011. (call me crazy, yes, but I know already see how much work goes into planning every detail of a destination wedding and we want to make sure we have plenty of time to get the planning doen to a perfection!) I'm currently spending time reading through all of the old threads so that I don't end up asking questions that have already been asked/answered (though I'm sure a lot of that ends up happeneing anyhow!). I look forward to chatting with you all as we all get excited, nervous, anxious, all of the above, for our BIG day! To those of you who have already booked @ dreams, was a year enough advance to get the date that you wanted? Or at least within a few weeks? It seems like such a gorgeous place, I can imagine that sometimes you need to book sooner that that? Thanks! Ashley (and William)
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