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Everything posted by AshleyL

  1. Thanks Katelynn. I have been searching for a map. Thanks too for the info on the facebook group. I'll have to look into that.
  2. Akua420 do you know if your group is booked in the Royal Golden section? If they are then yes all the rooms should be ocean view suites. We chose to upgrade to the golden section, but since it was $100 more we gave our guests the option to upgrade or not. Not all rooms are ocean view though.
  3. Akua I went to Shoppers and bought the aloe today - thanks for the tip! Definitely cheapest I've seen too. In the mini toiletry section at Wal Mart they have Tide, laundry soap for hand washing in the sink - $2 for a 3 pack. Also wanted to let you know that Jysk has beach towels for $4. The material is fairly thin and the pattern is only on the one side. I'm not sure the dimensions but I would say bigger than a standard towel but smaller than a bath sheet. Might work for the beach pillows? Jysk also had clear, plastic tote bags with a pair of flip flops and a rattan beach mat for $4.99, and striped tote bags, insulated to keep stuff cool, and a zippered closure for $3. I didn't buy any of these things so no pics - sorry.
  4. Quote:Originally Posted by akua420 Maybe you could do a kids beauty kit, is she a girly girl? You could do some nail polish, lip balm, hair ties, that sort of thing? I know my niece is crazy for everything girly but it depends on the girl. I'm not going to lie, Im a little jealous beacuse I want to make a kids one but no kids are coming! Good idea for the other girl that age that is coming, but my cousin is not a girly girl at all! She likes quadding, skateboarding, and soccer. The bridesmaid dress she will be wearing will be the first time I have seen this kid in a dress since she was 4. Lol.
  5. Did you know how to sew when you started? I haven't sewn since 8th grade home ec. Is this a project a beginner could do? Thanks for posting, they look awesome!
  6. Have any of you seen that book FML? Well It is full of hilarious misfortunes (hilarious because they happened to someone else) from everyday life. For example here is mine: In the favorite crockpot recipe thread I just told everyone I registered for a bigger CRACKPOT for my wedding. FML So post about the unfortunate (funny) stuff that happened to you today and give the rest of us something to giggle about
  7. Quote:Originally Posted by AshleyL Oh yum I can't wait to try some of these. I even registered for a bigger crackpot for our wedding Gotta love the auto spelling on an iPad haha. I promise I did not register for a crackpot for my wedding.
  8. Oh yum I can't wait to try some of these. I even registered for a bigger crackpot for our wedding
  9. Haha these are too funny! I have accidentally "liked" some random status's before ( it's this damn iPad I swear)
  10. Awww you all have such great, positive attitudes!
  11. I know I finally hit 150 and I still can't open any attachments I will definitely let you know what prices I get for those resorts. That sucks you don't trust your TA either! My photog stayed at the Royal Plantation on her honeymoon and loved it! They had 2 private butlers and everything! I asked her to price that place out for me too, but I have a feeling that might just be wishful thinking.
  12. http://www.ayleebits.com/2009/03/09/passport-invitation-template I used this template for my passport invites. Hopefully that helps. I just used the free one and changed basically everything, the template really helped for the page of the passport with your photo and all that sideways writing -That is a PITA! Good luck!
  13. These are great. Has anybody triednit with the vista print return address labels? I just got mine in the mail so I will have to check if it fits.
  14. Thanks for sharing I haven't started my invites yet, but this will def be helpful when I do.
  15. If you are doing a full out sit down meal, photographer, dj and everything then just look on the knot.com or something for their wedding checklists. We are just having an informal dance with a midnight lunch.
  16. I'm definitely wearing my wedding dress for the AHR. Can't wait to wear it twice!
  17. I'm having an AHR but not a full dinner. More of a dance with snacks and drinks. We are going away partly to save costs so I don't want to come home and blow $80 a head on a meal. We kept the DW for our closest friends and family so the AHR will include everyone.
  18. Quote:Originally Posted by meldal101010 I put in the First Aid Kit, Pepto Bismol, Emergen-C, Breath Assure, Lip Balm, Purell, Moisture wipes & package of Magic Towels. I still need to find advil/tylenol single dose ( can't find them anywhere ) & Immodium. I've been having trouble finding those single dose things too. And most of the websites charge crazy shipping to Canada. The walmart pharmacist told me they could give me a bunch of empty prescription pill bottles but I was worried about getting stopped at customs with those.
  19. I just started reading "the Angel's Game" by Carlos Ruiz Zaffon. I loved Shadow of the Wind so I'm hoping this one is as good. I also want to read the Dragon Tatoo series.
  20. I hate roosters! For Xmas one year my FMIL bought be matching rooster mugs, napkins and even a figurine. I opened it up and of course i pretended to love it but she snapped "you can stop pretending I know you hate it!". Turns out she told FI what she bought me and he was like "uh oh she hates roosters" well he didn't even warn me that he had told her so I kept trying to convince her that I thought they were really beautiful.
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