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Everything posted by janapana

  1. I can do soup, just the endless biscuits afterwards that do the damage. Oh well it´s too late to worry about it now!
  2. I ordered us each a t-shirt, the game over t is from amazon, my wife t is from vistaprint, they sent it in size GINORMOUS, but sent me another one for free when i complained! The wife one says washing, ironing, f*cking, etc on. I doubt antony´s grandma will be able to read it, at least i hope not. .. We have sparkly initially for the top of the cake, they look gold in this photo, but are silver in real life. I am also trying to fashion some sort of cake topper out of the remaining artificial flowers, but I am not a crafty arty person so we will see how that goes! We have a white board for the guest book, personalised luggage straps with our joint name on and i need to go and get an egg timer to stop my dad going on too long in his speech! And i think that`s it really. I had great intentions of doing and buying a whole lot more stuff, but i think i´d be the only person who would really notice, and at the end of the day, all i really care about is that i´m marrying my best friend and soul mate, with the people we love around us. ..
  3. Thanks guys, now where was i???? My daughter is allergic to just about every type of pollen so i´ve ordered her an artificial bouquet from ebay, I also got 6 bouts, and 4 wrist corsages, all for 28€.... My Monogram and Invitations were done by Allurements by Rebecca. She´s great. Endlessly patient, always at the other end of the internet, and I love the finished product. The only trouble i had was getting the invites through Spanish customs, but that´s not her fault! Would totally recommend her .. Instead of OOT bags, which i love the idea of, but no way could we get everything from Spain to Mexico via England, given how stingy Bristish airlines are, we sent out stainless steel thermal travel mugs, and a pen and luggage tag. We will buy maracas once we get there. ...
  4. Nan i am struggling too tonight, I´m trying to do my planning thread, keeps telling me haven´t written anything when i´ve spent 20 min posting photos. grrrrrrrr.....
  5. I love the idea of your FI as Gok! I´m wishing i´d been a wee bit more organised too. So many great ideas. So little to show for them!
  6. Thanks Josie, I have some more photos to put on, but the laptop is playing up, and Antony is lurking! Maybe I´ll get some peace tomorrow to finish the job!
  7. Hair trial Flower inspiration, Bridesmaid dress´- our ten year old is our only bridesmaid, this dress in Ben de Lisi from Debenhams. She has purple earrings and hair comb, and silver shoes with a silver locket that santa is bringing on saturday! Son´s outfit. sorry he´s on sideways but you get the idea. He is honorary ring bearer and will carry the rings attached to a starfish with purple ribbon. If he decided he wants to. Or he may just throw a tantrum.... he´s two afterall!
  8. I have beautiful purple shoes that I can´t really walk in. I will probably end up barefoot! . My jewellery, just cheapy necklace and bracelet, from a local shop, cost about 20€. looks good with the dress though! This is my backup hair flower, incase the resort want to charge me a fortune for a real one. I think this was my best bargain.... 1,50€ from Primark! For my bouquet I´m hoping for cream /white, with a bit of purple thrown in.... roses, lillies, whatever! I love flowers and I´m sure they´ll be beautiful. This is the photo I´ll take with me. I ordered a photo charm from an ebay seller, it has a photo of Antony´s grandad in. He was a good man and a true gentleman and is missed ....
  9. First of all thanks to all the brides on this forum from whom I have shamelessly stolen ideas. Most of them i never got around to using because I am the world´s greatest procrastinator, but you have all inspired me. Big thanks to the girls on the UK thread for listening to me rant, and making me laugh. We leave for Mexico in two weeks, so I am doing this now before the onslaught of Christmas. How We Met..... Even though we were born and grew up in the same city, and had mutual friends, Antony and I didn´t meet until I´d moved to Spain. My daughter Mia and I were due to go back to the UK for a wedding where Mia was bridesmaid, but sadly the bride´s father died the week before the wedding, so we had a funeral instead. At the wake I spotted the most gorgeous bloke twinkling his big brown eyes at me, but there is a time and a place for flirting, and that was not it. So off we go back to Spain, 4 months later and we´re back in the Uk for the rescheduled wedding, and lo and behold.... the man with the nice eyes is the best man! I know it sounds cheesy, but I honestly knew as soon as I met Antony that he was supposed to be mine. We spent the rest of my week in England together, 3 weeks later he´d come out to Spain to visit, and two months after that he packed his job up and moved out to me. The Proposal..... We´d been together 3 1/2 years when Ants asked me to marry him. Our baby Jacob was in nursery, Mia was in school, and we were enjoying some Quality Time togeher. That´s all i´m saying. (it can be a bit awkward explaining to realatives who want the finer details.) The Rings ... Deciding on Mexcio We looked at getting married in the UK and in Spain, and both were too complicated and expensive, so we pretty much just grabbed a travel brochure and picked a destination that was affordable, but still came up ok on trip advisor! The Riu Tequila at Playa del Carmen is not the most uber-luxurious by any stretch of the imagination, but we focussed on what is important to us, and that is having the people we love there. Antony´s family do not have much spare cash, so we had to make it affordable for them, as if they couldn´t come, there would be no DW Except for my dress and the invitations I´ve tried to do this as cheap as possible, we both work super hard at rubbish jobs, and with two kids I just couldn´t justify splashing thousands on one day.... then my car died and wiped out my secret stash. Luckily I´d already bought the kids Christmas pressies! The Dress La Sposa by Pro Novias, I accidentally fell upon it in a little shop in our town, only tried it on to be polite to the owner. But it fit like a glove and was half price at 500€. ....
  10. Yeah, I´m trying not to stress about the weather situation in England. We travel from Alicante to Manchester, to meet up with family and friends, then all fly to Cancun. At the moment it´s only London Heathrow that´s got the bad weather, but there´s 2 weeks and one day for that to change! Oh well, that´s why travel insurance was invented!
  11. i got my shoes last wednesday... dragged FI round every single shoe shop in Murcia, and found the ones i wanted in the very last shop. Poor boy, he was very patient. Does it seem a bit unrealy to anyone else? I feel like i´ve been looking forward to it for so long, that now it feels like it´s happening to someonelse.
  12. haha, everyone in our house has got a chest infection.... we are all dosed up with antibiotics, hopefully we´ll all be clear and not catch anything else before we go. will maybe just buy another load of the antibiotics we´ve got to take with us to mexico. we leave 2 weeks tomorrow...... i´m a tiny bit excited too!
  13. yeah it´s scary how fast it´s come round. got to get xmas out of the way first tho, all the kids pressies are hidden in our suitcases!
  14. Well i have quite a lot that i´d like to do, but in reality i probably won´t do much of it. I have to do the whiteboard & instructions. (i´d already got the white board and the frame, but the w-b was too big, so while i was merrily chopping a bit off it today with the bread knife, i snapped the bloody thing in two. So tomorrow i´m driving 30miles to the nearest city to buy another one. It is surprising what you CAN´T buy in my town! I have to make my cake topper, the sparkly letters are in but i´m making a flower thing to go with it. I have to finish one of the corsages for my friend, all these things i could be doing now, except all the wedding stuff is in the downstairs store room in suitcases, under other suitcases, behind bikes and the kids xmas trampoline and generally completely inaccessible without a man handy. I´m getting my hair and nails done the day before we leave, as well as a final tetanus jab. Oh yeah, and i have to learn to walk in heels.....
  15. that makes me feel a bit better, i think there are still some nice areas left of sheffield too!
  16. nicy ours are different colours too, mine´s white gold, antony´s is gold gold. it´s just what we each liked, and white gold didn´t look good with the colour of his skin!
  17. no not yet but don´t worry, a parcel only just arrived today that was posted 3rd dec. i have a form to fill out to send back to wc, so will make sure everything is spelt right, and keep a copy of what i send her! omg nic, 4 weeks today the deed will be done!
  18. I just got the email today to sort all the wedding stuff out, it's 4 weeks today til we get married...... for a start they spelt both our names wrong in the email! slightly worrying.... but at least she finally got in touch! the lady that sent it is called patricia escalante, but i'm getting married at the riu tequila, so maybe they have a different wc to you all?
  19. Good idea about the swimmers in the airport, will have a look in manchester.... today i finally got my email from the wc sorting out what´s what, we went shopping and i got underwear and shoes, so now that´s pretty much me done, just got a few bits to put together, and as soon as christmas is out of the way i am getting my suitcases out and starting to pack! my other half is now pushing really hard to move back to the uk, i am digging my heels in big time cos all i see of england is on sky news, and it is never good. i´m sure it can´t be as bad as it´s made out to be! reassure me please, ladies who´ve got kids! at the moment my kids are growing up bilingual and it´s ok for the ten year old to go out to the shops or the park by herself to meet her friends, that´s how safe it is in our back-arse-of-nowhere village! i´m scared to move her back to the uk and take away all her freedom....... on the plus side, the shopping would be great ;-/
  20. yep, i´m with you on the january thing, big mistake! i almost wish we could put it back because it´s going to be over too soon! we leave 3 weeks tomorrow and i have done none of those lovely diy projects i had in mind...... should have known better. still, we all have something to wear, and rings to put on our fingers, so that´ll do! haven´t heard from wc yet, just emailed her to check she knows i exist. although she must, cos she put the spa onto me for appointments, that is one thing i have got sorted. my mum is the one doing most of the stressing at our end, she is convinced something will go wrong, like we won´t make it home from spain in time for the mexico flight, or a volcano will errupt etc. i keep telling her, we´ve got insurance and as long as everybody is healthy, if something goes wrong, we´ll just deal with it, if necessary we´ll go somewhere else on holiday and get married in gibraltar afterwards....... don´t i sound calm! good job she can´t feel the butterflies in my tummy! what have you got left to do jo? we are not worrying about summer clothes now, i´ve told antony he´ll have to buy his swimmers once we get to mexico!
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