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Everything posted by mdb

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by cessyboston here is mine..... love that cake! did you take your own ribbon?
  2. I would say just invite them and if they don't come... then at least you can say you tried. : ) if your inviting from one side, you should probably invite from the other side. Just my thought
  3. 1,000 to 2,000. More than what I wanted to spend but I love my dress
  4. Girls came today to work on wedding stuff.
  5. I feel addicted also, my fiance calls this my new friends
  6. 1. Where is your cell phone? couch 2. Your significant other? Eli 3. Your hair? up 4. Your mother? camp 5. Your father? camp 6. Your favorite thing? ? 7. Your dream last night? none 8. Your favorite drink? Tea : ) 9. Your dream/goal? Travel 10. The room you're in? living 11. Your ex? ? 12. Your fear? robber 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? babies 14. Where were you last night? home 15. What you're not? grumpy 16. Muffins? blueberry 17. One of your wish list items? ? 18. Where you grew up? PA 19. The last thing you did? work 20. What are you wearing? workout 21. Your TV? flat 22. Your pets? loves 23. Your computer? mac 24. Your life? stressful 25. Your mood? tired 26. Missing someone? eli 27. Your vehicle? jeep 28. something your not wearing? flipflops 29. Favorite Store? Gap 30. Your summer? Stressful 31. Like someone? ? 32. favorite color? turqoise 33. When is the last time you laughed? earlier 34. Last time you cried? today
  7. WOW the photos are amazing!!! Everything looks beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!
  8. Wow Everything looks so perfectly planned!!! BEAUTIFUL
  9. are there any excellence brides who have a copy of their program? I'm interested in what the ceremony looks like! : ) Thanks, Michelle
  10. Yep! We are staying 12 days and our guests are staying 6 ! : )
  11. I just found LUFAS at the $1 store! I'm thinking they might be nice for in the oot Bags
  12. Hope you had your picture perfect wedding day Nikki : ) Can't wait to see your pictures
  13. The time has finally come, I said yes and we’ll become one. It won’t be June or in July, But January, we will fly You won’t need boots or a hat, But, it will be hot, I promise you that. Go ahead and take a guess… It’s Jamaica mon… with no stress January is the date to wait, So don’t forget to save the date. Add your name and the official dates Here is an idea.. I hope it helps... : )
  14. love the peacock boutonnieres and your shoes. I may have something made similar for the guys. : )
  15. I'm a special education teacher : )
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