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Everything posted by LA923

  1. Hi Liz, congrats and welcome to the forum!
  2. Best of luck and welcome to the forum. Have you looked at the reviews on tripadvisor yet?
  3. Congrats on the upcoming wedding and welcome to the forum. You will find great info here and there are tons of D.R. brides to talk to.
  4. I really like the idea of putting her in for a picture or two and just not choosing those to purchase. That way everyone is happy and there are no hurt feelings. Best of luck.
  5. I was finally able to watch the premiere this weekend. Thoughts - I agree with everyone about being over the whole Danielle drama. I thought the blond woman who owned Porsche was terribly two faced. I thought it was odd that Danielle would not support Jacqueline in the birth of her baby. The season looked good - did anyone else see them reference someone having a gun and threatening the others?
  6. Sending good wishes and blessings your way!
  7. Hi, congrats and welcome to the forum. I think a lot of women try and pick a destination based on price and ease for their guests to travel to -- it all depends on what is important to you. I think a lot of the LA brides chose Mexico for the DW - maybe Los Cabos or Puera Vallarta. I have seen a lot of happy Dreams Los Cabos on here. Best of luck.
  8. Welcome to the forum and congrats on your wedding. You will find great information on this forum and everyone is so friendly!
  9. LA923


    Welcome to the forum. I also am a huge tripadvisor fan and I think of this site as the tripadvisor for destination weddings
  10. Hi Teresa, welcome to the forum and congrats on the engagement.
  11. Sorry I don't have specific advice, but if you check Hotels and Vacation Reviews - TripAdvisor, enter Las Vegas in the seach box and hit the restaurant links - it will tell you the top rated restaurants in Vegas. Plus, you can also do this for hotels and get genuine reviews from normal people.
  12. LA923

    Newbie! :)

    Congrats on your engagement. I'm a 2011 bride too. I'm sure you will find great info on this forum!
  13. Welcome Dawn! Congrats on your engagement.
  14. LA923


    Hi congrats on the wedding and welcome to the forum!
  15. Hi Anna welcome to the forum! Congrats on your upcoming Cuban wedding. I have to say I'm jealous that I am not allowed to travel to Cuba, I think I want to even more because the govt says we can't
  16. Just thought I would add this because it made me laugh - Apparently my fiance was talking to one of his closest friends from college about our wedding plans and mentioned that we narrowed it down to one of two Dreams resorts in Punta Cana. So apparently his friend was drinking at an airport bar yesterday (at noon!!) and met a guy coming back from Punta Cana. Apparently Jeremy's friend remembered that I was interested in the Dreams resort and started asking the guy about it for us. Ironically, that's where this guy was coming back from and had nothing but good things to say about it. It just made me laugh because Jeremy's friend is a complete frat guy (hence the drinking at noon on a Friday) and here he is texting us to ask us if we have any questions for this random stranger. Very cute and the upside is that now his friend is even more excited for the wedding
  17. I just stumbled on this thread today and I am so sorry to read about the problems you went through after the wedding. Best of luck with the counseling. We are all definitely here for you and wishing you two the best.
  18. Sorry to hear about the problems you are having. I second what the girls above me say about getting a TA to sort out the details. Best of luck with the planning and welcome to the forum.
  19. Congrats on the engagement! Best of luck picking a place in Playa del Carmen.
  20. Hi Laura, congrats and welcome to the forum!!!
  21. You look so beautiful in your pics. Congrats on the wedding!
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