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Everything posted by MichelleMace

  1. ChicagoBride, Good luck with everything! I leave in 7 days for my wedding at the Royal. I'm a bit crazy now as well! I hope your wedding is flawless!
  2. Hi Antonia, Your wedding was beautiful! I have a few questions. I'm one month out and my WC is being terrible. I'm using La Luna Photographers and I'm just now being told that they can only enter the resort a half hour before the ceremony begins. I'm paying for a 6 hour package which means they start shooting 1 hour before the ceremony starts. Did the Royal give you any problems with entry time? Also, did you have to pay for a meal for the photographers? The contract says that outside vendors who stay for the reception will be included as a guest. I understood that to mean that they would be provided with a meal since I'm already paying $350 for an outside vendor fee. Please help! Thanks, Michelle
  3. I think the recovery shakes help with soreness. And I'm seeing a little more definition and toning. It helps when I work out at night. Since I like to work out right after work before dinner, I'm starving by the time the workout is over and the recovery shake helps hold me over until I finish making dinner. I think it gets much easier to keep going after you've been doing it for so long. It also helps to have the wedding to keep you motivated!
  4. We're getting so excited about having Melissa shoot our wedding on Cinco de Mayo! All of La Luna's photography is absolutely gorgeous and the customer service is beyond our expectations! You guys make the process of planning our destination wedding so much easier!
  5. Thank You! I've done my own take on the diet. But its still pretty strict. I eat 5-6 times a day and I've been using the recovery shake which I found on the beachbody website for 50% off. I also use Cliff body builder protein bars as snacks. They're a little pricey but they're delicious and all natural! I don't eat any of the jerky that they recommend mainly because I don't like it. Usually my second snack of the day is plain greek yogurt with honey or an apple and peanut butter. So the diet is usually: Egg whites with 1 piece Ezekial(sp?) toast and berries, or steel cut oats with protein powder, or kashi cereal with soy milk recovery shake protein bar salad with protein like chicken or egg whites yogurt or apple low fat dinners which include chicken or fish, veggies and quinoa or brown rice We're thinking about just continuing the P90x program until we live for the wedding... so I guess I'm not done yet! I live near northern liberties which is not far from you at all!
  6. I just contacted Marvin based on everyone's recommendations. He's been fairly quick to reply. I'm still waiting on him to send me a sample bouquet. My wedding is 33 days away and I have to admit, I'm getting a little frazzled!
  7. I'm so happy to discover this thread! I'm at the end of week 12! I just have Kenpo and then recovery week. My fiance and I have been doing the whole program together and we're both thrilled with the results. I can't wait to do my measurements. Only 33 days until our wedding day!
  8. Please help!. We are having our wedding on 5-5-11 at the Royal in Playa del Carmen, and we were thinking of using the sound system that is provided. We have a friend that is a DJ and he is going to make a mix for us and bring it down on a laptop or ipod. The issue we are having is what the sound system is. We contacted Elvy the WC asking what it was and she said it was 1 speaker!? I told her that I thought a system meant more than one thing and she told me that's what they have. So we expected it to be a PA type speaker, which is pretty loud, but we asked to see what this "1 speaker" looked like and this is a picture of the speaker that they have. I might cry... I hope this isn't it and she's wrong for some reason. Can anyone tell me if this is the sound system and if so, if it's loud enough? Our reception is on the beach. Thank you.
  9. Beautiful wedding Jen! Can I ask were your bridesmaid dresses are from?
  10. Wow! You are so far ahead! I'm hoping for an April 2011 wedding but I'm still in search of a resort. Where are you getting married?
  11. Hi Everybody! My name is Michelle and I hoping for an April 2011 wedding. So far we've had our sights set on The Royal in Playa Del Carmen but haven't been able to get pricing. We're hoping it fits our budget! Does anyone have any suggestions for PDC locations? We will have 2 children at the wedding so the challenge is finding a family resort with an upscale feel that we can afford!
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