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Everything posted by missgomes

  1. I'm wondering if recent reviews are due to the resort dealing with tropical storm Nicole at the end of September. Can't wait for your review.
  2. Don't forget me: Missgomes – Grand Palladium Jamaica, May 28th
  3. @ nemmerz ~ I think MsWhatever said something very important for everyone to remember: The resort "wedding coordinators" are actually just organizers. If you want your day to run smoothly and your way, then you need to manage the resort, detail your thoughts/ideas, and designate (or bring) your own wedding coordinators. Keep note of what worked for some brides and what didn't for others. Good luck and have faith.
  4. FYI - I booked in March for May 2011... only 1 slot was left.
  5. Metal notes galore!! I am so sorry to hear about all of this. My honest opinions and concerns: (1) My eldest brother is also walking me down the isle and I would be devastated to have to pick someone else moments before!!!! Devastated!! (2) I also would have been perturbed if I felt that her "grin" as I began to walk down the isle was malicious. (3) Missing WC..... the entire trip... would be nerve wrecking to say the least. (and I like Nina out of all of WC's I've had over the last 7 months). (4) Waiting 35 minutes for carts??? Luckily, Mark was understanding! Here is a BIG BIG HUG!!!! We plan for this day and its very frustrating (to say the least) when people aren't as dedicated as we would like them to be (or rather, they should be).I believe when Phylicia left, Nina has taken the most of the work (unless this has changed recently). From reading various reviews across the internet, I think its obvious that the wedding department needs some help. Unfortunately, you have to have a bad ordeal for us to realize that although this is destination wedding, A LOT of work still needs to be done once we get there. Ok.. with that being said, I have a couple of questions for you and any other past brides who'd like to chime in.... 1. Do you think it would have been helpful to go to the Gazebo with your bridal party (say before the welcome dinner) and go over the plans at night while no one was there? 2. Family photos done before or after the ceremony? 3. Did you have any contact with the DJ prior to the reception? 4. It seems as though cards arrive as they are available, correct? There are no carts "reserved" for wedding ceremonies? 5. Did you meet with the Pastor prior to the ceremony? Did Nina ask how to pronounce your name? 6. In your review, you stated Nina looked frustrated??? huh?? For what and why? Mental Notes: 1. Bring duplicates of anything that can be duplicated. 2. Designate your own GPJ Wedding Coordinating Posse. 3. Bring your Posse to the "meeting" with your GPJ WC. 4. Request Bridal Party to use bring wedding attire as carry ons. (I personally would just cry if my brother couldn't walk me... it symbolizes soo many things). Did any of you arrive at the resort on Tuesday and attend the Manager's Dinner/Buffet event that is held? Wondering if meeting the management staff holds any weight.
  6. This is so helpful. Speaking for myself, and maybe a few would agree, the planning process can be a little overwhelming. I personally, have been to only a handful of weddings and don't remember much (besides LONG vows, food, and whether they had an opened bar or not). LOL With that being said, planning your own wedding can lead to nightmares and disappointments. There has been some GREAT information in this thread. Taking heed to the statements below have really shown to be crucial IMHO when reading wedding reviews. I'm off to search for "a guide to planning your destination wedding" and starting my own "To Nina Checklist". LOL Any additives would be appreciated! Keep coming with the ideas/thoughts/experiences. We FB are GREATFUL!!!
  7. You live in TX, so I presume it was hot, right? Quote: Originally Posted by CBREWSTER Mac Fix works great I used it when I used it with my engagement pics and my makeup was flawless. @ kenwedjam0902 ~ I really just got into wearing makeup a year ago. I get eczema really bad in the winter and had an event to attend. I had 3 large dark patches on my forehead. MAC's concealer works great. I can be very dramatic at times (but in a funny way).... I walked into the MAC store, begged for some help. I walked out with a ton of crap, but my skin looked flawless and practically natural looking.
  8. Wow.. I come back from a long weekend.... and boooo!!! Food for thought! Patiently waiting on Part II. On another note... you look beautiful!!
  9. @ Bold.. I meant the Blue Lagoon... but that's probably why no one responded. LOL Sorry to hear that you had a few hiccups. Thanks for the info on the DJ.
  10. I don't wear makeup often, but when I do, I use MAC. I, too, have oily skin. I am planning on using the MAC Fix +. Have you tried this before? It's supposed to set your makeup for the day and keep it fresh.
  11. V~ Your jewelry is very pretty!!! I was thinking of ordering my mugs too but the FI said we should wait til after our booking deadline which is January 15th. So in the meantime, I am on to my next project. I created my luggage tag templates last night. I won't buy any supplies until January as well. I will start gathering information for the brochures this week. I will just put them in a word document until I know how many to order as well. I have a dab of OCD so I cannot wait wait wait... I will drive myself crazy! Nan~ That is really a cute idea. O.. I also ordered decks of cards for the OOT bags. Once I start putting this stuff together I will take pics.
  12. vlynnw... that is actually cute!! She sent me 2 emails last night.. so I guess I shall change it! Its vistaprint free... so who really cares. No one cares about favors really anywy. Thanks for the advice.
  13. Thanks. One of my GFs told me to rethink it because it said "gave our love a shot".... she's so literal!! HMMMMM....... NEXT!
  14. Gosh....I'm off to upgrade my contract. That is very scary and I cannot imagine coming close to my wedding with no photographer.. and NO budget for one!! I am basically doing the same thing you did.
  15. I just ordered a couple of tshirts. You can only get one tshirt with this code so you'll have to do several orders if you want more than one. Also only applies to white basic tee but there are some cute ones out there.
  16. Last night, I googled some favor quotes. IMO, favors are things that people throw in their pocketbooks and forget about and then when they need the pocketbook again, they go through it and say.. WTH is this?!?! Ok.. maybe that's just me! LOL I want my favors to be used!! I am going to use tequila shooters with MINTS or GUM in them!! HINT, HINT. Alcohol + food = bad breathe. LOL Have you ladies thought of any favor ideas? Please share! Here is my first draft for my favor tags.
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