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Everything posted by lyndsay_h

  1. Sorry I don't have a suggestion to give you! I'm always looking for ideas myself. But I found a few versions of Room in ebook form if anyone can't afford to buy it.
  2. We're having a welcome dinner for our guests at the World Cafe terrace and we have 39 people. The WC said that waiters will serve the drinks and everyone eats from the buffet and it costs $10 per person and never mentioned anything about it being too small for everyone.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Crystalballl I just ordered the first 3 books of Nora Roberts' - The Bride Quartet. Looking forward to reading them, heard they're good! I read those last week, easy and entertaining reads. Â and I'm in for a book club!
  4. I just finished Shadow of the Wind and it was great, thanks for the idea! Â
  5. We'll have a few games where the prize is money - 2 joker's wild boards, 50/50 draw, stomp & pop. For the raffle a few things were donated by asking local businesses/friends (try Boston Pizza, they gave me something just for asking) or we used our HBC points, Airmiles, Shoppers Optimum points or Canadian Tire money to buy things worth about $25 (mostly gift certificates) since i've collected them all for years and never used them. There will be a bottlecap guess where they will win a 5L Heineken Bubba (well pay for it since the game will more than cover it) A Beer Pong contest but i haven't decided the prize, probably a Beer Store gift certificate Then we're doing 2 things that people don't win anything from other than laughing at us...FI was given a wedding dress to wear and we'll go outside for a 1/2 hour and people can pay to try to shoot him with paintballs. Then we have 2 jars that people can put money in, one for him and one for me...whoever the jar belongs to that has the most money will get a pie in the face at the end of the night. Â It sounds like a lot but people definitely don't have to participate in every single thing, we just want to make sure there is enough to do that everyone has a lot of fun. And if they don't want to spend money they can just enjoy the DJ.
  6. Wow those pictures are amazing!!! You guys looked great.
  7. I got mine from Oriental Trading and the sizes vary more than slightly. Some are the size of my hand and some are 3 times that....I bought 48 but need only about 37 so I just took out the really small and really big. Â
  8. This is what mine looked like. You can pay extra to have colour on the back. The picture on the front was one I uploaded, right now uploads are free as well.
  9. I lost mine the day before I was going to take it to get sized. I knew it must have slipped off somewhere in the house but I just couldn't find it. I was so upset, but FI didn't make me feel bad about it. I read online that if you lose something you should put a picture of it under your pillow...which I tried when I got desperate...but somehow the picture under my pillow got lost too! But a few days later a friend of FIs came over and as soon as he sat down he bent over and said "Is this your ring?" Somehow it had made its way into the basement, but I didn't think to check there because I knew I hadn't been there that day. I think while we were looking the cat found it first. I hope you have the same luck!
  10. Ack, this is something I'm having a hard time deciding on. We'd originally thought of course we'd just use an ipod but now a dj sounds so much easier. But our ceremony doesn't start until 6 and we were told we could only go until 10 so I don't know if 3 hrs of djing is worth the $800.
  11. I have the Sony prs 300 and you can get it on ebay for about $150. There are fancier versions, like with a touch screen (I hate touch screens) or the Kindle is nice...my fmil has a Kindle and it has all sorts of features like a full keyboard and wireless internet to download books but for me it's way more than I'd need out of a book so not worth the extra money. Â And I just finished the Millenium trilogy this week...definitely worth reading! Â
  12. Definitely go with Vistaprint, that's where I did mine. You can get 100 postcards free and just pay the shipping (plus a $5 upload fee if you want to use your own picture) But you really can't beat that price.
  13. Noo its so light, and smaller than books so you can bring it anywhere, plus if you're on vacation you only have to bring the one with all your books on it instead of a bunch of books. I love that I can read while I'm eating because unlike a book it sits on its open, you dont have to hold it open to a page...If you're reading lying down the words are always on the right side and if you start to fall asleep a big book doesn't whack you when it falls over...and it saves your page for you! I think the price of an ebook is about the same as a paperback, but you can also download them the same for free the same way you would get mp3s.
  14. I like #2 best, but they're both so pretty you can't go wrong!
  15. Yeesh, some friend! Even if you weren't doing a DW it isn't uncommon to invite someone without their + guest. How can she not see that if a bunch of friends bring their randoms thats $1000s of dollars out of your budget? If he was going for just the vacation it would be one thing...to me the best part about a DW is that you will only have the people closest to you there. My cousin's inlaws will be at our resort the week of our wedding (they have another wedding on their side of the family there the week before) and they are absolutely not invited to our wedding. Just because I know them doesn't mean I want to share my day with them. Stick to what you want for your wedding, I hope your friend comes to her senses.
  16. Sweet! I love my ereader so much! When my daughter broke my mine and it wasn't fixable ($500 repair for a $250 reader...wtf?) I was so upset that my fmil bought me a new one. It's so convenient you just can't go back to books on paper lol  Â
  17. Thanks for the idea, I just ordered them! If you "like" them on facebook then post something on their wall they'll send you an email with a code for $5 off your next purchase.
  18. That's so funny, noone ever knows where Fergus is! We're getting married at Dreams Punta Cana in November, what about you?
  19. Ack! Is that $2000 quote from the florist that the resort recommends? I'd just thought we'd figure out flowers when we got there.
  20. It will save you money to do the legal part here, especially the cost of notarizing and translating everything...so if that's your biggest concern it might be easier. For us I feel like it'd be cheating our guests...like why are they going all that way if we're already married. But that's just me being silly!
  21. If you want to send out invitations then go ahead! For ours we don't really need to since everyone is booked they're obviously coming but it will also be nice to have as a keepsake. I made ours myself since I have a lot of scrapbooking stuff anyway. You could also send out a trip brochure a few weeks before you leave, lots of girls on here have great ones...and I've been getting emails every day this week that you can get 25 free at vistaprint right now. Not exactly a regular wedding tradition but seems to be pretty popular for DWs!
  22. That sounds so cool, I'd never heard of this before.
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