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Everything posted by jujeemd

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenny310 jujeemd - Thanks for posting the photos are great! Where the blue flags on the beach how they marked off the ceremony area? If you don't mind me asking where did you get your necklace and the bridesmaids ones? Did you contact blue parrot before going? Thanks! Thanks! Actually the blue flags are on all the cabana beds, they are there for you to raise and the waitress will know if you need a drink. I did contact the Blue Parrot, they sent me back some generic email with the same info that is on their website... They told me cover is $10 per person and that they couldn't give us a group deal, but then they let us all in without paying cover anyway so who knows! It's probably best to just play it by ear. See below for info on the jewelry! Quote: Originally Posted by jesmcan jujeemd - thank you so much for your review!!! you looked so beautiful I love your necklace. Thank you so much for all the great advice on everything. Everything looked wonderful so it really put my mind at ease. Thank you! I LOVED my necklace!!!! I got so many compliments on it, and I was more excited about my necklace than my dress! Haha. I got it made from the designer at a little boutique Annabella's in Ann Arbor, MI...but they have sellers on Etsy.com that make very similar necklaces (and for a lot less!) I just didn't find them until after I had mine! Here is one seller I found: SaskiaVanRijn on Etsy but if you search "statement necklace" or "collar necklace" "bib necklace" "flower necklace" or something along those lines TONS of stuff comes up. You end up looking for hours though! I also found my bridesmaids jewelry on Etsy.com I think I paid around $240 for 6 necklace/earring sets which were silver/freshwater pearls. There are lots of shops in Playa with jewelry so if you don't find anything just head for 5th when you get down there! Lots of silver! Quote: Originally Posted by smckinney22 Hi girls! Does anyone know if the resorts pass out the hotel maps when you get there? I was talking to my mom about all the stuff I need to print and she asked "Won't the resort have maps there?" and I said..."hmm I do not know but I do know who to ask, the forum!" Anyway just checking so maybe I can save some ink! Save your ink! At check-in they give you a map that's not very detailed, but they circle where your room is, etc. and also there are signs all over the resort showing you which direction stuff is. It's a huge place but not really that hard to figure it out, in one day you'll have it down. Plus it's fun to take a walk around and find stuff! Another thing I forgot...the Welcome/OOT bags... We passed most out ourselves and we only had SIX left for the end of the week so we asked concierge to pass them out for us...6 bags only. They said "Sure sure, no problem"... We gave them a list of the people, when they were arriving, and put name tags on the bags... 4 of the bags were mixed up and given to the wrong people, and 2 were never found. One of my bridesmaids never got her bag, so she didn't have her jewelry on wedding day. They never took responsibility for this and just flat out didn't care, which was NOT the way the rest of the resort worked at all. Only concierge was like this. So just FYI, I would pass my own bags out and save the hassle! I thought they could handle 6 bags, but I guess not. I hope it doesn't sound like I'm complaining, because it seriously was the best week ever! Minor details, just wanting people to be informed of small stuff to look out for!
  2. Hey all, I know I found this forum late and haven't really posted much but just wanted to mention a few things that will hopefully help as these were the things I was worried about... Cocktail hour - our ceremony was on the Pelicanos beach, and we had a cocktail hour immediately afterward, which worked out PERFECT because it gave our guests a place to sit, eat, and champagne to drink while watching us take our photos on the beach. Everyone stuck around because they wanted to watch and take pictures. I didn't taste the food, but we upgraded to the hot canapes and my bridesmaids who SWORE honesty about the food said that they were about half and half - half were amazing half were "blah". We had the Mexican trio at the cocktail hour and got a lot of good comments, people thought that was awesome. And we won't get our professional pix for a couple of weeks but here is a link to our "not professional at all" pix in case anyone is interested!! These are all just pix taken by guests. http://julieandparkermetz.shutterfly.com/ We did the beach ceremony at 5, cocktail hour immediately following, and 7pm reception in the garden. Perfect, perfect and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. It worked out sooo smoothly. Zulma is amazing, we had our meeting and she just did it all. I dropped off all the stuff I wanted to use and she just did it! She also added some things I forgot about...like a centerpiece for the ceremony table and then she took it down for the "bride and groom" table at the reception. We didn't order it or pay for it! But it was there. The civil ceremony was actually really nice for a strictly legal ceremony, everyone said nice things about what was said. Short and sweet, just how we wanted it! The guitarist was awesome, perfect. The guitarist and judge ran off immediately afterward before we could tip them! We ordered flowers through the resort because I just didn't have time to deal with it or go looking for vendors, and we made changes to all of them. I was nervous because there was no way to see them and approve of them before wedding day, but they turned out just as I wanted them in my head! We chose the CP72 which is all purple in the photo and asked them to do it in all white flowers and match the bridesmaid bouquets B7, and requested mine BO26 be done in all white, and just make matching bouts and corsages and they turned out awesome. I was seriously worried about the flowers but they put it all together really well. They're a lot better than in the catalog pix! Huge relief when I saw them. As for the cake, we ordered the WCUG15 cake from the couture cake catalog, and asked Zulma at our meeting if they could use matching flowers. She said sure, no prob and it was done and we never had to pay for more flowers or anything. (That cake has frosting flowers, not real flowers, so I thought we'd be charged, but nope!) Also, we used DJ Doremixx...not sure who the actual DJ was, but they were alright. Kept everyone dancing, so that's all that matters. Didn't blow me outta the water or anything, but I'm a huge music nut so...depends how picky you are. They did throw in the lighted dance floor though which we did not order or pay for!!!!! So I was totally happy with that and so were the guests! I definitely recommend that if you have dancers/partiers. One thing, nobody ever cut the cake or passed it out. We didn't notice it until the end because everyone was dancing like crazy, but that's one thing I was kinda confused about! Maybe ask and make sure someone is going to do that! I assumed they would just do it but maybe not... We had the cake in our room the next morning with 1 piece out of it...the one we cut together. What a waste of $140! Oh well. The bartenders and servers were awesome, took amazing care of us...made whatever people wanted...but I will say when the clock struck 10pm they just shut it all down, started tearing the tables apart and basically kicked us out... I even asked for a parting shot at the bar and they said NO. Um....excuse me!? It was JUST 10pm, no later not even by a minute I checked because I was like WTF see the dress? But oh well. It was kinda obnoxious how they were tearing it all down before we could even leave the premises. But those were my only complaints, and they weren't even enough to be upset about. Everyone had an amazing time, I heard a million "Best wedding evers" from the guests, and anything that wasn't perfect totally didn't matter because there was so much that WAS perfect. I have no complaints about the ceremony or the cocktail hour, and only those couple little things about the reception. The food was what it was, but the food at the resort is SO GOOD that nobody complained if they didn't like it because we ate like royalty all week long. I will say for the Rehearsal dinner and Reception dinner people liked the salad/soup/dessert...but not the entrees. I hated both entrees. I will have to look up the food later and post specifics on food if anyone is interested. ALSO, if you stay in a master suite I HIGHLY recommend going to the Chefs Plate. Awesome experience, and you can only go if you're in a master suite. Speaking of master suite, we booked the basic junior suite and they upgraded us to a master suite for $50 a day which we GLADLY paid and was SO worth it. We took our after party to the Blue Parrot, and I totally owe this forum JUST for that suggestion. Had a BLAST there, everyone raved about it. Fire show was short, but worth it. We missed the 10pm show, then dance and drink until the 1pm show then left. They also let us all in without cover, and the girls got bracelets for free drinks all night... But I did wear my dress out and all the girls were still dressed up, haha. Also just for reference we did the Luxury package...and didn't use half the stuff. I would probably have chosen a lesser package and made upgrades or even a la carte if we could do it again. We moved our "romantic dinner for 2 on the beach" to a breakfast in the gazebo, and Zulma laughed and said 90% of people do this because they don't want to miss out on dinners with all their guests. It was a good move! I didn't use my hair appt as my sister-in-law is a hairdresser and did my hair, and all the girls did their own because well...they all hate updo's. And so do I! Can't believe my hair was up, but it was for the best as the wind was nuts! My dress turned into a parachute! Which was awkward at the time, but looks awesome in pix! We did fans for the ceremony, but they were not necessary. However, people did use them at the reception because there is barely a breeze in the garden. So I would recommend parasols for anything on the beach during sun hours, and fans for anything in the garden or gazebo. Well, I think that's it for now but feel free to browse our guest pix and ask any questions! I really wish I would have found this website sooner...but I did find some really useful info right before we left so thanks for that!! Hope this helps. Also, whoever the other bride was who high-fived me near beach when I started to walk with my dad...thanks, you kept me from crying!!! Haha.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by LynnieS Um. . .has anyone seen the 10 day forcast. . .bummer for us May 14-16th brides! Hope this changes. Thanks dianep for posting-haha!! (*@$*&*(@(&!!!!!! Why did I look!?
  4. Hey girls, just wanted to post Zulma's response for my question on the ceremony musician: Response: "He doesn’t speak English please send me your needs Suggestion for songs: Bridesmaids song Bride song Song for signing of certificate (couple and witnesses) Song as a wedding march" Also, she confirmed for me that you can do a sand ceremony with the legal ceremony. Hope this guy knows what Canon in D is! I think I'll make a CD just in case... Hope that helps. Just glad I got a response! Yay!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by LynnieS That is kinda scary!! Can we help with anything? What time is your ceremony and reception and where?. . .Ill be looking for you on 5/14!! I know, you're so lucky you got switched to them so soon! If I don't hear from her before I head down there I'm going to be a total wreck. My main concerns are...the ceremony guitarist and how the music works, how do I contact them to let them know what songs we want and with the civil ceremony how does it work? All I get from Angie is, "It's confirmed you have a guitarist." Well...cool, but when is he showing up and what is he going to play? Haha. We have a beach ceremony at 5pm, cocktail reception, and 7pm reception in the garden. We're doing the luxury package, have 38 ppl including Parker and I. I know so many of you probably feel or have felt the same way, but I just feel like I'm going down there blind! Other than filling out what we want on our checklist and sending Angie emails with our wishes (who knows what shes doing with them?) I have no real way of knowing that it's all going to be done. When do we tell them what we want in terms of like huppa, what chairs we want used, seating arrangements for the reception like how many tables, etc? I told Angie what we wanted a long time ago and she told me we could do that down there, but I kinda don't believe her and I'm starting to worry stuff won't be done. Sorry for being a spaz. Haha.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbum1285 For those using DJ Ivan... are you making a list of songs for him to play or are you just going to trust him and trust he'll play a good selection? I am a music nut so I'm putting together songs that are "must play" and songs we want for all of our dances, cutting the cake, garter toss, etc. and then just letting him wing the rest. I posted a couple weeks ago asking about the DJ/music because the song list I received was, well, not good. Ivan said that list is old, they are getting a new one together, but that they have anything and everything and have wireless download so if someone requests something or if you want a song played they don't have they can download it on the spot for you. He said he can also use CDs if you have them or iPod. Hope that helps! On another note....wedding is in 15 days and I still have NOT EVER been in contact with the Mexico WC...Angie told me Zulma was my WC and I have emailed her twice with no response. I have sooooo many unanswered questions that are carried over from Angie never answering them and now I can't get ahold of Zulma! I know it's all this "be patient, it will be awesome when you're down there" but there is stuff I need to know, like about the ceremony musician!!! I have the same questions a few of you have, like do we have songs to choose from or what?! Or just say, "Hey play this" the day of and hope they know it?? Haha. We're also doing civil ceremony, and I have no clue what songs to put where.
  7. Just curious, does anyone have a link for what you can/can't bring through customs?? I'm bringing everything with us...not shipping. We have our welcome bags and all the stuff for inside them (including wedding survival kits aka hangover kits with sample size tylenol, alka-seltzer, etc.) and our "place cards" are sand dollars but they're preserved... I'm getting worried everything won't make it through!
  8. Hi again! Sorry I'm sure this info is somewhere in this massive thread, haha! But I can't find it, so anyway... Can anyone tell me how to get in contact with DJ Doremixx directly? My wedding is in less than a month and I STILL have not been in contact with the Mexico WC and we've paid in full, etc. I received a music list from the MI WC and it looks like it hasn't been updated in a decade...is this true? This can't be the list of all the music available, I pray! Also, some songs that are important to us for the Mother/Groom dance, etc. aren't on the list so I'm wondering if I can bring an iPod or CDs, will the DJ use them? Thanks in advance! Also, if anyone used a musician for the ceremony, how did that work? When do you let them know what you want played for the ceremony? We chose a guitarist, and are yet to hear anything back about that... Thanks! Jules
  9. Thanks for the replies! We have 38 confirmed for Marie's, $15/pp talked to Angie today and she said that was fine, and if we end up with more guests or not enough room they might move us to another restaurant. Thanks for the info on the Blue Parrot!
  10. A couple questions... I did a search and didn't really find what I was lookin' for! What does one do if you have too many people for the Welcome Dinner (over 35ppl) but don't want to pay for a private event?? I really wanted to just do the welcome dinner at one of the restaurants and make it easy, but I think I'm going to be juuuuust over. (Including Bride and Groom we have 36 booked, are expecting 3 more but unsure.) I need help! Also, what does one do for an after party in Playa del Carmen?? Easy transport or even by foot from The Royal? At the Royal? I'm trying to figure out what to do with my guests afterward because I'm pretty positive that my group will not be done by 10-11pm! Haha. Thanks in advance!
  11. diana&steve0304 - April 3, 2010 Shining - April 17, 2010 kimmy44 - April 21, 2010 jcooper79 - April 22, 2010 aerazo - April 23, 2010 llm78 - April 25, 2010 kimmy44 - April 28, 2010 AprilandRyan - May 1, 2010 jennie.lewis - May 7, 2010 SDbeachgirl - May 7, 2010 LynnieS - May 14, 2010 Jujeemd - May 14, 2010 Lexibride - May 15, 2010 tutti1299 - May 15, 2010 dianep - May 15, 2010 (gran) astreit - May 16, 2010 boolo318 - May 28, 2010 Denisema00 - May 29, 2010 Lady_Di - May 29, 2010 candicemarie - June 5, 2010 kenlyn8984 - June 10, 2010 ~Stephanie~ - June 11, 2010 super19 - June 21, 2010 louise_pernell - June 25, 2010 2mckee- June 27, 2010 cinny726 - June 2010 Pattie - June 2010 Jamk32179- September 18, 2010 smckinney22 - October 9, 2010 ReidCapote - October 24, 2010 Shirley_Ken - October 28, 2010 Natalie79 - October 30, 2010 Celine- November 5, 2010 bmlynch - November 6, 2010 Randi - November 11, 2010 Trinas79 - November 11, 2010 jesmcan - November 12, 2010 futuremrs1113-November 13, 2010 giraffexx - November 19, 2010 mslisaaragon - November 22, 2010 Lisa DSO- November 24, 2010 Jenny310 - November 27, 2010 MichaelandAraceli- December 18, 2010 FutureMrsYak- January 11,2011 pineapplebride - *maybe* April 2011 speedy130 - May 7, 2011 stevensfiance - 2010 -Royal, Cancun
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by LynnieS Wow, that's so cool! What time is your ceremony? I think a lot of us girls are going to meet up sometime for a drink when we are down there. Would love to have you there!! That sounds like fun! I am definitely in for a Bride Cocktail, just let me know when and where! Our ceremony is at 5pm on the beach, garden reception! Yours?? We will be there from 5.10 to 5.18, and have 35 confirmed guests so far. Are all of your guests able to stay at The Royal?? I have 4 guests (and bridal party at that!) that had to book at the Gran Porto next door due to being booked... Everyone probably knows this, but just in case you don't... If guests book Master Suite rooms at the Gran Porto next door they do not have to buy day passes to The Royal, they can come and go as they please! This is a cheaper route for guest staying a week, but it was cheaper for a couple of my 3-night guests to just get the basic room and pay the day pass fee.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by LynnieS Hi Jujeemd- welcome! They are very willing to change any color of the flowers. They actually allowed me to add roses to my bouqet for no extra charge. They want to make you as happy as possible. I would try to bring this up to the Mexico WC's. You should be in contact with them by now. Thank you! By the way...our wedding is on the same day! At The Royal! Small world. I guess we will see you there! I'll be the other one in a white dress! Haha. I haven't been in contact with the Mexico WC's...I'm still struggling with Angie...
  14. I thought about starting my own thread, but since this seems to be where The Royal/Real brides hang out, I'll just ask here! We're getting married at the Royal Playa del Carmen in May '10. I'm going nuts trying to pick centerpieces/my bouquet/bridesmaid bouquet because none of them match each other! I was just sent a new catalog for all of them. So anyway, my question is...can you say, "I want this centerpiece, but can you make it all white?" Or are they not going to budge? Is this something you talk to Angie about or wait and talk to the WC once you're down there? Thank you in advance!
  15. I'm a 5/10 Royal bride as well! What date? We're on the 14th. Just joined, freaking out...just started looking for info! Enjoy!
  16. Hello! I wish I would have found this website sooner!!! We're getting married May 14th, 2010 at THE ROYAL in Playa del Carmen! Can't wait! Still trying to figure all this out and make some decisions! For anyone who is familiar with this resort, we've decided on the Luxury Wedding Package. Any advice is appreciated, I'll definitely be looking through the forums! Jules
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