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Everything posted by mimi73

  1. Janine, glad your AHR went so well. MysTea, it's coming fast! Good luck with your dress, I am sure it will fit like a dream The weather will be great....I am sending positive vibes from here! Loua4, I still have to get more luggage too. I don't know why I are procrastinating on so many things. This week I am going to try to get the rest of everything done, and then my shower and stagette this weekend Oh yes..... Friday is my legal day too I told FI that this way I will get 2 anniversary gifts/dinners a year! Have a great week ladies!!! Have fun, get lots done, and stay relaxed!! xo
  2. In case anyone is looking for Pashminas for their OOT bags, the Ardenes outlet stores has them for 5 for $10. Regular price $14.95 each! Lots of diff colours, but Black is the best in my opinion
  3. I haven't heard that from anyone! I am getting married at Dreams Tulum and our resort has listed 'validation and translation of marriage lic $120'.
  4. Ohhh yes My legal day will be next Friday. Eeeeeeeek!
  5. I am soooooo glad that I am not the only one! I am feeling rather guilty that I didn't do anything this summer to prep. We leave in just under a month and I have TONS to do!! I also have to agree that I get really annoyed when people say 'What do you even have to do? They do everything for you'. ARGGGH! If I want LAME then I will just leave them to it Kidding But don't people understand that all the little touches that make it personal, come from us?!! I should just stop bitching, and start focusing on what needs to be done though
  6. Exciting!!! Have fun! My tip is to make sure you drink lots of water The lights make it really hot, and it's so much fun you can forget to look after yourself properly! I was super dehydrated after my day of shopping!
  7. Yes Congrats LeNell! I had a look at your pics. It looks like you had a perfect day! You looked beautiful
  8. Congratulations! We are not getting married in Belize, but we will be honeymooning there the week after our wedding in Mexico. We are staying at a hotel called Xanadu on Ambergris Caye. It looks fantastic and the staff is really helpful with all the questions we have had! I know that they do weddings there, maybe check them out.. Good luck with all your planning! Can't wait to see what you decide!
  9. I already have my dress, but I just needed to comment. That really is a GORGEOUS dress! Who ever gets it will be a lucky girl
  10. I have to agree with you. I feel like if they have traveled all this way to celebrate with you then the least you can do is celebrate all together. We are doing the Ultimate package as well, outside DJ, and have 44 people attending. It is a little more expensive than we originally had expected..... but then I think about if we had the wedding here, and the hundreds that would be invited. WAY less expensive! I feel like the money we spend is to give us a 'private' party, and for me, that is worth it. An 'organized dinner and reception' is a little more 'formal', I feel like if you just say "meet us at the Disco later" people may or may not show up. That's a long time in between.
  11. Sebita I think they did an awesome job on replicating your dress. I especially think they did well on the flower detail. It looks really good! YAY!
  12. Bree the dress looks phenomenal! It fits you like a dream. Nice!! My seamstress that added the rhinestone belt was also blown away with how inexpensive the dress was to make. There is NO way that we could have gotten the material for even close to that price here! Pretty sad!
  13. Hi I just happened to go into Ardene's today with my daughter and saw some crazy cheap Pashmina's! They were 5 for $10, and they had an assortment of colours. I thought this may be useful for peoples OOT bags and soooooo handy because we don't have to worry about duty and shipping, etc! Hope this helps
  14. Yes Congrats Boo!! Janine, I deleted the pics off my computer so that FI doesn't happen upon them, but they are posted on the 'Knockoff dress thread' page 164.
  15. I feel guilty every time I put it on!! I am super nervous that I will rip it, it's just sooooo hard to stop I had to put it on yesterday to take some pics. I'll try to stop now
  16. OMG I can't stop trying on my wedding dress! I hope it's not bad luck!!!
  17. Hey lady! Do you still have the 2 pink and 2 purple sarongs? Also the energy drink? I am interested in them as long as shipping isn't ridiculous My postal code is V2K 0A2. Mwah!
  18. That is SUCH GOOD LUCK! A rainy wedding day means you will be married forever and have many children! YAY!!
  19. I thought that I should finally post photos from my dress. I bought it from an ebay seller. I chose to send in measurements rather than a pre done size. I think it came in perfectly! It was $130 including shipping. The back...excuse the weird pose I had the rhinestone bling added after I had the dress come in. I am very happy with it. Perfect for the beach, and even better for the bank account!!!! November 18th is coming FAST!
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