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Everything posted by akua420

  1. karrij by far has the best gran bahia review, its pretty amazing so definately check out that forum. I haven't heard ANYTHING about the other options for meals, now that you mention it it does seem like at least somebody would know about it!
  2. Man I'm going to have to get cracking on our logo, beacuse I have no idea what to do. There are so many of yours that are so cute, I can't decide!!! I love the sea turtle one, it is SO cute MaggieandJay!!!
  3. What kind of pictures> Try maybe doing a google search and in advanced search you should be able to set the quality or resolution!
  4. That looks so great! I wish I was craftier, but nothing ever looks how I want it to!
  5. I heard from other brides that there is a beach party on Tuesday nights which is a lot of fun, so we're just going to party there after the wedding. I'm not going to have enuogh people to justify renting out a place, and buying booze and everything, so we'll party with everyone else and then I get congratulationg from everyone I walk by and I'm not going to lie, I'm looking forward to everyone seeing me in my dress, even if its strangers!!! There is also a club too, I haven't heard anything about it but it will be your wedding so I'm pretty sure no matter what you will be having a good time! Question for you guys, we're getting married at 2, do you know what time they have the supper afterwards? Will it be at 6, or do they ahve it set up based on the other weddings/ Any ideas on this?
  6. AshleyL thats a good idea, I will talk to my travel agent! We are staying at Couples Ocho Rios after, it looks so romantic and we got a pretty good price, all together for both resorts we're paying $8000 (for both of us), of that, my TA looked at a bunch of them and found the best price there, and we can't wait to get away from the guests and have a romantic week ourselves. How many guests do you have coming?
  7. I know! Same thing with me, I"m my Best friends MOH, and she's not evven coming to mine. And neither is any of my sisters or any of my FI's siblings, its pretty much going to be some of our friends, my aunt and uncle and our parents, but whatever. We'll have a good time regardless! As long as we both show up... I'm contemplating making my FI (hahaha) wear tan pants with either a white button up shirt, or a bright blue one. Haven't been able to convince him about the blue yet, so we will see. No suit jacket thouhg, he'd be too hot.
  8. Do you guys know what we have to do to register the wedding in Canada? Does it vary from province to province? I'm in Alberta, and on the website it said to call the jamaican consulant to find out details. I'm confused and not getting straight answers.
  9. I sent in the credit card form a LONG time ago, and I still haven't been charged yet on my credit card. How soon were you guys charged?
  10. Thanks for the info! I love hearing positive wedding resort stories.
  11. I think its a cute idea, and I'm against spending $2400 for a photographer for an hour too, its only goign to be me, my FI and our parents. So whats the point? Anyawhs I doubt I'd make an album, just a few nice pics and I'll be happy. And I understand they is being said about the angels, but its not like you're ugly, so you WILL be beautiful in the pics, it is your wedding day. I think its a cute idea, thumbs up.
  12. Gran Bahia Feb 22nd 2011! Can't wait!!!
  13. I'm getting married in February, and I'm having my AHR in July. But my sister is a teacher, so thats the reason I picked July so she could come, and since she's not going to be in Jamaica I told her she has no choice about the Canadian reception! I'm going to put on the invites that there is an AHR with details to follow, cuz I'm not sending my wedding invitations for Jamaica to everyone, only the people I really want to come. I'll send the AHR to the ppl I'm obligated to invite. That is a good ideas to split it up. My and my FI's families are the partying type, so we're going to have a BBQ at theh ouse for the close famiy/friends, then we are renting a hall and going to have the party/drinks there. I agree though, the AHR is way more of a pain in the ass. I need to worry about food, renting a hall, doing out second invitations.... all that fun stuff. I don't even want to have one but my mom is so excited about it that I can't take that away from her. both my sisters are married and they wouldn't let her get involved at all, so I'm trying to give my mom her 'dream wedding' hahaha. I have no idea what I'm going to do as favors though, I dont know if I'm going to do a wedding cake. Since there are so few people coming to my Jamaican wedding I have a feeling the AHR is going to turn into a more formal weddingy thing then my actual wedding! I'm definately going to wear my dress though, so at least I'll get two wears out of it.
  14. dayna - I'm leaving from Ab and I just had the same thing happen to me. We were supposed to leave Feb 18 and now we're leaving on the 19th getting married on the 22nd. As long as our flight isnt delayed overnight, the wedding-co. told me it will be fine.
  15. AshleyL - We are getting married on the 22nd of Feb, we're getting to Jamaica on the 18th and don't come home home until the 4th of March, one week at Couples Ocho Rios. It was much cheaper to go earlier, but my FI has year end so he won't be able to take holidays that early, so we're going during 'spring break'. But its worth it! And still cheaper then a Canadian wedding!
  16. AshleyL - I know! Thats why I picked Feb, its a nice break from the awful awful winter! But I have ppl going from Ontario and Regina and they are all paying roughly the same, I think Edmonton was cheaper then Ottawa too. But its worth it, and you only get married once, so that was my reasoning. And then I'll come back with a hot tan for the rest of winter!
  17. I totally think we're not bridezillas cuz DW's are pretty much stress free, as long as you're easy-going yourself, and I am. The only thing that matters is me and my FI are getting married, nothign else matters. I don't even care if it rains. The shot one is super cute! Love it And I am totally going to steal Mekanbar about the postcards, that is so cute! And it would be nice coming home to have them waiting in your mailbox. Great idea! I haven't thought of anythign too unique, I'm hoping that something will hit me!
  18. katelynn - I love the newspaper thing! SO cute! I am totally going to copy it. What other templates do you have? I wanted to get mugs from 4imprint.ca but we're only having like 15 people TOPS, so there aren't quanities that big. So what I might do it make a stencil and get the paint you can put on dishes, and personalize the mugs that way and see if I can find some on sale here. but we will see about that. What songs are you going to use? Love the dresses and sashes, that colour will look so pretty against the ocean!
  19. AshleyL - I know! the tripadvisor reviews scare me! And everywhere shows it being a 5 star resort except Expedia and Trip Advisor, its like 3 1/2, so my aunt is giving me a hard time complaining about how she doesn't want to stay at a 3 star hotel, and how I should get married in Mexico beacuse I could stay at a nicer resort for free. I told my mom to tell her not to come. My mom wouldn't tell her that though, hahaha. You do have to take the reviews with a grain of salt, it seemed like most of there complaints were either stupid, or just bad luck. I'm crossing my fingers. But if the hotel sucks, whatever we'll just sit on the beach and explore, we'll be in Jamaica so I'm not going to let ANYTHING get me down !
  20. That's where me and my FI are going for our honeymoon after the wedding! It looks so beautiful and romantic, and I love the grotto, and the hidden hot tubs around the property, I can't WAIT to honeymoon there, I might even be more excited then for the actual wedding! Great choice.
  21. The nice thing abuot tying it up is, my dads in the RCMP, and he has to tie his mountie boots the same as a corset back goes, so my dad is PRO after tying them up for 30+ years, he already told me if my mom messes it up and it looks bad he will fix it for me. Aw I love my dad!
  22. I am very worried about that too. But as my FI put it, if it happens then good thing there are pools and swim-up bars! Which is totally true. If it happens, it happens.
  23. I LOVE corset dresses, you totally should beacuse they are flattering on ALL bodies! And the nice thing is, depending on how hot of a body I get before Jamaica, haha, if I go up or down I can still wear the dress w/o alterations. That was the main reason why I went with corset. Plus it looks hot, ha!
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