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Everything posted by LA923

  1. LA923

    I'm New!!

    Congrats Ashlee and welcome. You will find great information on this forum!
  2. I have to admit that the OOT bags are one of the things that I am most excited about. I think because your guest list is limited you are in good shape. It's when you have to multiply everything by 75-100 that it starts to get really out of control. Good luck!!!
  3. Pics look great! Loved the parasols, the blue ice sculpture and the TTD photos!
  4. LA923


    Hi Lauren, congrats and welcome to the forum!
  5. Welcome to the forum. It's def easier to search as a member. Congrats!
  6. Welcome Jackie, congratulations!
  7. Welcome and congrats on your D.R. wedding!
  8. Ashley - Congrats and welcome. You will find lots of info on the forum and there are tons of other girls on here getting married at that resort. Good luck.
  9. Hoofbeats - Congrats and welcome. I think you need to decide what is important to you and your fiance. You need to figure out if it's worth it for you, regardless if there are tons of guests there. Plus, a ton of resorts offer smaller ceremonies that are free or inexpensive. Best of luck with the planning.
  10. LA923


    Congratulations and welcome to the forum. Best of luck in Cabo!
  11. I meant to add, I also went to a wedding where the groom's father gave a speech insulting the bride and calling her a spoiled brat because her parents' paid for her to go to college. It was just awkward and the whole place got really quiet. If you don't have anything nice to say . . .
  12. This is my favorite thread on this site. Thanks so much for the idea. I went to a beautiful wedding in a rustic barn but there was no indoor plumbing, so like many of the other girls posts on this thread, we had to use johnny on the spots. That honestly would not have been so bad had they placed the toilets on level ground. I remember standing in there with heels on trying to balance so as not to tip the whole thing over. It was terrible and I just walked out and held it for the rest of the night.
  13. Thanks for posting, everything looks great. I love that your guests wore coordinating outfits, so cute!
  14. LA923

    I'm new :)

    Hi Katie. Don't worry, you're not alone. I got engaged in September and I'm still narrowing down the options. I think I finally picked a resort (the hardest part) and now I need to pick a date. I found that reading the forum and checking out Hotels and Vacation Reviews - TripAdvisor for reviews and non-pro photos of different resorts is the most helpful thing to do. Good luck.
  15. That's terrible, I'm so sorry that happened. Keep after them and show them the paper trail. Keep us updated and I'm sure they will sort it out.
  16. LA923


    Congrats and welcome. Glad to see the forum is helping you already
  17. Hi LitigatorChick, welcome to the forum. Congrats!
  18. LA923

    New bride

    Hi Kathie, I'm sure you will find great info here. Welcome to the forum!
  19. I hate not having enough points to download templates! I'll have to bookmark this and come back Thanks for posting, they are super cute.
  20. LA923

    Hi everyone :)

    Hi Abby, congrats and welcome!
  21. Love the bags. I posted last week about how much I love the Christmas Tree Shops! They have great stuff at amazing prices.
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