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Everything posted by sarcrook

  1. OH MY GOSH!!! A M A Z I N G!! You made me smile the entire time - you looked like you were having SO MUCH FUN!!! Love it..beautiful!! How much was the Unlimited Package?? The photos are amazing!! Were they with you the entire reception? I can't wait for your review..I have so many questions!! I'd love your timeline - and how you did your music (for the ceremony)? How was the weather?? We are thinking of doing that week or the week later 2012 - I'd love to do February but it gets pretty pricey!! I can't tell you enough how amazing it looked!!
  2. Are you guys having (or past brides did you) music during the sand ceremony..and when your witnesses sign the certificate??
  3. $600???? That is ridiculous!! I thought it was included in the package..apparently not!!
  4. I sent them an email the other day and haven't heard back..that's always annoying! Sarah
  5. I want the dance floor FOR SURE!!! $650 Does seem like a lot - I love the idea of the party favors!! I do believe that is cheaper than DJ Mannia - and I like the looks of DJ Julian and DJ Mannia better than the resort DJ. That is something I would pay for - the music/dancing...is 100% what you and your guests will remember - they don't remember what the flowers look like - but they sure remember the music!!!! I believe in spending on that part of the party!!! Hands down!
  6. Is anybody doing a Group Check-In... Past Brides..if you have done a Group Check-In can you tell me how it worked? Did they take you to a different room?
  7. SharonMydung...I did find a thread on here with some picks from DJ Julian Molina..if you search him you'll find it. He actually looks very similar to Ivan from Doremixx! I've contacted DJ Mannia and I think they might be a lot higher than the $650 for five hours..that is a GREAT price!! Are you gonna do the 5 hours? That seems a lot - we were thinking 4.. -- Let me know what he says about the light up dance floor - and of course please share your pics!!
  8. Let me know what you find out!! Are they giving you a better price than bringing in an outside DJ? When is your wedding?
  9. So how long of a reception are you doing? The price doesn't work out even but it's nice you don't have to pay for both. It's weird that one WC will offer one thing and another offer's something else. Seems backwards!
  10. Can you brides share you music with me? What are you using for your girls to walk down, you..are you having music while the guests get seated and when the groom/groomsmen walk out? Cake cutting song?? Thanks!! Just curious..
  11. rach2011..are you going to use DJ Julian Molina for your DJ or the resort DJ?? What are they offering if you use him? Do you know if that the one that is on Facebook? His light up dance floor looks tiny... Yes..Ana told us the same thing regarding the Cocktail Hour. Such a great exchange!! ffor
  12. Really??? Don't have to pay the $500??!! Thank GOD - that was insane!! So we can bring in a DJ and don't have to pay $500?? P H E W !!! I went dress shopping for my first time today - got some idea's..it was an interesting experience. Seems surreal that I'll ever find a dress!!
  13. We will us their photographer. I'm not to worried about pictures..hiring an outside photographer is very expensive and I think the Resort Photographer does a wonderful job! My future sister-in-law's sister is invited to our wedding..she has photography experience..if she comes I might ask her to take some shots. With all the camera's that will be there I'm not worried about pictures! We are having a friend video tape everything - my FI will edit it and put it all together to make our "Wedding Video"!
  14. It's going really well! I'm very excited! We can't get rates yet cause flights aren't available until 11 months out...that's making me nervous!! We are thinking last week in January/first week in February 2012.. I'm not sure about the DJ..I checked out the Facebook page - doesn't look the same as Ivan. I'm still waiting for them to answer my questions about the DJ's..I want to know why the charge is $500 to bring somebody in from outside. I don't understand why it is so much money. I've heard DJ Mannia is awesome - waiting to see if anybody else knows more about them. Gonna see if I can find a thread on them... Our colors are purple, gray (dark gray)..with accents of gold, black, and white... What are your colors? Do you have your dress? Your BM dresses??
  15. KittenHeart...where are you??? I'm sure you don't check this site ever - I have a few questions for you. I did send you a PM...
  16. This is SO tough. We've been using a TA that is my friends Father-In-Law..he hasn't been very helpful and I think he gets REAL frustrated with my questions. Which I know..I have a LOT - but I don't understand how it works. So frustrated.. I'm not sure how we'd tell him we'd like to work with somebody else..ugh.. We thought he'd be great cause we know him - but he's kinda being real short with us. He's about to go on vacation so maybe he'll be better when he comes back - if not I might have to contact Kim!!
  17. http://www.lizfields.com/ Click Bridesmaids & Social Scroll over #362..it's shown in a bright pink.. I'm SO glad you all are loving it as much as I do!!!
  18. Please do!! I have been engaged for almost a year and have searched and searched and SEARCHED - I have been looking at Nordstroms thinking I could find something reasonalbe that the girls could wear again...I think I was making it too difficult! Seriously - I have looked at every designer out there -then I found this thread and saw a designer I hadn't recognized before - saw this dress and thought it was meant to be!!!!!!!! I think it's PERFECT!! I hope hope hope it fits the girls well and I hope they like it!!
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