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Everything posted by sarcrook

  1. Your pictures are beautiful!! It looks like you had a blast!! Did you have Ivan from Doremixx? Where did you get your maracas & what was the saying on them?
  2. pbjwed..just wanted to thank you again for all your help even after your big day! You've been wonderful!! What did you do first? Reserve your week with Dreams? Then priced out packages? We were thinking to wait and see what the deals were then base our week on that - but my TA just told me to contact Dreams to reserve a week first - makes sense. Like he said - if it's not available what's the point in researching deals! To reserve do we have to put a deposit down? I wonder if we can move the dates if we need to..? Especially cause we'll need to be there for more than just the 7 days (need/want - ha!)..?? How long were you there?
  3. I'm pretty sure this is the dress I'm going with - my BM's haven't tried them on yet so I'm hoping they like it. I think it's perfect..
  4. Nice find!! I can't believe we've had to DIG to find anything on their DJ's..I emailed them weeks ago about contact for the two they listed and haven't heard ANYTHING!!
  5. Deal? Like with their DJ?? PLEASE ease our minds when you are back and let us know how it was!!
  6. pbjwed..THANK YOU!! So the trick is to reserve the Mastersuite..GOT IT!! Good to know - I would have been SO mad if we weren't able to get it. Just form all the brides talking about the mix ups..them promising things they aren't delivering I didn't want to screwed!! They deducted it after? How did you do that?? Pashmina's is a GREAT idea for favors for the ladies..what about the men? We were thinking cigars.. I know you've told me before..but what was your room number - I think I'll request it!! Did you request it to your WC? Can you tell me how you planned your trip? Did you work with a local TA? Did you do a package deal flight/resort or did your guests find their own air? Thanks again - sorry so many questions! You've been a WONDERFUL help!!
  7. We have decided on a Resort. Not a date cause I was waiting to see what the deals are like - I didn't think we could see flights until 11 months out - we are planning for a late January/early February 2012 wedding as well but I didn't think we could see flights until beginning of March. Our most important priority is that it is affordable for our guests - we want to pick the best package for them..then pick our date.
  8. pbjwed..I have more questions for you - I hope you don't mind! How many stands with lights did you use? Do you think it helped to have the extra lighting? Did you have to pay for Deco Cancun to come into the resort? When was your wedding? Was it chilly at your reception? Windy? When we did our site visit Ana told us if we book the Honeymoon Suite we will get an automatic upgrad to the Master Suite - which we saw and was AMAZING!! Did you get an automatic upgrade? I know you rave about the room you had..I'm scared we will book the Honeymoon Suite and won't be able to get the Master Suite. I have 8 bm's so I'm sure you can imagine the larger room would be WONDERFUL!!! I think that's all I can remember for now..SSSOOOOO bummed about Ivan from Doremixx..I'm hoping they'll figure something out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for all your help - your wedding was amazing!
  9. Got it..ok - as I am planning right now I'm thinking we are gonna put maracas at each place setting - but not personalized. Just for fun...if I can find some I like. I honestly feel like that stuff gets left and is kinda a waste of money. This could be something we decide isn't necessary...not sure. Here is what we have planned so far for our OOT Bags - just to give you an idea: Koozie (beer koozie with our name's & date) Travle Coffee Mug (same..name's & date) Starbucks VIA (the instant coffee packs) Crazy 80's Sunglasses Key Card/Tip Holder Girls will have their stuff in a cute Tote / Boys in a Draw String Bag First Aid Kit Hang Over Kit Room List Invitation to Rehearsal (Wedding Party Only) "Big Day Schedule" Spanish Translation That's all I know so far...
  10. You have your date picked already? Is your trip booked? Including Air?
  11. Favors? What do you mean exactly? I'm not sure we're doing favors... What are you thinking?
  12. I have heard AMAZING reviews on DJ Doremixx..apparently Ivan is wonderful!!
  13. The OOT Bags are gift bags you give your guests at the resort. Some brides have the resort put them in the guests rooms - sometimes they charge you to do that. We are gonna do a group check-in and hand them to our guests ourselves.. Hope that helps!
  14. H E L P ....my FI and GM will be wearing vests - casual ...like a suit vest unbuttoned. I'm having a REAL hard time finding something that isn't $100! I'd like to find something very inexpensive..ANY IDEA'S???????????????? Thanks!!
  15. Past brides..do you have pictures of your reception location? I'm trying to find pics of the Terrace on the beach and the Pool Deck (those were the two options they gave us) so I can compare...thanks!!
  16. Hi pbjwed...I love your pictures! Do you have more? Where was your reception..was it up by the pool or down by the ocean? What made you pick what you did??
  17. volosikj... Thank you SO much..again I can't wait for your reveiw!! What made you pick the Pool Deck for your reception instead of the Terrace right off the beach?
  18. So..I guess it depends on who you ask! Ha!! I guess we might have just made it harder! I totally agree - they are both really nice resorts!!
  19. Hi! Here are pictures of the Tequila Terrace: I believe this is the Pool Terrace - although this could be your "Beach Terrace" - I don't know cause really the Tequila Terrace is the one that has the stairs right to beach..Sandra told us she is trying to get the wall painted white so it is more Wedding~ish: Inside those "coves" are showers - she said for the Wedding they remove them and put flowers inside... Hope this helps!
  20. I sure can! Hands down the Dreams resort is just amazing! The rooms are unbelievable alone...right when we walked in it was just breathe taking! Everything about it. I love how the resort looks itself - very beautiful. I love their ceremony options and their reception options. Desire's is a GREAT place for the Wedding "after party" too! I have stayed at a Dreams before so we already know the service is outstanding and the food is wonderful. We have a lot of guests whom have never been to an all inclusive before - and I know DRC would wow them from the second they walk into the resort. I honestly can't say enough great things about how everything looked. Just incredible. Even now the more we think about it the more we fall in love with it being perfect! Now Sapphire was nice as well - it would be a great Plan B. It would make for a beautiful wedding! It just didn't have that same "wow" factor as Dreams. We got an incredible deal and knew that Now is owned by the same company (still working on the switch I think) so we knew it'd be a great resort - which was why we chose to stay there for this last trip. The WC's at both resorts were wonderful. Honestly we were even worried about Dreams being a little pricey but once we saw it we were already making exceptions and agreeing that we would somehow just make it work. Probably offer our guests a choice between 5 & 7 day stays - to give them a less expensive option. Although Now is nice.. Dreams is unbelievable - literally from the second you walked in the door!! Hopefully that helps! If you need anything else let me know!
  21. I would raise ALL HELL if I were you. I swear if it was on my contract I would tell them they have to honor it. It's a legal contract..they have to honor the brides that are already involved!! How can they do that to you??? Ugh..I'm SO upset for you - our wedding isn't for another year and we were pumped about having Ivan..I can't even imagine the hell I would be raising if it was on my contract. I might even contact a lawyer - I'm pretty sure the have to honor it!! Seriously..what a bad move on their part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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