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Everything posted by char79uk

  1. Hi ladies So remember I was telling you about the draping that i wanted on the golf club walls which is going to cost anywhere from £1500-£2000, well i'm still getting quotes so will hopefully get a cheaper price. I thought i'd show you some before and after pictures so you can see how they transform a room. We did think about doing it DIY but to tell you the truth i don't think we will be able to recreate the look and also my bridesmaids would have to get into the room in the morning and start setting it all up, which is not feasible. We both really like it so we're going to see if the budget can stretch but we're not going to kill ourselves for it.
  2. Amurka - I love your invitiations they are gorgeous hun, be sure to post a picture when you add your colours on. Nicy - Woo Hoo you've posted the invites, I can't believe your wedding is coming around so quickly...when I created this thread you were the first person to reply to me on the day that you booked your wedding and now you are weeks away from heading of to Mexico, time sure does fly. And although I keep moaning about how long i've got until my wedding I had over 2 years to go when I started the thread and now i've got 16 months, still long I know but it feels as though it is going so fast xxx Samclav1 - your dress is gorgeous, i'm sure you'll look stunning in it x Roo - i'm so sorry to hear that your mum is unwell, the hospital should be ashamed of themselves that is disgusting, you should put in a formal complaint. Mel - my thoughts are with you and your family, I hope that everybody is ok xx
  3. well thankfully Michelle she is not staying with us she has a flat to stay in when she comes over to England (not that I would ever allow her to stay with us and I think FI would know there'd be a murder committed), but even her being here is going to drive me mad, she has Wayne running around after her like a headless chicken....'oh sweetie can you just drop me down the road' (well NO because you live 1 hour drive from us, so it's not just down the road is it).....grrrrrr she gets me so angry. Can you believe that we have been together 9 years in May and our mothers have NEVER met. His mum looks down on everybody, god knows why though because it's not like she's a millionnaire she only owned her own hairdressing business and her own house. I said if they meet and she makes my mum feel bad in anyway shape or form for being 'working class' and not owning her own house etc etc then I will go for her, becasue my mum is so lovely and wouldn't even say anything. Wayne thinks its a good idea for us to have them meet when she is over this time as we have been putting it off for ages but i'm not so sure, i suppose it has to happen eventually though!!!
  4. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...FI just told me that he spoke to MIL from hell and she is coming over to 'visit' in a couple of weeks for 2 loooooong weeks. I swear if that women dares to say anythng to me about Wayne's brother not being best man i will not be held responsible for my actions.
  5. Quick catch up. Michelle, everything you make is just so lovely, you are one creative chick i think you've missed your calling in life . I am so glad you still love your wedding dress, it really is beautiful and I love your side tiara. xxx Nicy - I know it's been a while but sorry about the job being so far away, but on the plus at least the interview went well it is good practice. Your AHR sounds like it is all coming together nicely. I absolutely love those butterfly invites i'm going to look into them and i'll keep you posted. Roo - I agree with the other girls I would sell your wedding dress yourself hun. Kiwimel - Your dress is lovely and if it is the one for you then it doesn't matter if it is beachy or not, like Michelle I was going to wear a big dress no matter where I got married as it was the one for me. xx Josie - Welcome back hun, wow everything sounds perfect. I love that you and Buster made time for each other and spent the evening on the beach, that part brought a tear to my eye. Congratulations girl xx Gom4good - I would choose the colours that you like, it is your wedding day and it should be perfect for you. Samclav1 - If i could give one piece of adivce it would be to do whatever makes you and your FI happy. It is your wedding day nobody elses and they have no right to question you or make you feel guilty about choosing to go to Mexico. When we were having our wedding in Mexico we had people complain about it and asking us why we chose there and telling us they wont be able to come, it caused alot of family arguments, but when we decided that it felt right for us to have the Wedding in the UK those same people then complained about us doing it here as they were looking forward to Mexico....you can't win, people will always find something to complain about hun, just do what is right for you and your FI.
  6. Hi ladies Just thought i'd let you know that the Church have confirmed our wedding date Saturday 30th June 2012. whoo hoo i'm so excited the church is just beautiful i love it even more everytime we visit. I've also booked my photographer and videographer and i've got a meeting with a highly recommended DJ on Saturday. Bit of a dilema, we wanted the walls of the Golf Club covered in white drapes and a fairy light wall behind the head table, we've been getting some quotes and it is sooooo expensive anywhere from £1500 - £2000...the girls are saying that we can get some fabric and do it ourselves but i don't want it to look tacky, so not sure what we're going to do at the moment as it will eat into alot of our decorations budget, but on the other hand we're not spending alot on the centre pieces as one of my bridesmaids will make them and we're only going to have diamantes scattered on the tables. I have already got my chair sash bows and table runners, so maybe it's doable but it's soooo much money to spend on covereing the walls but it really does transform the place....hmmmm what to do???
  7. nicy this is the ebay link for the butterfly t lights http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Landon-Tyler-Battery-LED-Butterfly-Colour-Changing_W0QQitemZ180620395301QQcmdZViewItem?rvr_id=210315961716&rvr_id=210315961716&cguid=0671466712e0a0a9f627b477fec24613
  8. for our centre pieces we are going to have a mirrored plate with a tall vase and some flowers and we were going to put t lights around the mirrored plate (not explaining very well but i know you know what i mean). I have just found these butterfly t lights on ebay, they are battery operated and change colour every few minutes....i love love love them!!
  9. WELL DONE NICY WHOOP WHOOP!!! Thank you for being honest, I wasn't too sure about the earings either but i do like the necklace xx
  10. Hi girls I'm trying to find a gift for my bridesmaids, I found this necklace and matching earing set and it also goes with my butterfly theme, i'm quite girly so i like them. Be honest what do you think? Does it look cheap and tacky for adult bridesmaids...honest opinions please.
  11. Amurka - thanks for the website link i'll have a look later i do love Etsy. Having your AHR in your garden sounds like a lovely idea, it will be nice and relaxed and more intimate. x Michelle - I love the place cards hun x As you all know i too have the MIL from hell, as well as a BIL from hell. I knew it wouldn't be too long before the evil cow contacted FI to put in her two cents about my 'disagreement' with BIL. She called FI today (as I disconnected the skype) and basically said that I was out of order and why am I trying to come between FI and BIL...is she fucking kidding me....well it get's even better, she went on to say what kind of woman am i, is he sure he wants to marry me...wtf!!! FI said to her that she wasn't here when the disagreement took place and he was and BIL was overreacting and it is BIL decision to not be bestman, he said that Charmaine even apologised to him for something she didn't even do but he still threw it back in her face. He told her that him and his brother are still speaking fine, he just doesn't want to be bestman and that's it. If she has a problem then she is to speak to BIL because nobody hasn't said to him he can't be bestman he is just being a spoilt brat!!! Ooooooooooooh that woman really drives me mad, but i am determined to stay out of it. I don't want anybody saying that i did this or said that. My monday rant over with...lol
  12. Congratulations on booking your AHR Nicy x Regarding the bras i have the complete opposite problem...trying to find a strapless bra that will fit around my 34GG boobs that still looks nice and pretty and does not show when i have my dress on. if any of you come along one please let me know.
  13. Sam - fantastic news about your wedding time x Michelle - 100 sleeps is that all, it is coming around so quickly for you girls it feels like i've got forever to go but i'm enjoying the planning. x Nicy - it was a bit of a mad one and i don't go out often maybe once every few months but when i do i always go OTT, I really need to learn some self control...lol
  14. we are hoping to get married in the uk 30th June 2012, just need to confirm the date with the church and then we will fly out to The Royal for our honeymoon a few days later. It looks beautiful and I can't wait to get out there, hopefully we'll still be there when you get married xx
  15. Thank Nicy, great minds think alike, i've already got the butterfly ones and i ordered these: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Wedding-Just-Married-Purple-Lilac-Balloons-Weights-Kit-/170600403403?pt=UK_Home_Garden_Celebrations_Occasions_ET&hash=item27b89391cb
  16. OMG girls I went out on Friday night just to my mates for what was supposed to be a few drinks. I told Wayne that i'd be home at a "respectable" time and definitely no later than 1am...well by the time it got to 1am we had the dressing up box out, I don't remember much but the pictures i've got on my phone are something else...i'm dressed in a moulon rouge outfit with a blonde curly wig and a batman eye mask on wtf...i just remember laughing so much that my ribs hurt, i ended up rolling in my house at 7am still very much off my nut, woke Wayne up because I needed somebody to talk to (he wasn't impressed but coped with the mess that is his wife to be pretty well) I didn't get to sleep until 1pm but woke again at 5.30pm. I'm still feeling so rough and the thought of going to work tomorrow is depressing and i didn't make it to church this morning (feeling a little guilty about that). I never learn, i'm such a greedy cow and never no when to stop...lol. NEVER AGAIN though!!!
  17. Hi Mich2011, I got my flowergirl dress off of ebay £25 including delivery, she does them in all different colours, red, pink, ivory, white, navy, sky blue, lilac. This is the link http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FLOWER-GIRL-DRESS-BUTTERFLY-WHITE-PINK-RED-IVORY-MORE-/170473828328?pt=UK_Wedding_Clothing&var=&hash=item6d6e520e8b Jo that is so funny, i can see this definitely happening to me on my wedding day x Happy Birthday Leanne, I hope you enjoyed your day, what a lovely bday present from mum and dad x So pleased to hear about your interview hun...fingers crossed for you, let me know how it goes xxx
  18. i'm sure it won't be too long before she is in contact, i really hope for her sake that she doesn't start any rubbish because the way i'm feeling i'll bann her from the wedding (one can only dream)
  19. Michelle was it you that brought the personalised heart sweets??? if so where did you get them from hun and how much if you don't mind me asking??
  20. he is an absolte tosser Michelle, he pisses me of so much, all of this is becuase I asked him not to stress Wayne out about choosing ushers as we've got plenty of time to decide and I don't want Wayne stressed. If you remember we had an argument a few years back over Wayne's 30th and I didn't talk to him or MIL for over a year but thought we should all make an effort seeing as we're getting married...well he can piss off now, he behaves like such a spoilt brat and he is 31 next month, pathetic. I haven't even heard from MIL yet, i'm sure she's going to have something to say but I turned of the skype the day after the argument so she can't contact as at the moment....Wayne hasn't noticed yet and i'll just play dumb when he realises!!! Ah that will be nice to spend some time with mum and sis x thanks i love them too, i'm just hoping that the BM dresses are a close match to the table runners as I don't want too many different shades of purple. The flower girls dress are lilac to break up the darker purple a bit and I will have a few other lilac bits like the favour bags and maybe some flowers but not too much.
  21. This is my flowergirl dress, I am so pleased with this the quality and fabric is excellent and it was only £25, i love it. she does loads of other colours if any of you girls are interested and the flower is detachable. It's a lighter shade to my bm dresses but I have 8 bridesmaids and i wanted to break up the darker purple a bit.
  22. these are my butterfly organza favour bags. I got 150 for £15. 75 in white (below) and 75 in lilac
  23. My bridesmaid dresses, i told the girls that seeing as they are paying for their own dresses they can choose their own as long as they all agree on the same dress. I thought it would be a problem as they range in size from 8 - 20 but they all like this dress. I've ordered one to see what the quality is like.
  24. Table runners, I got 14 for £35 including delivery, they are a beautiful shade of purple. I also go the chair sash bows in the same colour, 120 for £105 but the Golf Club where i'm having my reception are going to buy both table runners and chair sash bows off of me after the wedding for £90 for both, which i didn't think was bad at all. They can then hire them out themselves when they do functions because at the moment they hire.
  25. Hi Jo Well Wayne said the other day that he is not going to have a best man but i told him not to be so ridiculous we are not letting his brother have the satisfaction of knowing that he has messed that up for him. He'll probably have one of his 2 close mates but i'm not pushing him at the moment because i know he's upset even though he's not showing it plus we've still got a 16 months until the wedding.
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