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Everything posted by Anna22

  1. I just had my wedding there (jun 25th) and frankly, it was beautiful but such a disaster! We had so many things go wrong that we ended up with an upgrade to the presidential suite. I will write a full review soon giving all the positives and all the negatives. Just so you know, most negatives were NOT with the romance team. They were amazing.
  2. Tammy, I am using Photo Souvenir as well. They were a bit slow with response time and a bit almost carefree at first. It took a bit more repetitive emails then I was comfortable with. But once I got my deposit in and selected my packages, they were quick to respond and super helpful. My wedding is in just a few days now so if you have any questions about the process with Photo Souvenir, I'm happy to answer as best as I can! ~ Anna
  3. If this link doesn't work for you, go to picasa.com and search under ROMANCE BY PARADISUS you will find photos of everything you need from set up to centerpieces to cakes, flowers... etc. https://picasaweb.google.com/romanceatparadisuspalmareal **Happy Planning** My wedding is June 25th at the Palma Real, I'll post reviews and pics as soon as I return to NYC.
  4. I hear the issue with shipping your decorations to the D.R. is they often get stopped at customs. From there they sometimes do or DO NOT get to their final destination. If you do get your stuff from customs, there is a good chance not all of it will be there. It's well know that things often go missing on the trip to your wedding resort! I am bringing mine down with me. I have secured some family members to help! Also, you'll have to claim your stuff at customs (and pay). If you don't and you happen to get stopped they will take it all from you because it's unclaimed. It's sort of a pain in the butt... but it would stink if you paid all this money for things and then customs takes them - - Well, I guess we'll all figure it out
  5. My wedding is at the paradisus palma real punta cana. 1st thing I had to consider was the cost to my guests I knew if I wanted a huge wedding, most people couldn't afford the palma real but becuase I wanted a small wedding so the palma real was perfect. (tho, there are still some people who can't make it becuae of cost) 2nd I considered the cost to me and my fiance. Each hotel offers really differnt packages. Some of them practally give you a free wedding dinner/reception for up to 20 ppl. But we have close to 100 so it's not easily accomodated. At some resorts (Palma Real Included) are all inclusive, you still havd to pay bascially for everything. So taking into consideration staying in budget was a huge factor. 3rd. Flight time was and Flight cost - if people can only make it for three days, I didnt want them spending two of their three days on a flight! So, we picked the D.R. becasuse it's only 4 hrs. from NY. We also didnt want them to pay an arm and a leg for their flight (but that didnt exactly work) >>If I think of anything else, I'll come back and post! HAPPY PLANNING!
  6. Hey Guys! I just used an amazing centerpiece for my shower. Here is a link to some pics! (if you have issues with the link go to www.picasa.com and search for the album - - BECOMING MRS. KATZ Some really great Ideas in here. I used Conch Shells with fresh flowers for centeripiece. Mini Palm Trees with Swedish Fish Stuffed in them Sand Dollar Seating Cards Sea Horse Candles. It was cute (or so I think) Enjoy Hope You Get Some Good Ideas From It. https://picasaweb.google.com/100198059649114317912/BecomingMrsKatzTheBridalShower#
  7. I have the 2011 Paradisus Palma Real - price list as sent to me by my wedding planner (Teresa) If anyone wants it, email me at [email protected]
  8. If anyone needs the 2011 Price list, I have an excel sheet sent to me by my planner (teresa) at the Palma Real. Shoot me an email [email protected] and I'll send it over. I'd post it but frankly, I dont know how
  9. Thanks for sharing your shutterfly page! My wedding is 6 months away and seeing ur pics got me sooo excited!! we are using the Gabi Rest. for our reception!!
  10. It was a little expensive I send out 150 as well. But I have to tell you worth every penny! My guests are still raving about how beautiful they are!
  11. Ok, so it's not rocket science to protect yourself from Cholera! The main concern for all of us should be if the CDC restricts air travel to the DR then us, and our guest can't get there!! Right now, it is not a concern. Just as an FYI, there have been reports of other countries (Russia) already thinking of restricting air travel into the Dominican Republic. This could start a whirl wind of panic and a snowball effect but not right away!! Additionally, wide spread of Cholera in a place like the Dominican Republic will be a bit slower than in a place like Haiti. So for those of you with weddings coming up soon I don’t think you need to worry about cancelations. (just inform your guests how to protect themselves) I suggest for the rest of us....... Keep checking with the CDC website for any restrictions to the DR (again, there are none right now). If you are really concerned I would work with your wedding planner now to reschedule. **DO NOT LET THIS STRESS YOU OUT!!! Every thing will work out and we will all have beautiful wedding (maybe not in the DR afterall but still beautiful non the less) ~ Anna CDC Site: http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/default.aspx More Confirmed: http://www.hispanicallyspeakingnews.com/notitas-de-noticias/details/dominican-republics-cholera-cases-increase-while-travel-ban-to-island-being/3131/ Russia thinking of restricing travel to the DR. http://en.rian.ru/russia/20101122/161435396.html
  12. my wedding is all booked and frankly, I am very concerned. I would not feel good about myself if on of my 100 guests returned from our DR trip sick from this. My wedding is 6.26 however the last outbreak was from 97- 2007 so I don't think we are overracting!
  13. I am obsessed with sutterflys shared web site. http://ericannapuntacana2011.shutterfly.com/ I just did mine - - Its going to allow all my friends and family to post phots of our wedding on that one page! Also the calendar options allows you to set reminders such as... "Bridal Shower Today" and your guest will get an email saying Don't forget to post your pics on the site! AMAZING! hope you all like it as much as i do!
  14. Just a quick review on Ana De Roux - - Ana's work quality is amazing. Photos do no justice to how beautiful things really are. She did my save the dates sent photos and while I thought they were indeed nice - I had no idea how beautiful they really were till they were delivered! Then, in a last minute Opps, turns out I forgot a number of people. I sent Ana and email and without hesitation she said they'd be in the mail asap! AMAZING Work - - Great person to work with!! http://www.anaderoux.com/English/links.html I have some photos of my Save The Dates... if you want to see pics email me at [email protected]
  15. My apologies for starting this thread and never checking back in on it.... I am now working with Teresa (in Canada) She is amazing. Her son is getting married there in early November so she'll have first hand experience down there as well as a fresh perspective of how things are run both on the planner side, and as a guest. I am having 120 Guest in the Gabi Room on June 25th. Things are finally falling into place. And even tho, I feel like the Palma Real has raped my wallet - - Its all turning out OK. So all you Palma Real Brides.... breath!!! I am sure we will all have beautiful (way over budget) weddings happy to answer anyquestions but I sign on here less and less you can email me at [email protected] or search that on facebook and I'll come up!
  16. very useful! Thanks! I'm going to do my own album and flush mount is just want I was looking for!
  17. I use www.mypublisher.com for everything!! The print quality is amazing. But for a wedding you may want to think about a Flush mount album they are abit more expensive but hey, it's ur wedding pics!! Â
  18. I'm so in love with your ablum!! It came out beautiful!! Â It makes me feel way more comfortable knowing I will be doing my own! Â Thanks for sharing it with us!
  19. My FI and I have decided against full suites for the 8 groomsmen. Nothing says uncomfortable like a suite jacket in 100 degree weather!! So we were thinking instead of mens flowers, the men should wear Kukui Nut Leis. I know it's more of a Hawaiian tradition, but I like it... What do you guys think??
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