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Everything posted by mzgillis316

  1. Ok I'm definitely going to give her a call to find out what is going on especially if all of you guys are hearing from her. THanks
  2. Hey Ladies Has anyone ever heard of or stayed at the Banyan Tree Mayakoba its in Playa del Carmen ...villa style suites very private and inclusive ...i heard nothing but rave reviews on trip advisor about this place so I was wondering if any of you guys have heard of it ? Also since Cecile left I still havent heard from my new WC Kiara ...does anyone else have her? I know my wedding is in four months but geez
  3. What we did is used the hotel deadlines as RSVP dates give or take a few days. Our original contract was for 20 rooms deposit due june 10, so we sent out std postcards and created a website with the 1st deposit date of june 1st. We also noted that if you did not put down a deposit on that date we could not guarantee a room. We ended up booking about 30 rooms. Also the hotel is very slow in getting back and collecting their money. YES you are correct ALOT OF PEOPLE ARE ALL TALK! we currently have 70 people booked for our wedding and out of the 70 only 8 are my family and friends so expect that most of the people who said that they would come may not. hope this helps good luck
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by amandamarieb Congrats and welcome. Are you using a travel agent or just going through the resort? If you use a travel agent that person should be able to negotitate room rates for you. Also, make sure you are looking into all the packages available. I have 32+ rooms booked and we qualified for a lower group rate, the bride and groom stay free promotion, 20% off private events and a free cocktail reception for 50 guests. Take my advice and look into every promotion the other girls on this thread mention getting. That's what I did and now I have saved myself well over 3k. In addtion to all the incentives, I also talked the resort in letting me downgrade to the free wedding package even though I am getting married on the sky deck. (I do have to pay the $1700 for the location though). Originally when I booked the lowest category avialble if booking the sky deck was the silver package but other girls mentioned that they qualified for the free wedding package. I asked and they gave it to me. Hi Im also using the sky deck as well and have about 30 rooms booked....how were did you qualify for the free wedding we are still paying for the pearl package and the sky deck package...and also you with the sky deck you dont have to pay for the chairs correct? otherwise what exactly am i paying 1700 bucks for
  5. Sorry and if the TTD dress doesnt work out I would also be interested in that as well
  6. I would also like to know where you got the senor and senora tags
  7. Hi Ladies, its been such a looonng time since I've visited the blog I have to go back to page 650 to catch up LOLOL my wedding is in December the countdown begins and I've done NOTHING :/ I also just found out my WC Cecile is no longer with the resort they have assigned me to Kiara Marcano....does anyone else have her? Cecile was Fantastic and answered every email within 24 hours im spoiled another question to everyone I was told our chairs come with the SKy Deck wedding but will we have to pay for the chairs at our reception at the plaza??
  8. HI I have a question...what did everyone do about the centerpeices? I am really struggling between bringing down things or just picking the ones from the resort. My dilemma is even though i may only pay 25 buxs for silk flowers and a vase, I may still end up spending almost 50 to 60 buxs in checking luggage. I'm just not sure if its worth the hassle
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr Not sure if you were interested in a private cocktail party, but someone posted a link to promotion a that Karisma was doing about a month ago (I cannot remember who it was). I asked my WC about it and they actually gave it to me. We were already planning a cocktail party and were planning on spending $500 on it but to get it free when they nickel and dime us for everything else was refreshing. So, if you're interested it's worth a try. Booking Engine | Karisma Hotels & Resorts omg i had no idea about this THANKS SO MUCH!!! ILL LOOK INTO IT TODAY
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by dirtymartini Soooooo, I just learned from my travel agent that Azul is being a stinker and trying to not give me the bride & Groom Stay Free promotion that we booked under. We booked under a promotion that B&G stay free as long as we book 16 rooms... well we booked 22 rooms. Also, we were supposed to receive the free Honeymoon package, which includes a free room upgrade. Apparently, they're not giving us that either? I am not sure why this process is so difficult for me!!!!! Has anyone else had any problems like this? That is absolutely ridiculous its listed on their website why would they switch up out of nowhere. I can assure you that we spoke with the resorts booking agents last week and we are also receiving a free room b/c we booked 20 rooms. It was an incentive they were offering.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert The honeymoon suite ROCKS, but it is verrry pricey in my opinion. I only got upgraded because there was a room mix up and i was a unhappy girl. But Im sure the rooms would work just fine? I was in both standard and premium, I did not notice a big difference in size at ALL. Hope this helps! well they were going to give us the swim up premium for free since we have so many guest but they said to upgrade to the honeymoon suite for 525 each for me and my FI.....i mean its not terrible but free sure sounds good LOL ....was the honeymoon suite substantially larger than the premium rooms? Is it just the balcony that makes it so great?
  12. Hi.. Can anyone tell me if you guys are getting a honeymoon suite, and if you think it is necessary versus standard suites. For all the brides that have been there, are the standard or premium suites large enough for a bride and her party of 4 to get dressed together? Thanks for your help.
  13. Sorry im not sure how to remove this thread and post it in the correct thread ....if someone can help me out with that :/
  14. I took my engagement session last week and heres a sneak peak of the pics ...just wanted you guys feedback shalon & darwin: philadelphia engagement photographer Philadelphia Wedding and Portrait Photographer – Vida Carson
  15. I am also looking for fuchsia bm dresses i just came across this website ...Fuchsia Prom Dress Fuchsia Bridesmaid Cocktail Military Wedding Gowns all the dresses were under 130 buxs and they have plus sizes
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by rkf1046 Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!! Regarding the comment about packages, did most everyone buy the basic 'pearl' package and customize (unless planning on the Sky add-on which requires the silver package)? It seems that this may be the way to go if doing a private beach reception?? Also, just trying to get a sense of everything, are most bringing their own centerpieces? I've seen a few posts regarding that. Thanks ladies for all the help! Hii just received a pdf file from my WC Cecile and it says that the sky wedding is a add-on to the pearl, silver, and gold ...just thought id let you know...
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart I too was told I could bring my own DJ for the $500 outside vendor fee so that's what I'm doing! did she give you cost in regards to the rental of equipment your dj might have to use?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert You are correct Amy, we used one of their dj's, because I was told I didn't have any other choice. . I had a great expirence. And yes, When I got to mexico they had a whole lists of music tiffany doesn't even know about called top 40 LOL. And Im not sure how it normally works, but we had requested two songs they didn't have, and the dj and wc just downloaded it from itunes right then and there and "they" paid for it<---- yes you read that right. haha (WOW) thats funny we just got off the phone with one of the coordinators and she said we could bring our own DJ .... why are things so all over the place with these resorts LOLOL eh i guess we'll just have to deal
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Congrats and welcome! I think Karisma is expensive - but I have looked on other threads and resorts on this forum and it seems like everyone is nickled and dimed by their hotels. Definitely ask to make your own packages and keep your eyes peeled to their website for any wedding deals. I changed to the "free wedding" once they offered it on Azul Beach (property down the street from AS where I am getting married). yes i will definitely keep my eyes posted but trust me ...no one else (as far as i know) is offering 14 dollar meals lol i was going to go with dreams but with a cocktail and reception for 50 plus guest it wouldve cost me $92 per person with AS $14 reception pp and $20 pp cocktail i was sold AND A 20% DISCOUNT on private events and our rates ... on top of the fact that the resort looks beautiful though as you said they do nickel and dime you with every little thing i have yet to find a resort that didnt ...so for larger parties this seems to be the best bet
  20. Hi Ladies Just confirmed with Azul Sensatori for December 3rd, 2010 ....i was excited until i saw that it is an extra 1700 buxs just to use the sky terrace!!!! offering amenities that i dont need ....towels fans ?!!!?! ...that just annoys me a bit but hopefully we can work something out with the WC other than that i love the resort ..and still think the package is better $$ than most of the other resorts ive research
  21. thanks guys ...that makes me feel better ...i just need to come to grips with the fact that a lot of my family probably wont be there ..but thats ok we'll do something at home ....i have to do whats best for me
  22. So me and my FI originally set on a date of June 2011 and we were ok with that.... lately he's been complaining that its insane to plan a 18 month engagement he is also concerned b/c i will be starting pharmacy school in September of this year and he doesn't want wedding planning to distract me from doing well ....i agree with his logic, it just makes me soo nervous to try to plan a wedding for this August...but it just doesnt leave much time for my family and friends to gather their things most ppl probably already have their vacation time put in ...soo i just dont know what to do im hoping that we can even get a date for the resorts we r interested in ....any advice ladies ?? im feeling a bit overwhelmed
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