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Everything posted by Ania19

  1. Hello, I am having a Catholic ceremony at the Valentin on April 30th and I have a question for any other brides that are getting married in the chapel.....it has been impossible to communite with the priest there, we never hear back so I have so many unanswered questions. Do we have to plan the ceremony - pick our readings, etc? Is anyone else planning a Catholic wedding there that can give me some advice? Thanks so much
  2. Hello. Our wedding is April 30th 2011 at the beautiful Valentin Imperial Maya - this will be our 3rd time at the resort I was wondering if anyone has ever had a wedding reception at the Le Marche restaurant? I am stuck between that and the Mexican terrace outdoor area and I can't seem to make up my mind! Thanks for any advice.
  3. Hello Valentin Brides, I will be getting married at the Valentin Imperial Maya April 30th 2011 I am trying to decide between a civil beach ceremony or a cathlic chapel ceremony. I would love to have the religious ceremony but I also want our marriage to be legal. Can anyone give me any advice on this? Can I have the religious ceremony there followed by a civil ceremony - I dont need the whole ceremony just something quick to make our marriage legal. Thanks for any advice. Anna
  4. Hello, Does anyone know how it works with the Catholic and civil ceremony if you want both done in Mexico. I am getting married at the Valentin April 30th 2011. Thanks Anna
  5. Hello everyone This is a great site ! I will be having a wedding at the Valentin Imperial Maya April 30th 2011 and I'm also trying to decide on a Honeymoon - probably between Secrets Maroma Beach and Excellence Rivera Cancun. I look forward to checking out the posts
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