Nooo!! This will defintely make me break my diet! LOL...I love the pics. I have a ways to go but I am going with the free wedding cake at ROR and probably some sort of cupcake tier thingy for my AHR.
Hello, Do I have to send out invite sto everyone that I plan on sending reception invites to? I am trying to cut down cost and some of the people listed on my guest list I know will not attend the wedding in Jamaica but will definetly come to the AHR. What are your thoughts
I am a little stressed about the whole invite thing myself. I don't intend to invite everyone to Jaimaca but plan on inviting everyone to my AHR. I think i will send save the dates for those I want to attend the ceremony and just formal invitations for those I want to attend the reception 2 months prior... does that sound ok? Or do you think I should just send it to everyone?
Hello, My name is Nikia I plan on getting married in April 2011 in Jamaica with a small reception to follow back in the states. I am so overwhelmed and clueless as to where to begin. I appreciate and welcome all ideas and input.