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Tropical Love

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Everything posted by Tropical Love

  1. Welcome Yvonne! Congrats on your engagement and good luck with your planning Â
  2. The only problem with that is, I live in the northeast and I would hate for people to have to travel in the winter time and to have to come out of pocket around the holidays. That's one of the main reasons why I wanted to do it the following spring/summer. But that's a great idea! Â
  3. Papermart has GREAT prices. Thank you ladies for sharing that find!!
  4. That's a great idea Cookiemunchkin about including different items in the bags! Â
  5. GREAT IDEA! I was just on vistaprint today and was wondering what I can do with oversized postcards!! Thank you for the idea...keep them coming. Â
  6. Ladies, I'm getting married in Oct 2011 and I originally planned to have a AHR reception the following Spring of 2012. My FH has suggested having a pre celebration party and renting out a pavillion at one of the local parks...one of my bridesmaid also suggested a pre celebration party too. So, now we're attempting to discuss which one would be better. I'm totally torn between the two. I wouldn't mind having a pre celebration party because that would allow us to celebrate with all the friends and family who couldn't make it/ or I couldn't invite before we go and it would be in the summer. But would people get an attitude if I invite them to AHR but didn't invite them to the wedding? Then, if we have it the following spring after our wedding..I was wondering if people would even show up since it'll be 7 months after the ceremony! But this would give us the opportunity to show our wedding pictures and would allow our guest to share in our day. HELP Ladies...let's discuss  Oh and PS ..there are so many people that I couldn't invite to the DW...but I would love to invite them to my bridal shower....is that rude? That's one reason I was actually leaning to a pre celebration party too...
  7. Welcome Norma! You're not crazy at all, I'm getting married next Oct 2011 and my FI and I picked our resort out the end of May. Congrats on your engagement and happy planning! This website has everything you would ever need and the ladies are so warm, friendly and HONEST! Enjoy... -Yolanda
  8. Mrs. Williams, What a great idea!! I've been trying to figure how I can get people to share the pictures they take as well, thanks for this idea. How'd you narrow down with company/site to use to down load? Â
  9. Brandy...they look great! Thanks for puting them up. It's always helpful to see other people ideas! Thanks again!
  10. DeAngelis2Be, I was speaking to one of my friends whose from Jamaica and she informed me that mailing stuff down there is tricky.....you best bet she said is to get a bunch of friends and family to carry stuff down for you. This way you won't be paying tons of money yourself for baggage and not stressing whether or not your stuff will make it there, then make it through customs etc. that's what Im doing, I've already told me wedding party to expect to be carrying things down for me and actually, some of my friends have offered too. good luck Â
  11. Congrats Jannae! what a beautiful bride..... I was wondering, did you rent the sashes for your chairs or did you purchase them? If you purchased them, would you be willing to sell them? Thanks, Yolanda
  12. Congrats and welcome. it took me and FH forever to choose Ibeorstar in Montego Bay Jamaica! It was either Jamaica or Mexico....i was hooked on Mexico but my family wasn't too happy with that due to all the violence down there. So, we compromised and selected Iberostar Grand. Good luck with picking your location. Use this forum as much as you can. I've found that this has been the best website for assitance for DWs!!
  13. Bridgette, welcome to the forum. Make sure you check out the Iberostar forum on here! It covers all three hotels Ibeorstar has in Montego Bay. I'm getting married at the Grand and can't wait 10-22-11~~ Look forward to seeing your planning process! GOOD LUCK
  14. TechoQueen- have you ever thought about Jamaica?! I'm getting married at the Ibeorstar Grand in Montego Bay, and all the brides on here HIGHLY recommend it! Good luck on your decision making, it's the hardest thing in the wedding process! Good luck and congrats on your engagement Â
  15. welcome and happy planning.You're going to love this website!
  16. welcome to the foum Judy. take advantage of everything. The brides and brides to be are a MAJOR help on everything!!! On a personal level, Im getting married in Jamaica at the Ibeorstar Montego Bay and the brides who've already had their event there, have been not only assisted me but have soooo put my mind at ease on my choice!! Congrats!!
  17. Welcome to the forum LanaM and Congrats! Good luck on picking your destination. Happy planning!
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