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Everything posted by Amelie-Mellow

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese Thx Ticia for the info. I was looking at the Melia as a possibility but if I wanted a private reception they would charge me extra for the open bar...it really added up!! Im my experience researching different resorts in PC-most hotels charge extra for the open bar even though they are all inclusive.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Diva Hey there, welcome and congrats!!! Don't know if having kids there is important, but if there will be no kids, then Excellence Punta Cana is the way to go!!! I second Diva- Excellence IS the way to go. If you check trip advisor it's among the top 5 resorts in the area. Congratulations and welcome to the site!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ashleyryan Hello all I've been reading posts on here for a couple of months now and just came across this thread.. which is awesome!! People look at me as if I'm crazy when they hear I'm already starting to plan my wedding, which isn't for 2 years! lol -- we're planning for April 2012 We got engaged on the night of Valentines day of this year (but technically the cusp of V day and Family day). Our engagement party is on June 5th in my parents backyard and I was thinking of giving out save the dates the the guests, but I also liked the idea of the Christmas card! Even though it's 2 years away I feel like there is so much planning that should be started asap to avoid stress! What do you ladies have planned so far? I totally agree, planning ahead can avoid stress. At the same time it gets frustrating at times because prices tend to change or this or have not been released yet, etc. I think if all your guests will be at the engagement party why not do it then. If not Xmas cards are a great idea because it will be snowing/cold (most likely) and you can throw in something tropical to counter the cold with. I would check Etsy for ideas on the STD if you haven't already.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Jennybell1 Just wanted to proclaim from the rafters - I got ENGAGED last night - finally I can actually truly plan my wedding. Dont get me wrong - I have been doing so for the past 9 months on this site, buying things, DIY's etc...but it wasnt the same. Now I feel like I have the freedom to do whatever ....Ahhhhhh! So happy!!!!! Congrats Jennybell! I agree, let's hear the story! Have you picked your wedding location yet?
  5. What about the product Kat Von D designed to cover up tattoo's, they sell it at sephora.
  6. Maggie- those invites look awesome! If you haven't already I think you should totally go for them. We are also going with a vintage feel from a vendor we found on etsy.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by bikegirl Travel agent told me the exact same. That a lot of the incentives offered for year will no longer be offered for next year as the travel industry is bouncing back. Good for the economy, bad for us 2011 brides! If it makes you guys feel better we are also in your shoes- we have been quoted very high prices. Based on the recommendations on this thread I think we might wait until we are closer before agreeing to a price. Question for everyone: Have you gotten better deals going through your TA or going directly to the hotel? (we are currently working with a TA) Thanks again!
  8. We have already gotten quotes for February 2012 (which is when we would like to get married)- they quotes are pretty high at about 1900! For a week at Excellence Punta Cana including airfare from Toronto/Ottawa. We would love to find a package between 1500-1800 and still get an awesome resort. Thanks for the advice- I think we might wait until we are closer but probably not 6-9 months as I would have a panic attack by then..
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Oryx Hi Amelie-Mellow, So far I am getting quotes for about $1700, but I'm hoping the price goes down to the $1500 - $1600 range. You don't have $1400 - $1700 in your poll. Yeah- my FI thought it (14-16 range) was negligable so we didn't put it.
  10. Hey Tiffany- we are no longer alone! Long engagements are the new black (lol) Looks like you and Maggie are looking at some of the same hotels-That's exciting! Maggie, your time lines sound awesome I think invites out by May 2011 for your wedding May 2012 is the way to go. Have either of you ladies started looking at STD and invite options? There are amazing ones on Etsy. You can get great deals with some awesome designs done there.
  11. Hi all, My FI and I are getting some complaints about the cost of travel to our wedding. I was hoping you could let me know what range your travel packages are in. We are considering 5 star resorts in Punta Cana-so although I appreciate hearing back from everyone, would really like to hear from other brides in the 4.5-5 star category. Thanks ladies!
  12. Merci á tous. *Allo Stephy félicitations pour le mariage au mexique!
  13. That's awesome! We just got engaged in December 2009 Josh is starting his masters this September and won't be done until 2012 so that is why we are holding off. That and as you mentioned, the saving. We are hoping to book at the Excellence Punta Cana and want to send out our save the dates by the end of the summer (August-September). What dates are you looking at?
  14. Awesome idea, Josh and I will be married on Feb 11, 2012 in Punta Cana-narrowing down our hotel choices as we speak!
  15. Hi Denise, I think this is fine because it really is only one hour, and after that they can drink whatever they like. Ideally the champagne and socializing will make for a great time. Good luck!
  16. Thanks Diamond Girl! I know it will go by quickly but the excitement is killing me Maggie- Congrats and welcome! Have you settled on your hotel yet? When did you get engaged?
  17. Loving the amazing advice on the forum- but I feel like I am the only one with a super long engagement... I am hoping there are other brides on this forum getting married in 2012. Josh and I are getting married on February 11, 2012 Hope I wont be the 2012 lone-wolf for long.
  18. Hi Nikki, Could you send me the menus via email? I'm at azaglul (at) hotmail.com Thanks in advance!
  19. Has anyone booked a cigar roller for their wedding in Punta Cana? Looking for reviews and recommendations. Thanks in advance!
  20. Awesome feedback. I think in the end I am going to go with my "gut" and only invite the 1 or two people who are really my friends and socialize with me outside of the office. Like many of you said- they wont shut down the office and might not even expect to be invited. Thanks!
  21. Thanks Ladies! Tracy- yeah, I have been checking out the Dominican Rep threads and there is soo much information I cannot seem to pull myself away.
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