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Everything posted by akua420

  1. Okay weirdest thing just happened. I was looking on Expedia yesterday to see package prices to see if we really are getting a group rate (from the looks of it, we're not even though out TA keeps insisting we ARE, depiste me being able to buy it online cheaper) anyways.... Â expedia last night showed the hotel as 3 1/2 stars and the prices were about $50 cheaper then we paid. Now today its $200 MORE and they raised the star level to 5 stars now. I feel like I am going crazy! Stupid expedia.
  2. Cute! i'm not going to worry about my AHR until after my wedding! I love shoe shopping so it will give me something to look forward to, hahaha.
  3. Good luck!!!!! he might get raging mad over the ultimatum!
  4. Â Those are so cute! You shold get some cute underwear with ruffles over the bum like that to match!!! Â
  5. http://www.amazon.ca/Purple-Memory-MiniSDHC-microSD-TransFlash/dp/B0018L8V92/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1282078675&sr=1-1 Â Check this out, its from the canadian amazon and they are only 99 cents each, w/free shipping as long as you spend $39. That is by far the cheapest I've found for usb, even ebay had them for packs of 10 at $100. Â Seat savers... you could do some cute signs to hang on the back... here are some cute ones: Â My personal favourite is the bride/groom one. You could get some cute fake flowers, or if its more beach theme maybe tie some sea shells onto it, that would be super cute.
  6. like, especially with ranch! Â cheesecake?
  7. When I worked retail, I was taking my break on a couch in the mall. These two teenagers were sitting across and kept pointing at me and gigling and talking under their breath. I was just reading my book ignoring them but they kept up. So I finally snapped and told them to stop staring at me, I'm just trying to relax on my break. I got up and walked away furious. Then they followed me into the store, apologized, and said that they were staring at the weirdo standing right behind me. Â That was a definate FML moment.
  8. You'd be surprised at how quick you pick it back up! I've made 6 of the towel/lounge chair covers and I have to admit, they don't look that bad! And since this one has the opening in the middle you don't have to worry about flipping it like a pillow and closing it that way! Try it out! Â
  9. Me and my FI are paying for the whole thing ourselves!
  10. Good idea on the water shoes! I'm going to start looking now since everything summerish is ALREADY on sale!
  11. My girlfriend lives RIGHT by there and was there yesterday and she said its only bras/lingerie with a few of their sweats and stuff, then a whole bunch of product, so no I don't think they will have the clothes, which sucks beacuse they are super cute. Anyways in the end it would probably be the same to order it online with shipping, I bet they're marking up the prices like MAD! What were you doing in Edmonton? My girlfriend picked the dresses and we ordered them online, we got by far the best deal.
  12. I received the booklets. I'll post pictures. They're big, the size of a regular piece of paper. And they have all sorts of cool info. It seperates the island into different sections, and you can see what ativities are in the area, it tells you about shopping, theres a map with every resort on it,t things to do before you leave. They're really great, I'm super happy I ordered them.
  13. Thanks so much Kerrij! I emailed Bev asking about the colours, I don't care much about the type (although I do love lilies) I just want to make sure its the right colour, and I want to get an extra one for my hair. That makes me feel relief, I'm glad all the decorations and everything are included. I called the embassy and they told me to call Jamaica, so I called Jamaica and they told me to call Canada, but whatever I don't care, I"m not chanigng my name so it really doesn't matter. Â You scared me the the photographer comments. it said on the brochure that you get them within 2 days, so good to know thats a lie. I've started getting price quotes. I don't want to pay more then $750 for the pictures. I want simple simple pictures, no TTD, no reception pictures, just a few getting ready, the wedding, and the cake after. Thats all I care abuot. Â It all looks so beautiful, I am not even MORE excited to get married!
  14. I had no idea! I'm going to look into it, I've never heard of a bride and groom getting weight allowances!!!! This would be incredible. Does your lfight leave on a Friday morning to? We get into Jamaica by early afternoon and we can start drinking, hahahha!
  15. I just got a quote from http://www.mastersweddings.com/# its from Gary Masters. For 2 hours its $500 with unlimited photos on a cd. Â Anybody use him before?
  16. Every time my mom has flown down south there has been a bride, and they always hang them in the front cupboard. Just be really nice and smiley and suck up to them, if you're mean I bet they won't, hahaha.
  17. And I forgot, I think it depends on how many people at the reception, we're not having many people at either, its just close friends and family.
  18. Oh, and if we can't find cheap coffee we're going to do small jars of jerk seasoning!
  19. My girlfriend is doing that, giving the money to cancer and giving out cards with little cancer ribbons.
  20. I wish we had all those places! So far I've spotted them at Zellers and Walmart, and its abuot $3.50 for 4, so I'm going to see if those come on sale, and then I'm also going to hit up a dollar store to see if they have them there. I will go over at lunch beacuse its right across the street from my work, so I'll keep you posted. I think for the label I might try to find a picture of a really mad sun, that would be cute, well in my head anyways, hahaha.
  21. I know, I'm in the same boat. Some other people used Jans Flowers, and apparantly they are cheap. So Ive look around for bouquets I like, adn I just emaield the flower shop to get a quote and find out about delivery. I want pink stargazer lilies and small white orchids. So If I hear back I'll let you know about prices/delivery what not. She's located in Ocho Rios. Â I booked in April I think, for a Feb wedding. but we, like Katelynn, had very specific weeks beacuse of school/work, if you don't care about specific dates then you could probably wait a bit, I just wanted to know it was booked so I had less stress, and I could do the invites super early for people to get their finances in order. I mailed the invites last month Â
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