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Everything posted by kyndall

  1. I have heard a lot of people recommended using a company...I think Decco something? Does anyone have any suggestions on getting a hold of them? I sent an email and haven't heard anything back. I was wondering if I needed to go through the WC.
  2. I know I have. It's mostly from the in law side of the family that aren't going anyway so I'm not sure why they don't keep it to themselves. I just remind people that we aren't getting married in juarez and you are in danger everywhere.
  3. I'm sorry this happened to you. I haven't had anyone back out yet and I'm hoping they don't. I do agree that once you break it down for food, drinks, and the fact that it's a vacation Moon Palace isn't really more expensive than other weddings. I know I spent $1000+ being in a wedding between shoes, dress, hair, make up, and going to her bach party in Vegas. I hope for your sanity that they change their minds!!
  4. I think the $400 includes food and and drinks for a set number of hours.
  5. Is the photographer really that bad? I have looked at a girl I work with picture's and I thought they were good. They don't look like photographersI would hire here but I think they are pretty good...
  6. We had to pay the Judges fee upfront. And we are choosing the complimentary package so we just had to put down a deposit of how long me and my fiance are staying. Then once enough people book their rooms we will be credited back. Also, the guest are only having to put a deposit of two nights down by February and then pay the rest when they get there. We get married in April. Hope this helps.
  7. Â I think that going through the resort and travel agent will get you about the same rate. I am using a travel agent and like it because she communicates with the resorts on a regular basis. She's able to tell me what they usually offer and how long they take to get back to people and everything. I also am planning on having over 50 people and I think it will be so fun. The gazebos are big enough to hold that many and the resort is supposed to be huge. I think the more the merrier! Â
  8. I think this is what i want to do too. i'm just not sold on the horse thing. the pictures look great i just cant see myself doing it!
  9. Has anyone not used the horse option or the golf cart? I don't really want to use either. surely it's not too far just to walk up to the gazebo???
  10. I really doubt they perform Catholic ceremonies on Good Friday. You should be able to find out from your local priest though. We were planning on having a Catholic wedding on April 16th, 2011 but it's the start of holy week so we can't.
  11. They allow children. They have a kids area and I think young kids are also cheaper per night.
  12. They can seem to take a long time getting back to you. But then they want the contract back within a week. They have been very friendly and have kept me up to date on any changes. I have emailed the people at Deco but haven't heard anything back from them.
  13. You can get married legally at MP before you have a Catholic ceremony. It's just an option if you didnt want to have two weddind dates. We were going to have a Catholic wedding but we picked a date you aren't allowed to. There is just more paperwork involved.
  14. From what I read you have to get legally married first and then have the Catholic wedding. Also, you might want to check with your home town priest first. You might have to have permission from you parish too. We were going to do a Catholic wedding but the date we picked you couldn't have a Catholic wedding. We were going to have to do the pre cana classes and get permission from his priest for them too.
  15. I booked for April 16th 2011. Kids werent free but i know they aren't full price. can't remember off the top of my head.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by leesha49 Your wedding sounds like it turned out awesome, I love the picture with the rose petals, what an awesome effect. I have a question, I have been pondering my wedding location for June 2010 and I really love the packages that the Palace Resort have to offer. One concern that I have with the Moon Palace is that all the reviews and pictures seem to show super dark water which are not typical to Cancun waters. Is this infact true? Also, I have read several reviews that mention the water being extremly full of seaweed. My family loves Cancun and loves the clear aqua waters. They really enjoy getting in the ocean so this is sort of a big deal for me. Thanks The water is supposed to be a lot darker than the typical cancun water because it's on a different side...it's on the lagoon side.
  17. Your wedding was beautiful! I am getting married at Moon Palace on April 16th, 2011! Did you have a civil service? I am just wondering about the script.
  18. I just booked the Moon Palace today for April of next year. We are planning on doing a catholic ceremony. They haven't told us any of the requirments yet but from what I have googled you have to get some paperwork for your parish. i think the chapel is the prettiest gazebo at MP and. In my opinion, the pews make it look really beautiful.
  19. Does anyone know anything about the Catholic ceremonies? I was just wondering if they were in Spanish and if they were about the same length of time as they are here...about an hour.
  20. I just booked our wedding for April 16, 2011 at Moon Palace. We are supposed to have it at the chapel but they didn't mention anythign about the reception. I figured that would just come later as the wedding is almost a year a way.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy Congrats on your upcoming wedding! I was married at the catholic gazebo at the Moon Palace (almost 2 years ago!!) It was so beautiful and they are so nice and helpful there. We actually flew our priest down for the wedding but we did meet with Father Pierre who was the priest at Moon Palace at the time. I don't know if he is still there or not but he was very nice. You still have to do all the things required by the catholic church, and bring your paperwork with you (like pre-cana classes.) I would email Moon Palace and get the exact requirements though, since it may have changed since I was there! You will love it! Congratulations again! you did fly down your priest? Did they let him do the service for you? My fiance wants to fly in his. I am not Catholic but he is and his church would allow us to get married there. I am hooing it's the same there as long as we do the pre cana classes and everything.
  22. Thanks for all the responses. Does anyone know anything about the requirments to be married in the Catholic chapel there?
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