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Everything posted by ashleyryan

  1. Welcome amyUGA! I decided on the PPC because it's much more affordable for our guests. We plan to go to PPR for a second week for our honeymoon after our guests leave.
  2. WOW!! This spreadsheet is immaculate! Thanks so much for re-posting it, this will totally come in handy... I feel a little less stressed already lol
  3. Mel2010 thanks for sharing Julia's website! I really like her style as well. I haven't seen any reviews on her though... let us know if you find out anything about her services!
  4. Wow, I am soooooo happy with these upgrades!!!! Thanks so much for updating us bikegirl!
  5. I purchased my dress a couple of months after we got engaged! It was the first dress I tried on! I tried on a few others but I kept going back to the first one so I knew it was "the one" I waited months for it to come in from the manufacturer and it finally did in August. I tried it on and it fit me SO well! Call me crazy though, it can only be taken in or out an inch or so.. so for the next year and a half I have to hope my body doesn't change! lol Have you started looking??
  6. I agree!! I'm sad that the old PPC thread went missing after the forum upgrade. I'm getting married at the PPC in April 2012 and I check back everyday for some more recent reviews! Can't wait!
  7.  Speaking of tea, have you (or anyone) every tried Jiaogulan Tea? My FI had a cough for about 2 months and after a few cups of this tea it FINALLY started to go away!! I purchased it at Teaopia but I'm sure it could be found at most specialty tea shops. It's like green tea in terms of taste, but a little better because it's sweeter with even more health benefits than conventional green tea. It stays active for about 8-14 hours after steeped which means you can re-steep the same herbs over and over for quite a while and still get all of the health benefits! Steep for 5-8 minutes  Here's a little bit of info on it for everyone:  Jiaogulan – The ‘Immortality’ Tea  Jiaogulan (pronounced ‘JOW GOO LANN’) is a Chinese herb which has been consumed for centuries for its reputed anti-aging, antioxidant and disease-fighting properties. Jiaogulan is sometimes called Five Leafed Ginseng or Southern Ginseng, since it grows in south central China and because of its similarity to ginseng in chemical composition and function. The plant is a member of the cucumber family and grows in clusters of five leaves. All parts of the plant may be dried and infused, and you will see the grassy look of the product, which consist of both leaves and stems, matted and held in shape by a very light sucrose. Thus, there is sweetness to the herb when infused, which occurs due to the natural sweetness of the leaf and the sucrose used to hold it together.  Infusion Reccomendations: Infuse each ball in approximated 24 ounces of water at no more than 175 degrees for at least five minutes. Multiple infusions are strongly recommended. Successive infusions are smooth and delicious.  Chinese history about the plant dates back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 A.D.) The plant was used as both a dietary supplement and a food source. By the late 1500’s some theraputic claims began to be described. In the mountainous regions of Southern China, Jiaogulan was consumed for its apparent energizing effects, to increase strength and endurance and to relieve fatigue. Its uses and its reputation became comparable to those of ginseng. A frequently cited story states that in a village near Fanjing Mountain in Guizhou province, residents consumed tea made from the herb instead of the more commonly used green tea, and as a result many people in the village lived to 100 years of age or more. Thus the tea was named ‘Xiancao’, ‘Immortality herb’.  Chinese herbology sources include Jiaogulan in the ‘Dictionary of Chinese Materia Medica’, where traditional uses for the herb as a medicine, are described. It is a recommended prescription for anti-inflammation, detoxification, cough remedy, and as an expectorant and chronic bronchitis remedy. Other claims for the effectiveness of the herb include its power as an antioxidant and its adaptogenic properties. The term ‘adaptogen’ describes herbs that help the out-of-balance body to normalize itself. So, for example, if you need to energize, the claim is that the plant will do that for you, and if you need to rest, the plant will calm you. Multiple research citations claim the effectiveness of Jiaogulan as an adaptogen, which is also very rich in antioxidants, amino acids, minerals, and is stimulant-free. The plant has attracted the attention of scientists not only in China, but also Europe and the U.S. Ther herb is being actively researched, but more studies on the human body are needed to prove its health claims.  According to herbalists Jiaogulan is used for:  - Antioxidant and disease-fighting properties - Supports organ systems and blood function - Decreased cholesterol - Reduction of blood fat levels - Improved digestion and nutrient absorption - Increase in vitality and endurance - Improved athletic performance - Regulation of hormonal functions - Aids in weight loss - Improvement of sleep - Relief from fatigue enhanced resistance to disease - Calming and mood elevation Â
  8. Â Awesome tips, thanks so much! I work with Naturopathic Doctors and they are always recommending Apple Cider Vinegar as it has SO many health benefits. I have not heard of putting it directly on the face, this sounds interesting so I might try it! You said you use green tea as a toner, how do you go about doing this?
  9. Sounds awesome! I'm definitely in! My wedding isn't until April 2012 but this is a great way to get motivation and get into a habit of exercising and eating right! Â I'm doing a 28 day clinical detox starting Sep 6th so I'll be sure to post some great recipes that I try! Â Good luck everyone!
  10. WOW!!! These are INCREDIBLE! I'm just about to check out her page. I wanted to do boarding pass STDs and possport invites so this is perfect! Â Thanks for posting
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by clgriffi7 I am inviting everyone to the AHR. I hope to have a slideshow at my AHR with pictures from the trip to Mexico. It would be that much more fun if the people in the pictures are in the room watching. A slideshow is such a good idea!! I'm totally going to borrow this one from you and create a slideshow  It's a great way for those that couldn't make it feel like they're involved, and at the same time, it's a wonderful reinion of those that did make it. Everyone loves to reminise after a fabulous trip together!
  12. Has anyone seen this dress in person?  I found a picture of it in a magazine and wanted it for my wedding on the beach. When I was looking for my wedding dress I came across it at a boutique!  I wasn't as magical in real life  I didn't see it on anyone but the hanger, maybe it would have looked better on someone in person, but the colours just weren't as nice as they are in this perfectly photographed ad.
  13. I woke up on Valentine's day to a romantic breakfast that Ryan had prepared for me. He cooked delicious omlettes with a ketchup heart on top--so creative! We then got ready for the day and Ryan walked out in his beautiful grey suede jacket, a white collared shirt, nice jeans, and black dress shoes. I asked him why he was all dressed up and he said "can't I look good for my lady today?" (Little did I know what was to come!!) Ryan told me he had to step out to get a few things (obviously I assumed this meant a bouquet of flowers) and returned with the most unexpected surprise! Instead of a stereotypical bouquet of flowers on Valentine's day, Ryan walked in with a gorgeous vase of red Anthuriums (similar picture on the right). If you're not familiar with this type of flower, it comes from Hawaii and is the longest lasting of all tropical flowers. It comes in lots of different colours, but Ryan chose red because the flower shape resembles a heart. I opened the card and in it he wrote: "I love you soooo much and on this day we can look forward to our life together." You'd think I would have realized what would happen later after reading that, but no, I just thought he was being sweet! For every special occasion I cook Ryan a fabulous meal for dinner, usually accomanied by our favourite wine and cheese, so I continued tradition and we enjoyed a great meal together. During dinner we were trying to figure out what we should do for the night. We had considered going to Niagara Falls for the past few weekends but never made it out there, so we spontaneously decided to just go for it, why not! We dropped our puppy off at a friends house and set out for the falls. The first stop was Fallsview Casino because I had never been to a casino before. We ordered some drinks and the first machine I hit, I won the jackpot! We won and lost a little more and decided to leave while we were still up. We spent the rest of the night at a few different clubs and then around 3:00am we decided to go check out the falls before we headed home. At 3:00am in the middle of winter, Niagara Falls is dead. There wasn't a person in sight. We got out of the car and walked over to the edge of the falls, right where the water drops off of the cliff. It was freezing! An extremely thick layer of ice covered everything. We stood under a single lamp post hugging each other tightly, trying to keep warm as we looked out onto the falls. It was the most romantic set up anyone could ask for! Ryan started sqeezing me a little tighter as he whispered in my ear how much I mean to him, how in love he is with me, and how he never wants to live without me. Then all of a sudden he got down on one knee and pulled out a box from his jacket!! Let me tell you, I have never been more shocked in my life! He opened the box and the most beautiful ring glimmered in light. I said YES in an instant and he put it on my finger and I felt like I truly, truly won the jackpot that night. Â (Update: Afterwards I was told that he tried for months to plan the special moment but nothing was coming to him so he carried the ring around with him and waited for the moment to just happen rather than plan something extravegant, when we were standing at the falls at the end of the night, he just knew it was the right time)
  14. I used Canada Post for our custom stamps and they came out beautifully and were a total hit with the guests!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by T&C Here are my invites and my save the date The invite materials are Envelopments. I got them printed at work and then DIY'd the assembly. I am thrilled with how they turned out and all of our guests have loved them so far! I posted a little earlier but I had a few other questions: Where did you get the stationary? How many did you do & what was the cost? What software program did you use? How did you get the print to look soft like you did? I'm tryign to figure out if it's cheaper for me to order my STDs or DIY ... any and all help would be appreciated thanks!!
  16. They look fabulous! I made DIY Engagement Party Invites. How did you design these invites, a certain software program?
  17. Hello all I've been reading posts on here for a couple of months now and just came across this thread.. which is awesome!! People look at me as if I'm crazy when they hear I'm already starting to plan my wedding, which isn't for 2 years! lol -- we're planning for April 2012 We got engaged on the night of Valentines day of this year (but technically the cusp of V day and Family day). Our engagement party is on June 5th in my parents backyard and I was thinking of giving out save the dates the the guests, but I also liked the idea of the Christmas card! Even though it's 2 years away I feel like there is so much planning that should be started asap to avoid stress! What do you ladies have planned so far?
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