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Everything posted by akua420

  1. I'm going to put them in the OOT bag once I'm there I think. But it might be cute to do a countdown card for everyone saying "see you in a month, heres some info" Now I'm indecisive, ahaha.
  2. I found mine at ABC Bridal on 118 ave near downtown, but I went to a bunch of other ones. Wedding World had a pretty good selection of off the rack too, but I found they had a lot of the same style, they didn't have any unique cuts and the ones I did find were like $5000 and I wasn't going to spend that much. I'm not spending more on the dress then the wedding!!! I'd stay away from West Ed, they charge much higher prices beacuse of the cost to rent a store in the mall, so you'd be throwing your money away. I'm a MOH at my BFFs wedding and I went there to try on the dress she wanted me to buy, it was almost $50 cheaper than other stores.
  3. I haven't decided yet. My sister lives in the Bronx in a Jamaican neighborhood and she said you can get big things of jerk seasoning cheap, so I'm going to look into that but it does seem like something you could make yourself. And then we could pick up key ingredients when down there, beacuse my AHR isn't until July. I'm going to have to look up recipes, haven't even started that yet! I wonder if there is a company that can just send you the bulk spice, then I can print off cute labels and put them in jars. OchoRiosBride 2010 - What I"m planning on doing is bringing them down in a suit case, and then the first night we're going to meet up for supper and I'll just hadn them out then. I won't have them waiting in the rooms beacuse some people will be getting there the day before.
  4. Great idea on the stones on the walmart bathing suit, I will do that beacuse they're so expensive to get them already done up, DIY is so much cheaper. I can't WAIT to plan my bride clothing, I'm not going to lie, I want to get a ton of it and wear it all week at the reosrt, then wear the just married at our HM resort!
  5. I'm just going to give flowers to my mom and for me, I'm not getting bout.s for the guys, they're not wearing suits anyways so it wouldn't look the same w/o the suit jacket.
  6. I think I'm going to go naked underneath, I'm not worried about my bust, I'm very small chested and there is padding in it, and its a corset so as far as my shape I'm good there, and then it sort of poofs out a bit so I don't have to worry about the bum area. I told my best friend that thuogh and she called me a perv, how is that perverted? I'm wearing LAYERS and LAYERS of fabric, its not like I'm going to be wearing a porn dress where I pull a britney and flash the world.
  7. Thats so great beacuse I was a bit worried if they would actually do what you want, and your hair looks beautiful!
  8. I wouldn't drive all the way there either, not worth it, I'd personally just write it off/
  9. Same thing happened with both of my sisters, pissed me off so much beacuse I went to their weddings that ended in divorce within a year, and here I am celebrating my wedding after 7 years with my FI and both my sisters are like no we think its selfish that you want us to waste our vacation time on your wedding. So now I'm not having a bridal party. Screw them.
  10. AshleyL thats what we're thinking of doing too! Either that or little bags of blue mountain coffee but I'd have to figure out how to keep that fresh.
  11. ITS SO HARD choosing a resort, that was the toughest part for me. I had to make sure it wasn't too expensive so relatives could come but I didnt' want to go to a crap resort.... its a relief once you finally pick and have paid your deposit!
  12. http://www.servicealberta.ca/1156.cfm There is a listing of all the marraige commisioners in Alberta, and the emails and websites and stuff. I'd try contacting a whole bunch to see who can give you the best price. I'm lucky I picked Jamaica beacuse we don't have to worry about translation, or blood work. The resort takes care of it ALL for you with the wedding package, so less stress for me. The only thing I have to do it order long-form birth certificates. Sorry I had 3 posts in a row, I just discovered the forum and went through all the pages this afternoon, hahaha.
  13. lowkeybride - I did have peoiple to help, but in the end it didn't matter because as soon as I found the dress, I just knew, and didn't need anybodies opinion, I mean they loved it, but even if they hated it it didn't matter.
  14. Sheila2011 - Your dress looks pretty much identical to mine! I love it, but maybe I'm biased, hahaha. I got my dress from ABC bridal, it looks really ghetto but me and my mom decided to check it out, we'd already been to so many other shops, and there it was! I fell in love, and I didn't want to rush, so I went home to think about it and went back the next day to buy it!
  15. I'm an Edmonton girl too, getting married in Jamaica. We're getting married on the 2nd of Feb 2011, what date do you have planned?
  16. I'm going through a travel agent, I needed to give $200 deposit per person, and to get the early booking bonus for a feb wedding it has to be paid by nov. Calll around to travel agents and ask them what their policy is.
  17. oh and the grotto looks super romantic!
  18. Congrats! Thats where me and my FI are going for our honeymmoon the week after our wedding week. Seems super romantic, can't wait!
  19. I'm not going to have a problem of non=drinkers at mine, both our families like to party, hahahha. We're looking into the mugs, I haven't decided if I want to or not. It seems like unless you're buying a large amount its really expensive, so I'm taking my time figuring that out. We're going to get a couple of bottles of champagne at duty free and pop that open. I didin't inquire into buying it seperately, you usually get a huge flight discount booking together, so we just let the travel agent take care ofthat. Our wedding is going to be so much more then everyones it seems beacuse we ahve to do it during reading week (spring break) cuz i'm a student, and I'm going for 2 weeks and only wanted to miss a week of school, so that blows but its still cheaper then getting married in Canada, and a lot more fun!
  20. I'm getting married there next Feb and can;t Wait!!! Its a beautiful hotel and had everything I wanted in a destination location. Tell her to start googling, nobody else will be able to tell her whats right for herself! Good luck finding info on the site, it has EVERYTHING!
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