ah, i love babies!!! i´d have another one tomorrow if they didn´t grow up into children.... We´re not having an AHR in the uk now, doesn´t seem much point as we don´t live there..... so we´ll have one in spain once we´ve saved up a bit again, I reckon that fair enough if people can´t come to mexico, but if they can´t be arsed to come to spain for the party either, then we´ll probably not miss them! I´ve just realised that if i want to be a size 10, i´m going to have to be on a diet for the rest of my life. I don´t think it´s worth it. Depressing thought. Dunno if you remember but i was having a mare with one of antony´s friends girlfriend who was trying to take over our HAG do in november, and send the girls and boys on the separate ways. Well she was invited out on my hen do last weeked, (out of politeness,not cos i like her) and didn´t turn up. And ignored her phone. We were on a tight schedule in the restaurant, had the early sitting so it wouldn´t take up valuable drinking time, and were waiting for her, and the ignorant wench eventually sent a TEXT to one of my friends saying she forgot. This is the most orgainsed girl in the world and she confirmed she was coming a couple of days before, so i know she wouldn´t forget..... I was fuming, not because i wanted her to be there so much, but the girl who organised it went to so much trouble. Luckily my phone was taken off me so i couldn´t abuse her with half a bottle of black vodka inside me... Unluckily they gave me my phone back the next day, so i could abuse her with a raging hangover. OOPS.