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Everything posted by katiemj83

  1. HI!!! I am getting married in just two and a half weeks at the Beach Palace in Cancun Mexico! I feel like I am late in the game just joining this forum... but I am in search of pictures of weddings from the Beach Palace! My planning has been very stress free so far... but now the time is sneaking up on me and I am beyond curious as to what the sky/rooftop wedding location looks like! If anyone has any advice or pictures from a wedding at the Beach Palace, I would love it if you could share them with me! Thanks so much!
  2. Hi!!! I am getting married May 1, 2010 at the Beach Palace (2.5 weeks!!!!)... I will post what I think about the experience when I return. So far, the planning has been easy and stress free. My wedding planner doesnt always return emails to me in a timely manner, but other than that it has been great and my guests have had no problem booking rooms with the hotel!
  3. Hi!!! I am getting married at the Beach Palace in 2.5 weeks... May 1st! My wedding planner has been ok so far... she doesnt respond to my emails in a timely manner... but overrall it has been pretty stress free! I am a big "planner" so it is killing me that I am afraid everything wont go perfectly because I am not in control over it all! I will post once we get back and let you know how it all went!
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