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Everything posted by luchdiamond

  1. I hope someone can give me some feedback regarding choosing the complimentary package at Moon Palace. I want to get married on the beach will I be able to have a huppa with color or the only way I can get a color is to chose a package. Thanks for the help
  2. I am clueless and was wondering how to go about getting a wedding logo design? Can anyone help me with this?
  3. Congratulations and welcome to the site. I hope you get all of your questions answered.
  4. So you have to have booked 10 rooms in ADVANCE in order to get the free reception? And do you have to do the same with the free cocktail hour? Someone please let me know.
  5. I was actually thinking beach ceremony but dont want to get swept up by the wind. LOL Especially in October.
  6. Congratulations on your October Wedding. I'm also getting married in October. Maybe we can swap some ideas.
  7. I am getting married on 10/21/10 at Moon Palace. I chose a complimentary package yet I will add on to it. I was wondering do I get to choose my wedding location? and if so, does anyone know where I can view the locations because I was not able to download from here because I'm still a newbie. Thank for any help.
  8. Congrates on the wedding. I am also having a small wedding at MP and was wondering if you were able to pick your wedding spot or did they pick it for you?
  9. Just want to say this website is wonderful and I hope to find lots of information.
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