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Everything posted by Nessa682

  1. I just found this photography place here in Edmonton that is willing to travel to mexico for my wedding. The are called Just for You photography. Just want to know if anyone as hear of them. She seems pretty legit from her website jfyphotography.com but wanted to hear if anyone one else has any coments. Thanks!
  2. Hello Ladies.....I am from Edmonton my name is Vanessa and Fiances name is Patrick. We are getting married in April 2011 at the Barcelo Maya Palace in Mayan Riviera. and it is great to have found a group of ladies to share the experience of planning with. Just started looking for dresses and hope to find the one soon. Look forward to hearing from everyone. Vanessa
  3. TheFutureWagners...oh my gosh I love that dress where did you find them. My colors are purple and orange and that dress is perfect. I hope you don't mind me asking
  4. Hey Ashley....We are also flying Artistique Photography out from Portland Oregon we are having our wedding on the 25th of April so I am not going to be able to see your wedding but I hope that it is beautiful and the pictures turn out great. You are so right about their prices being great and I love that they have shot at the palace before. Their work is really great as well. Talk to you soon.
  5. I just have a quick question does anyone know the DJ company that the Palace uses? Trying to see if I can get some prices and start to figure this out....I know it is a ways but would hate for my day and time to not be available. Thanks!!!
  6. Me too I am a barcelo Maya palace bride April 25th...do great to see more brides so we can share all of our planning! Congrats!
  7. hey just wondering if you could email it to me would love to see it. [email protected] Thanks...
  8. Me too!!!! That is a great idea,very thoughtful. What time are you getting married? If I am getting married at 4 what time would you think that everyone should be in the salon to get there hair done?
  9. Mahalo Hey when I called my resort they said that Monday the 25th was open but Saturday the 23rd was not. We are set to get married on the 25th at 4pm. We are getting married at the Barcelo Maya palace and this place is great!!!!! Not sure what it is like at the other resorts. They even have a catholic church on site. I know it is hard this was the only time that work for our families as well. Well good luck and talk to you soon. Vanessa
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by KathyW Hi Im from Vancouver WA woo!!! woo!!! I forget where Marysville is? Im actually from Portland but moved across the river so now Im in Vancouver So fun to find another bride in close proximity KathyW I am from Vancouver and lived in Portland for a long time. Great place to live I miss it a lot. Where are you getting married at? Take care.
  11. Yeah Nicloa it totally does and it is a huge relief. I am now able to focus on more important things like dresses and photography. You look great in the flower dress too by the way. Vanessa
  12. Hey ladies just wanted to say that I am really enjoying everyones post.....super helpful. I am a April 2011 bride....yeah, so great to say that I am from Canada and just started the process of planning. So far I know I am getting married at the Bracelo Maya Palace (just booked)..... So yeah just wanted to introduce myself and look forward to sharing our experiences over the coming months. Vanessa
  13. Just wanted to say hi and that I have looked around and this site has it all look forward to getting to share information with the other brides on here. I am getting married April 2011 at the Barcelo Maya Palace. So can't wait, let the planning begin.
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