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Everything posted by lyndsay_h

  1. Haha I also cleaned out the Dollarama of their first aid kits, and beach toys. And I got our luggage tags off Amazon but saw today that the dollor store by us had them now. Oriental Trading has cheap playing cards, but the shipping might not be worth it... I was ordering a bunch of decorations for our stag & doe anyway, plus I wanted those wrist keychain things they had to put on the keycard/tip holders.
  2. Tell your sister if she is the only one not wearing white she'll look ridiculous! All the white wedding pictures are very pretty.
  3. These pictures are all amazing! I'm starting to regret asking my almost brother-in-law to take ours lol. And this thread could double as "the sexy shirtless men of BDW"
  4. We dated for 8 1/2 years before getting engaged, it will be close to 10 when we get married. Seems like a long time but we started at 17!
  5. Ack, that's awful that people would harrass you guys over having your dream wedding. I guess you have to decide if it's more important that certain people are there or that you're getting married where you really want to be. I get that it's not easy for some people financially but if they can't make it work they should just say they won't be able to be there, not bother you into doing something different.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by MexicoBeachBride2010 you can do this only if you have an ipod nano. it is under the music settings. I just got an ipod touch and they don't have it on there but I bought my fiance an ipod nano for his birthday and it's on there! Thank you! We're going to use an ipod but don't actually have one yet...good to know what we should get! FI said he wanted a nano to use at the gym anyone but I'm getting an iphone so I thought we could just use that...guess he wins this one!
  7. Schica, I think you will be limited with 150 people if you don't want the reception on the beach...I was just told that bordeaux terrace (the one you can see the beach from) can only fit 5 tables, not sure about Himitsu
  8. Ohh that seems so strange! I got screwed when we filed a joint tax return...Here the gov't gives $ quarterly to people who don't make a lot but FI makes way more than me and they decided I'm no longer poor and wanted the money back But if it makes things easier for you guys and the guests don't mind then why not!
  9. We've had pretty good luck getting a response within a week or two of when we email the WC (at Dreams Punta Cana) which isn't as immediate as I'd like but I try to remember that they have weddings every day and if every bride is emailing her with questions, plus they have to be there for the actual wedding, they're probably pretty busy. Though it can be frustrating, we emailed a list of questions and to one she replied that she'll book a welcome dinner for our 39 guests, but then a few lines later said that the the place we want for our reception won't fit 60 people. (that's nice, we don't have 60 people!) I think calling directly would be a little expensive but you'll probably get your answers quicker.
  10. I've been looking for one that suits us and can't really find anything, so I think we'll just end up with "L & A" letters
  11. I think you don't need to if you don't want to. With 20 people it should be easy for people to figure out where they're sitting on their own. But it depends on how much control you want - like if it would bother you if people moved chairs around to try to fit more at a table, leaving another table with only a few people (like my family did at my aunt's wedding)
  12. Ack that really sucks :/ My mom went to Dreams to talk to the WC before we booked there and she was told that if you book the silver package then add all the things you want its cheaper than getting most expensive package which included all the same things. I was pretty surprised that someone was actually trying to save us money instead of keeping something like that hidden.
  13. Congrats!! I think you'll find the answer to everything you need here!
  14. Congrats to a fellow Canadian!
  15. My fiance wanted to wear board shorts...he seemed to think beach wedding meant he could wear what he normally would on the beach. But he'll be wearing linen pants, a white shirt with rolled up sleeves and sandals. Shorts might be too casual compared to a wedding dress, but it might depend on how he looks in them!
  16. We didn't meet online, we'd been in school together for years and had the same friends, but it was where we started talking....we'd barely say a word to each other at school then would spend all night talking on ICQ. So much easier to get to know someone that way!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by kateandbri Why is it that Ontario is putting in roundabouts? No one knows how to use the second lane, and they probably cause more accidents then they prevent! ERGHGGHHG. (P.s. the second lane is for next exit transfers only! Not a passing lane. GRrrr.) Lol! No kidding, they're everywhere I go now! And I'll admit every time I get to one I panic that I'm doing it wrong... Why is it that every time I go to get gas the station is completely full and I have to wait, then when I'm leaving it's totally empty?? How can I be off by 10 minutes every time...
  18. I take mine off for my slo pitch games because a batting glove doesn't fit over it, but I usually forget to take it off before gardening or going to the beach and it gets soooo dirty
  19. Yikes, that is a lot of money to walk away from but you'll already be spending so much time on the wedding it might be worth it to not have the hassle of finding a buyer for it. But you deserve one you absolutely love.
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