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Everything posted by kclyburn

  1. Hi. My hotel coordinator is insisting that we pay all vendors on a master account at the end of the wedding. Is this normal? I have been contacting the vendors myself for quotes and they have asked for deposits. When I relay the information to my hotel, they give me the run around and contact the vendors themselves to hold the date with out a deposit. Also, one of my vendors asked me not to discuss prices with my hotel. What is the deal I would rather pay as we go than have a huge bill at the end. Has anyone else experienced this? Any advice?
  2. Looks like you had a beautiful wedding. I am planning my wedding at the Capella Pedregal for December! Any planning advice you can give would be MUCH appreciated. I am so overwhelmed with the "blind" decisions, as I have not made a site visit and have no idea when I will be able to!
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