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About GoobySmack

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  1. Hi girls, Here is my two cents on short hair and getting married. The first time I got married (yes this is round 2 for me) I had short hair and I totally stressed about growing it or getting extensions or whatever (i had a short bob) and would my fiance like it better if it was long. But in the end I realized that I was more me with my short hair. If I grew it I'd just wind up cutting it off anyway and if I got extensions I'd just feel like an imposter. This time around I have even shorter hair ( a pixie) and I'm not even thinking about changing it. Short hair is who I am and I look damn good in it! We are lucky enough to be able to have short hair and look HOT so why change? In the end you need to do what makes you happy and what makes you comfortable. But I wouldn't let that image of the bride with long flowing locks or an upswept do change the beautiful person you will be on your wedding day regardless of what it on your head.
  2. Thanks for the warm welcome girls! Does anyone have an advice or insight on Travel Agents? I did some looking on BDW and it seems like a lot of brides love working with some of the TAs on here. I filled out the TA info form by clicking the banner at the top of the site. I haven't heard back yet...and I'm stressing a little! Marisa
  3. Has anyone gotten any more info on the Zoetry Aguan PC since this thread started? It is at the top of our list...has gotten great reviews on TripAdvisor...looks beautiful. It would be great if anyone any insight regarding weddings there. We emailed them on Sunday and have gotten no response...will try calling this afternoon. Any insight would be great! Thanks!
  4. My name is Marisa. We are looking to get married in Feb 2011. Right now we are looking at the Dominican Republic. Hoping to find some great ideas, review and feedback on this site! Thanks and nice to meet you all!
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