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Everything posted by akua420

  1. I'll be sure to take lots of pics and let you all know! I got the idea from another bride that did that, and she said it was fantastic. Everyone at work threw me a Bridal Shower today, it was so cute. Presents, cake, flowers and wine. Now I'm half-cut trying to get everything ready, and my boss just told me I only had to work a half day tomorrow so I can get ready for my Friday departure. I didn't think it was possible to be more excited then I've been all week, but trust me, it IS!!!!
  2. That is a good question! I just asked a woman at the office who has been to TONS of all inclusives (I've never been to one) and she said drinks are included at the supper. You only have to pay the bartender when he's being removed from his regular duties, and just working for you personally for the wedding. Try haggling, thats your best bet about the bartender. I'm not going to have that, we're just goign to go to the beach party afterwards, its on Tuesdays and I heard its super fun, so thats our plan. I'm trying to decide if I should change into a cocktail dress, or just a white skirt and shirt, if its on the beach.
  3. They had TONS here in the dollarama with the beauty supplies(Q-tips that sort of thing) Try all the other dollar stores, and also Walmart had them, I think they were a bit more but keep a look out for sales.
  4. I went with AMA, I went to a whole bunch of travel agents, and got pretty much the same quote everywhere. Though I did find a package on travelocity and expedia for $100 less.
  5. Ardene's had a whole bunch in Edmonton, check it out. And they were super cheap too.
  6. Yes, its true. We're taking a stack of $1 bills.
  7. I just got a welcome letter from the hotel, I can't tell you how excited I was!!! Bev sets the time you meet. Our wedding is on the 22nd and we're meeting her on the 19th (the day after we get in) at 9:30. It says that they charge an extra $35 for extra flowers you may need. I want lily's, so Im going to see how much that will be. There was also a note saying that there would be a menu attached, but there wasn't, and that the meal has been changes to pork ribs, chicken, beef salmon or lamb, so I don't know what that is about. can you call a list of meats a menu? Hahaha I'm being bridezilla this weekend. I've made a detailed list and I'm forcing my FI to help me with everything, and I also have to fit in studying for a midterm I have on Thursday, so life is insane right now. I'm waiting for glue to dry on the wooden fans I'm blinging up with rhinestones, hahaha. Can't wait to share my pics wiht everyone!!!
  8. Yes, its for all of those fees, and the free wedding includes decorations, cake and flowers for me and FI I picked the free wedding because I was comparing them, and the extra stuff you get do NOT add up to 1100, so it seemed like a rip-off to me. I want a very simple wedding and we don't have very many guests coming. And I dont' care if we get late check out, beacuse we're going over to our honeymoon hotel after, and my fam will be staying until after we leave, so if worse comes to worse we'll leave our bags in their room. I can't think of anything else the paid ones included, so that shows how much I cared abuot it, hahahha.
  9. Yeah I didn't have to put down a deposit either for the free package. You do have to pay the $400 in fees though in cash when you get there.
  10. I just heard back from the Assistant. We are going with the free package, and its going to be $400 for the paperwork and all that stuff, plus tax and it has to be cash. We're using the resort photographer, and I read other places that you can haggle to get the prices down, so I'm budgeting $500, we don't want many pictures and my dad bought a super fancy camera so he's been playing with it and is pretty excited. The cake and flowers are included in the free package. Plus the decorations, its white, good enough for me, not too concerned I'm more excited about the beach background. We didn't have a choice in restaurant, so we're in the Garden Grill. I wanted the Italian place, oh well, what can you do. The hair, I have no idea how much it will cost, I'm budgeting $90 (I'd rather go high then low) and I"m doing my own make-up. The assistant asked if I wanted a trial, I said no. I don't see the point, and don't want to waste all that time in the salon, plus I'm going for simple so it shouldn't be too hard. I want a flower in my hair, so I'm either going to steal FI's bout. or ask for a flower when I sit down with Bev when we get there. One week to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. My girlfriend did it right before the wedding certificate was signed, I thought that was a great time, it was kind of a half-way point in her ceremony
  12. Hey ladies ,lets discuss tipping I read on here that some people are tipping their WC, and all of tha tstuff. Who are you all going to tip? Are we supposed to tip the WC? I figured the cab driver for our excursion, the maid, bartender, but what about the other ones? The photographer? Help!!! I dont want to not tip and look like a b*tch when you're supposed to!
  13. Yeah, my FI has a few times said it was a waste, and it was always small things that I was thinking "what the hell?" about, hahaha. And I didn't want an expensive photographer, just like my FI so no arguments about that beacuse we were on the same boat. And my dress was on sale, so that came in WAAAY under budget.
  14. I know, Im starting to get really worried abotu all the other extra costs I don't know about I'm so scared Im going t oget down there next week and find out I have to pay TONS, so scared. at least my FI is easy going about it, he told me "you only get married once so get it" about everything so far.
  15. Thats good to know they charge $10, cuz my uncle has problems getting around and the hotel can help him with that, funny that that will be free yet they charge to bring you to the site? Friggin ridiculous
  16. OOT bags are out of town bags, filled with snacks, a hangover kit (tylonol and such), a welcome letter, that sort of thing as a thank-you to guests. Its legal, you can take them and you give them to the guests, some people have the hotel put them them in the room when they get there.
  17. It comes with the basic white chairs, and she has pretty much every colour you want for the ties, you just have to pay. Yes you can use beach sand, another bride on another forum I read did. I emailed Bev about my appiontment about 2 months in advance and she said they have a spot for me, so I'm just going on that and hoping there is one in 2 weeks to do my hair! Otherwise I'm screwed. Just email Bev or the assistant wedding planner and get her to do it, because when I was trying to go through the spa they told me they had no availability. Then I had a hysterical email to Bev and she scheduled it. And I'm pretty sure they take all brides to the site. They pretty much have to with it being such a huge resort. But I will confirm when I get back in March!
  18. We're getting married at 2, and Bev told me supper was at 6:00, so there will be a few hours to relax, I'm just going to let people do their thing.
  19. That is SO CUTE! I LOVE IT! But I'm old fashioned, I can't let FI see me from midnight the night before until the walk down the aisle... but super cute idea and I LOVED the ones I came up with when I googled it. So genuine.
  20. 13 days away from Jamaica and 17 until my wedding! I AM OBSESSED! All I can think about.
  21. There ceremony is only about 20 minutes, so if you do pics before cake cutting and everything that gives you over an hour. Depends on how many pictures you want taken.
  22. Well it might be because we have 15 people and the bus holds 15 maybe? But we were quoted $12 pp for the day, and me and my FI have to pay for for peoples entrance into Dunn Falls. I had to put down a 25% deposit, went through my credit card yesterday of about $40. Maybe its more because there has to be a few buses because its so large? Weird!
  23. Thanks for the advice!!! I just added it to my welcome letter. I would NOT enjoy wearing nasty rental shoes, I hate it enough at a bowling alley with socks, gross. I'm going to have to see where I can get some.
  24. That makes sense, mine is just over 2 weeks ago for the wedding. It was cool though beacuse they let you pick the restaurant. I picked Don Pablo's, it seems to have the best reviews. My mom said she came across a detailed review on the hotel describing every restaurant, every beach, all the rooms. She said its 3 pages long. As soon as she emails it to me I'll post it for you ladies. We had to plan the excursion the day after the wedding, as guests start leaving on Thursday and I get married on the Tuesday, so I'm a bit worried about telling the driver a time to pick us up. I don't want it to be too early, but I don't want it to be too late or I heard the falls gets insanely busy. And I have NO idea how late we will stay up for the wedding. She wmoan suggested 9 that I spoke to. Any ideas ladies?
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