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Everything posted by janapana

  1. Ah, travel agents have decided that it's their mistake after all, and that no-one has to pay any extra..... think FI may have "helped" them come to that decision, by his sublte yet persuasive "you fucked it up, you sort it out"!!!!
  2. haha i feel like i've got a million things to do still aswell, we leave spain 10 weeks tomorrow. the main thing is rings. once they're sorted i'll just chill out and do the rest as i go! we're going to buy suitcases tomorrow, and then i can start to pack away my summer stuff. is ten weeks too early to start packing???
  3. I know, it´s not rocket science is it? And it´s what they get paid to do, right?
  4. OOOOHHHHHH fucking travel agents. Have just had thomsons on the phone telling me that the last couple of our party who need to pay are now insisting that they´re being charged too much. (WTF?) but have asked me to sort it out. How exactly? i´m a thousand miles away in spain !! There is also a couple of hundred quid left outstanding and the travel agent doesn´t know who needs to pay it. How is this possible? If anyone knows, surely it should be her? I´ve got a horrible feeling that i´m going to have to stump up whatever people decide they don´t want to pay. Does anyone know of a reputable company that remove and sell kidneys?
  5. well done on the weight loss michelle. i´ve got 5lb to go, and 10 weeks to get there, which is definitely do-able, until you consider it´s all my families birthdays in november and december, then xmas, then new year, then a weeks all inclusive THEN the wedding! We paid our holiday off on saturday, that´s the major thing done. The big stuff is really only rings now, and bridal jewellery..... and suitcases, and i need shoes, and we need to sort music out. Ah well, it´ll all get sorted eventually!
  6. ah, i love babies!!! i´d have another one tomorrow if they didn´t grow up into children.... We´re not having an AHR in the uk now, doesn´t seem much point as we don´t live there..... so we´ll have one in spain once we´ve saved up a bit again, I reckon that fair enough if people can´t come to mexico, but if they can´t be arsed to come to spain for the party either, then we´ll probably not miss them! I´ve just realised that if i want to be a size 10, i´m going to have to be on a diet for the rest of my life. I don´t think it´s worth it. Depressing thought. Dunno if you remember but i was having a mare with one of antony´s friends girlfriend who was trying to take over our HAG do in november, and send the girls and boys on the separate ways. Well she was invited out on my hen do last weeked, (out of politeness,not cos i like her) and didn´t turn up. And ignored her phone. We were on a tight schedule in the restaurant, had the early sitting so it wouldn´t take up valuable drinking time, and were waiting for her, and the ignorant wench eventually sent a TEXT to one of my friends saying she forgot. This is the most orgainsed girl in the world and she confirmed she was coming a couple of days before, so i know she wouldn´t forget..... I was fuming, not because i wanted her to be there so much, but the girl who organised it went to so much trouble. Luckily my phone was taken off me so i couldn´t abuse her with half a bottle of black vodka inside me... Unluckily they gave me my phone back the next day, so i could abuse her with a raging hangover. OOPS.
  7. I say go for it! I would have loved FI to come dress shopping with me, as it is he didn´t want to, but even if he goes with you just to get an idea of what you both like i think it´s a great idea. Your relationships all about sharing right? so why not share this too? it´s probably the most important dress you´ll ever buy!
  8. i´ve told antony that the day after we get married i´m having chocolate cake and piña colada for breakfast.... and it´s all going downhill from there! AH, how exciting! Fingers crossed for your sister. You´re going back to Warrington soon aren´t you? Will you be able to see the baby then?
  9. that's ace, just what i'm looking for, think i may steal it and make it my own!!!!
  10. Hiya everyone, i´m back from hen night#1 in sheffield, and a very messy affair it was too..... looking forward to no2 next month! but won´t be taking any black vodka back as this time i ended up drinking most of the bottle in party forefits and then puking up blue sick over my nice boots.... thank god for baby wipes. there are about 5 pages i´ve missed out on while i´ve been away, so am going to catch up at work tomorrow. night night!
  11. actually come to think of it, don't know why i bothered.... cost me a bloody fortune.
  12. haha, me too! i sent out boarding pass invites, just to be polite really, cos i knew already who's coming, i've had 3 back. 3
  13. We're sending out bubbakegs before we leave, that way everyone will get something they'll actually use, possibly buy something extra when we get there if we have the time/cash!
  14. ARSE, our 4 witnesses are supposed to be my brother, antony´s sister, and the couple who introduced us. I already gave all their details to our wc with the relationships who they were to us, and they never said anything, so i guess we´ll see when we get there..... would make it difficult singling out 2 more from the rest of our friends who are going tho...... 3 months on tuesday til we get married.... how fast has time gone this year!!!!
  15. @ Dana , you look gorgeous in your dress.... @ NICY, love both dresses, but esp the benjamin roberts one, think the neckline is prettier.
  16. My dress is LaSposa, Lady. I bought it here in Spain, should have been 1090€, got it half price at 545€, and I LOOOOOVE it !!!!
  17. I´m getting there slowly i think! One dress is sorted, the other needs taking in, my kids and FI´s clothes are sorted, FI just needs a tie. Flowers and chair sashes have been delivered to UK ready for me to pick up next week (YAY!) just need :- rings for me and FI, shoes for me, jewellery for me and my daughter, music to sort out, ceremony wording to sort.... oh, quite a lot still to do then! (and i still need to learn to walk in heels)
  18. lush shoes herbie! well done michelle, you´ll have the stone off in no time! i´ve got to try and be good before i come back to the uk next week, although there aren´t enough points in a whole week to make up for the amount of eating and drinking (well, mainly drinking) i´m going to do when i get home! 3 days.... no kids no FI no responsibilities just me, my friends and the shops, the spa and the pubs! ahhh, bit excited, don´t know if you can tell!
  19. Wow mimi73 your dress is beautiful, you look fantastic! I¨m thinking about buying a knockoff from ebay, as i already have a dress that my mum bought me, but i´m at least a size smaller since then, and the dress doesn´t look great now. :-( not sure how to break it to my mum, but there´s no way i can expect her to buy me another one, so i reckon it´s going to have to be a cheap one for me, although looking through these pages at how good everyone looks, i can live with that!!!!!
  20. Oh Char, you´re having a crap time aren´t you. So sorry to hear about Wayne´s grandad. You´re right, people do deal with death in different ways, my OH just gets his head down and gets on with it, and even though i know he´s gutted, he doesn´t want me to even mention it. Have you got someone you can have a good cry on? I hope your cousins baby stays good, it must have been terrifying for her mum. Glad to hear that your dad is on the mend... chin up luv & stay strong. XX
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