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Everything posted by jhartford19

  1. I am having a hard time with this as well. Thanks for posting this question, the suggestions are really helpful!
  2. The mini hand sanitizers are at the dollarstores, wal-mart, target, check the travel samples section of the stores! Good luck!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by luchdiamond Im just having problems with finding the plastic to put the cards in. I am having that same problem. I am going to try looking online at Staples and other office supply stores. Good luck with your search!
  4. That dress looks amazing on you! I already have mine though!
  5. Wow, what a pretty dress! Good luck in your search!
  6. I think you should be honest with the bride, she might be thinking the same thing as you, but not want to say the dress isn't flattering on you to spare your feelings. If you tell her you feel very uncomfortable wearing that style, but if that is what she wants then you will wear it, she may change her mind about the style. I would definately want my bridesmaids to tell me if they hated the dress, especially if I was having them pay for the dress. Be honest with her, her heart might not be as set on the dress as you think it is.
  7. My mom and sister really want me to wear a veil, so I think I might wear a veil and then after the ceremony take it off and wear a flower or something in my hair. Good luck with your decision!
  8. That dress looks great on you! I was looking at one similar to that one, it was one of the two I was deciding between. I love that dress!
  9. The place where I got my dress suggested two months before for the first fitting, but I know they can do them pretty quickly if you need them done fast!
  10. I think I like dress #1, but it is hard to tell with the pictures of dress #2.
  11. I am in the same boat as you! I am looking for the beginning of Feb. and the price I was quoted for the Paradisus in Punta Cana was $2700. But when I looked for it myself on the same TA's website for the end of October (that was the latest date I could look up) it was only $1200. This is really frustrating! I have contacted 4 different TA's some have been more helpful than others. Keep me posted on what prices you have been quoted because I am also flying out of Toronto! And I will do the same
  12. Hi, I am also planning on going to Punta Cana in 2011. From what I have seen, I really like the Paradisus, but I have heard that Dreams is really nice too. Those are the two places we are deciding between right now. I know what you mean by the extras adding up. I like how the hotels are all-inclusive but if you want to have a private bar at your wedding you have to pay per person! I am thinking my guests will just have to walk to the hotel bar, really, I am doing them a favour, I am helping them burn off some of the calories that they are drinking...hahaha
  13. Hi Ashley! Finding the destination and the perfect date can be quite difficult! I am pretty sure I will be going to the Paradisus in Punta Cana DR, but I still don't have a date yet. I am thinking around Feb. 2011. But booking this early the prices are crazy! So I will have to wait!
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