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Everything posted by jhartford19

  1. That is too cute, but I would have to try it on...I am not sure what size I am at VS. I am sure someone will buy it very soon!
  2. I can't see the pictures for some reason...but it looks like everything is gone!
  3. The dress is really pretty, I am sure you will have no problems selling it!
  4. Wow you have a lot of really nice things for your wedding! Sorry I can't help you out though! Good luck with your sale!
  5. It is a very pretty dress, but I already have mine. Good luck selling it!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by dawnkyeknod I would probably like about 20 or 25 but I was wondering if you knew how much shipping would cost. I would prefer to have them shipped to my house in Canada but I have a Buffalo mailing address if thats cheaper. I would hate to spend $20 on the tags then anohter $20 for shipping... Thanks Your address in the states, is it a relative or is it through a company? I want to order some stuff and I saw some company that sets up addresses in the US and then will ship your stuff for you and I was wondering how that works.... Thanks
  7. Your stuff is really cute, but I am not ready to buy....but I wanted to tell you that you looked amazing!
  8. What a great idea....sorry I have no suggestions, I don't think the places that would carry them here in Canada are in the US.
  9. I see the pink shoes....they are super cute, but too big for me! Good luck selling them!
  10. I think you should at least talk to your dad to see how he feels about the issue. My dad and I don't have the closest relationship, but I am pretty sure he would be hurt if he didn't walk me down the aisle. Personally, I would rather walk down the aisle myself, but I don't feel it is worth it to hurt his feelings. So check with him first. As for your sister, I would have her walk down the aisle and stand up at the front like you would normally do. The groomsmen don't always walk down the aisle so this will not appear odd. In the end, it is your day so you need to do things the right way for you!
  11. I am also in the same boat, I have been with my Fi for 10 years and we have lived together for 5. We bought a house and bought everything brand new for it. But I am still going to register and through word of mouth and by what is on our registry people will realize that we have all of the basics. We are going to upgrade anything that needs to be upgraded (i.e. we really need a nice douvet) and just hope for the best. I would suggest that you do the same and don't mention money a gift is optional and sometimes people are offended by the request of money.
  12. I agree with what a lot of the girls are saying. It sounds as though he won't go anyway, so you should invite him, but inform him of who will be there, etc. He probably won't come, but you won't risk hurting his feelings if you don't invite him.
  13. I saw someone on here made their program into a fan and they posted the template. It is a great idea. It was just four petals and on each petal they wrote things like who was in the wedding, etc. You could print it on cardstock, hole punch it and tie it with ribbon. It was posted in the DIY forum!
  14. Congratulations and happy planning!
  15. Congratulations and welcome to the forum!
  16. Congratulations! Picking your destination is one of the hardest parts of a DW! Good luck!
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