I'm not going to have a problem of non=drinkers at mine, both our families like to party, hahahha. We're looking into the mugs, I haven't decided if I want to or not. It seems like unless you're buying a large amount its really expensive, so I'm taking my time figuring that out. We're going to get a couple of bottles of champagne at duty free and pop that open. I didin't inquire into buying it seperately, you usually get a huge flight discount booking together, so we just let the travel agent take care ofthat. Our wedding is going to be so much more then everyones it seems beacuse we ahve to do it during reading week (spring break) cuz i'm a student, and I'm going for 2 weeks and only wanted to miss a week of school, so that blows but its still cheaper then getting married in Canada, and a lot more fun!