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Everything posted by jodieP

  1. I like the first one! These are great idea's well done in getting all the stuff together! Jodie.xx
  2. We have decided on 4pm, maily because of light and sunset time for photo's and there wont be too much time between then and the reception! Jodie.xx
  3. Im completely undecided yet if i will have a veil yet or not? So i was wondering what the rest of you are wearing? Veil? Flowers? Tiara? Im over whelmed with all the choices?? Thanks Jodie.xx
  4. What a fantastic job!! well done! your guests will love them!! Jodie.xx
  5. >Andrea, your ideas on the lanterns are great! > Jen would you like to have a color theme? how about blue and gold, sea and sand idea, then you could work around that and have the place cards, centerpieces etc a little more tropical and tie it tother more? Will the band be plying tropical kinda music too? or is it more a traditional band? let us know what you come up with? Jodie.xx
  6. Yup I plan on doing this in out welcome books but I have yet to decide on the layout or put together a template?! Let us know how you get on? I think it's a great idea, especially for those who have never met! I have been to 2 other DW and really wish they had done that for us! Get creative Jodie.xx
  7. Aw Aisha! It is wonderful you guys have so much love!! It made me smile cause it's so sweet! The longest me and FI have been apart is 5 wks and i thought i would go insane!! Chin up sweetie! You have the rest of your life together and being apart will be a distant memory! Hugs Jodie.xx
  8. jodieP


    Congrats and welcome!! Jodie.xx
  9. I'd luv to know how it turned out too!! Hope it all got sorted in the end! Jodie.xx
  10. Hi all, WoW this thread has really come to life!! yay!! I've missed loads! Time to catch up! Kerry - Your dress is wonderful! I wouldn't worry over the small details! unless they really make the difference to you? Otherwise I think it a wonderful resemblance! U must be so excited!! Im lagging a bit in my DIY Projects! haven't even got the stuff yet! Im doing the invitations and Welcome books....so far! although Keep adding to my list whilst reading this addictive site!! LOL! I'll be Mrs Jodie Mulholland once married! I find it strange writing that too!! It wonderful to have this thread of all us UK planners! Although I have been to mexico twice already I find it difficult planning fro a distance? We're torn wether to have a AHR though! we originally didn't want one but now were under pressure form the family who cant make it to have one? we'll see! OhI' loving 4 weddings and wedding sos too! I really wish there was a US version of 4 weddings, think it would be great!! will get pics of my dress up asap!! Jodie.xx
  11. Eliana, Hope you have decided what dress you really want to be married in! I agree with the others, when he see's you in the dress walking down the aisle towards him, he'll be blown away with how beautiful his bride looks and wont ever remember any other dress he ever seen!! Go with what dress you truely want I think you look amazing in both dresses but I especially like the first one!! My FI walked past my dress three times in the store window and didn't glance twice at it!! He has no idea he has actually seen my dress! It looks and sits better on me a million times better than the model in the window and I truly feel amazing in it!! The sparkle, glow you'll have from it being your wedding day will make you and feel indescribable in the dress you deep down want! Don't settle and choose your wedding dress with your heart!! Good luck and let us know what dress you decide on! Jodie.xx
  12. Congrats and welcome! Happy planning! Jodie.xx
  13. Congrats and welcome!! This site is definitely a godsend of information and support! Happy planning! Jodie.xx
  14. Congrats and welcome! Happy panning! Jodie.xx
  15. AW, It brought a tear to my eye too! What a wonderful idea and time to spend with your nana!! Such a beautiful experience! Jodie.xx
  16. Congratulations & welcome!! This forum is full of wonderful ideas and information!! Happy planning! Jodie.xx
  17. They look fantastic! great job! Thankyou for the tip of uploading the to vistaprint too!! Jodie.xx
  18. Haha! well done on getting the dress! Jodie.xx
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