Sounds horrible but I can explain! First of all, this is the 2nd marriage for both myself and FI. My mother (my father passed away in 1992) was a big part of my first extravaganza. My FI eloped & didn't include any family in his 1st go round. His mother is attending OUR wedding with two of her girlfriends & his father will be bringing his wife.
Here's my dilemna, my mother has alzheimers/dementia. She's totally healthy physically, mentally not so much! My brother has nicely volunteered to pay her way to the DR for our wedding in December. While I love the idea of having my family there to be a part of everything, I know that she's going to be completely confused & I'm going to end up spending more time worrying about her than anything & I won't be able to totally relax & enjoy myself. She still lives by herself & is very comfortable in her own surroundings. I just don't think she's going to do well with this kind of trip & I don't trust my brother to babysit her the whole time they're there.
So far, I haven't figured out a way to nicely say "I love you but I don't want you at my wedding...." without starting World War III. The upside is that if I tell her, she's going to forger the conversation anyway!