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Everything posted by akua420

  1. How are you going to bring them down without getting damaged? I'm contemplating that but it seems like I have so much stuff already to bring down I don't know if I'd have the room. Maybe carry-on? I like the idea of keeping the flowers FOREVER! Plus you know what it looks like when you go down, so there aren't any flower surprises/
  2. dislike  The Real Housewives of New Jersey?
  3. I'm interested in the photographer too! Â I just heard back from Bev and she showed me the flowers included in the wedding package. I'm glad I saw them now because I hate them and am going to order my flowers from a cheaper florist off site. I want pink flowers, not red and yellow!!! Â
  4. Great response! I cant wait to hear what she says back. TAs are so annoying beacuse they make it seem like they're doing you a favour, when really you're giving them THOUSANDS of dollars in business, they should be kissing our asses. Really makes me angry. I'm going to xcall my TA Monday morning to find out but in the meantime I will stew.
  5. Okay, so my travel agent said that all the rooms are ocean view at the Bahia. So I believed her and was just reading a view on tripadvisor and it said that you have to request an ocean view. And on my bill it just says ocean suite from my TA. So what gives? Anybody know differently?
  6. Wow I"m so lucky, nobody said ANYTHING about me not having Bridesmaids, like seriously, not a thing was brought up it was just an ookay cool kind of thing. But they know my love for pink so were probabl;y scared about the dresses, hahahaa. Good luck with the drama! I never could have imagined people woudl be mad about it. I've been Bridesmaid and MoH and its NOT worth the hastle!!!!
  7. Natalie79 - You just scared me! We may be short like 2 people for ourgroup booking bonus. Since me and my FI are staying at a couples resort for our honeymoon it had an earlier pay by date, so only we have to pay by Aug 17, and the entire group pays by Nov 16th. At this point our trip will be paid for, so I'm really worried if we lose a person and are under the group minimums what will happen, and I"m scared to ask so I'm going to wait until the trip is paid for and then hopefully its too late to do anything to us, beacuse I'm worried about the same thing! Â I think that email was TOTALLY rude! All she had to say was $35! She didn't need to go on, and then basically say you are ripping her ff and she's doing all this work for free. TA'S SUCK!!!! Â I would be totally mad, you are jusitifed and scared me too! Good luck and keep us updated to what happens. So rude, I mean you're spending THOUSANDS of dollars, and brought her thousands more with all the other guests, she should be grateful!
  8. Ooh good to know, I'm definately going to Walmart this weekend! and Thanks for the bath towel hint! They're getting hard to find, most places have them sold out so I will definately go look! Â I love this forum, you get so many great tips. The Canadian one is definately my favourite!
  9. Hey ladies, I got a couple of big bottles of Aloe Vera that I am going to put into smaller bottles and label for the OOT bags. However, I am not creative. All of my ideas have been stolen from other brides on this site. Does anybody have any cute ideas for what I should put on the label? Â Thanks!
  10. It depends on the bottles of stuff. i've stayed at hotels where they don't hasve the hotel logo on it, it just says the lotion and all that stuff. So if thats the case, nobody would know. But if it does have the hotel logo, like everyone else said get a print-out sticker sheet and just cover them up! I wouldn't take the labels off in case it rips the package and sometimes the sticker pages are really thin and you can see whats underneath them, so your best bet is to cover with a white sticker, then cover that with your logo sticker. Â My dad does the same thing!!!! great minds think alike, haha.
  11. Very nice letter, and I am also so jealous you can have a beach bonfire! That sounds like fun!
  12. Lua - Thats a great idea! Or if an iron-on doesn't work you can see about getting fabric labels done that you can just iron on? I don't know where to get them but I know my mom has some in her sewing kit. My parents do the same thing with their luggage, and I shuold beacuse I always find myself trying to grab suitcases that aren't mine!
  13. Ha depends on the area, but like! Â Rum?
  14. Great news Canadian Ladies. I have been searching for the cheapest Aloe, I'm going to put them in smaller containers and put a label on the. And I went to shoppers at lunch./ They have 470ml bottles on sale for 3.99! Cheapest I have found anywhere, so if you need to find aloe go there! Â That sounds so cute! I haven't found bandanas anywhere but the dollar store and even then they didn't have much selection. I was hunting for them to put around my dogs neck, haha. You'd probably be better off making your own, and it would be so much cheaper that way.
  15. I know! Most of the people at my AHR aren't going to be in Jamaica, so thats why I am going to wear it again, well not the only reason, the main reason is I feel so pretty in it, hahaha.
  16. Thats the first thing I thought when I read about the low backs. She has some BEAUTIFUL dresses, I would definately check out her website, they are VERY hard to find. I originally wanted one but gave up on my hunt and went with a tie up back and I'm going to leave the modesty flap out so you can still see my back. Good luck!
  17. I'm trying to decide about shoes. How many shoes and what kind will you guys bring down for the week/2 weeks? Â I want to pack as little as possible but I also want to make sure I have enough cute shoes to match all my clothes.
  18. And then I read down more and had more to say, hahahaha. Tiptop is agreat place for suits, I still dont' know if I want my FI to have a suit jacket, or just pants and a shirt. I guess I need to try them on him to see. And I tried Le Chateau but he said he woudln't go in there, hahahahaa, so I'll try tiptop I guess! They do have a really nice Calvin Kline line, so I think we'll try that out. Â
  19. Agreed, great idea on the hair trial. I dont know if I want a TTD pics yet, I still need to find a cheap dress for them if I do! I want to be treated like a bride as long as possible too, hahaha, which is why I'm still contemplating to get a second. I could get a white cocktail type dress, there is a super cute one at BCBG I've been dreaming about for a while, but Im very indecisive! Â
  20. Yeah it sounds amazing, I bet it would be super expensive. The nice thing is with the group booking me and my FI get a free room upgrade, and since all the rooms are the same at the bahia I get to use it at the couples, so pretty excited about that! I don't know if there is a TA out there to be trusted. I went to three, and finally ended up with the one I have now so she was the best, but I still don't trust her. This one AWFUL one said that she couldn't find us a resort for under 3000 a person, and there was no way I was going to make my guests pay THAT much! Needless to say I jumped ship after she made me feel soooo cheap. Â
  21. I know! Its so frustrating beacuse there were a lot of adults only I liked, but I didn't choose them beacuse I didn't want to leave people out, turns out it didn't matter! Oh well, thats how it goes.
  22. Maybe you could do a kids beauty kit, is she a girly girl? You could do some nail polish, lip balm, hair ties, that sort of thing? I know my niece is crazy for everything girly but it depends on the girl. I'm not going to lie, Im a little jealous beacuse I want to make a kids one but no kids are coming!
  23. I know, I was shocked, I though iut would be able the same (MY TA could be lying though, I don't TOTALLY trust her, ha) but it was going to be grand for the week at san souci and almost 6 grand at couples negril! If you do find out let me know to see if I did get lied to! Â I went NUTS today commenting so I can look at those gran Bahia pics but it STILL says noobie, guess i have to wait 24-48 hours! Good luck, you're almost there!
  24. Ugh I don't want to have to wait 24 hours! I want to look now!!!
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