Pre-nups are such a touchy subject... I'm not going to lie, when my FI brought up the the topic of a pre-nup, my initial reaction was to get offended. I understand the logic of why people want to get them, but I couldn't help but think things like, "why should we be getting married if you think there's even a chance that it won't work out?" or "does he think that I'm really the type of person that marries for money?" Maybe I'm young and naive, but I think pre-nups take away from the romantic aspect of getting married. But then again, I have no assets to protect and haven't been burned in the past so I don't know how it feels to be on the other side. In the end, my FI told me that he didn't want a pre-nup, was just curious to see if I had ever thought about it at all because his coworkers kept asking him if he was getting one, so I got offended for nothing, lol.