Nicy i have got SO much to do! Haven´t done anything in weeks. We´re coming back to the uk again in 10 days for a wedding, and will have one full day to go shopping and sort stuff out. The main thing is rings.... FI is doing my head in with his attitude to ring shopping, so i´m ceasing to harp on about it. We´ll go to a uk jeweller in sheffield, hopefully find something he likes and if they don´t have it in stock, then get them to fedex it to us in spain. If he doesn´t find something he likes then tough shit, he´ll have to go without! Then i need jewellery and shoes, And my main thing, which is causing me a lot of grief is my SKIN. It is absolutely terrible at the moment. Usually it´s not so bad, but i stopped taking the pill a few months ago, and got really spotty, so i decided to go back on it, and it´s got even worse..... all over my face, my neck, even my chest and back. most unattractive. Am considering switching my wedding dress for a burkha.