Quote: Originally Posted by ashleyryan Hello all
I've been reading posts on here for a couple of months now and just came across this thread.. which is awesome!! People look at me as if I'm crazy when they hear I'm already starting to plan my wedding, which isn't for 2 years! lol -- we're planning for April 2012
We got engaged on the night of Valentines day of this year (but technically the cusp of V day and Family day).
Our engagement party is on June 5th in my parents backyard and I was thinking of giving out save the dates the the guests, but I also liked the idea of the Christmas card!
Even though it's 2 years away I feel like there is so much planning that should be started asap to avoid stress!
What do you ladies have planned so far? I totally agree, planning ahead can avoid stress. At the same time it gets frustrating at times because prices tend to change or this or have not been released yet, etc.
I think if all your guests will be at the engagement party why not do it then. If not Xmas cards are a great idea because it will be snowing/cold (most likely) and you can throw in something tropical to counter the cold with.
I would check Etsy for ideas on the STD if you haven't already.