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Everything posted by Lite

  1. His pricing is on the website. I'm going with the deluxe package, $650.00 Includes hair and makeup done at the studio!! He mentioned that he was a photographer for playboy for a few years so im feeling very comfty with him and i can't wait to see the sexy shoots! I told him i wanted sexy not sweet!
  2. I just booked http://www.nghiatranphotography.com/ for my boudoir!! I'm getting it done the day before i leave. I know it's going to feel busy, but i obviously will be packed and ready a few days before. I wanted it done than because i'll be as fit as im ever going to be, have fresh waxing, nails and lashes. I can't wait!!! Nghia was super easy to talk with, i felt so comfortable and he has a great studio. Everything is there, backdrops, chairs, bed etc. And he said they also have accessories i can use. Oh and he's bringing me some wine when i asked if i could have a glass!! lol
  3. Just a little plug for my future aunty-in law. She makes these gorgeous birdcage veils and the price is amazing too!! Check her out! http://veiled-with-beauty.com/ She has more pics on her facebook page
  4. I can't find his contact info? Can someone help??!!! Thanks
  5. When you say you had him for the reception, was it just the reception? I need someone to take care of the music for the ceremony as well. Has anyone used their services for ceremony and reception?
  6. I just booked our TTD with Diego Munzo for Feb 27th, our wedding is the 22nd!!! I wanted to do it the second week, we will be relaxed and refreshed for the pics!! I'm getting very excited as time gets closer! Left to do, book men's fishing trip, group catamaran trip and ladies spa, hair appts. Anyone have recommendations on the fishing/boating?
  7. Tris, I would be interested! What day are you planning? i'm leaving on the 19th, and i wanted to do it closer to the day we left as my body will be at it's fittest! Does the photographer have a website and what location will you be shooting at? I'm in! Mel
  8. http://canada.zappos.com/images/z/1/2/5/1250125-p-MULTIVIEW.jpg I just ordered these tonight!! I really love them in the Bordeaux! I wanted blue Badgley's but Zappo's didn't have my size anymore. I think these make up for it.
  9. http://www.impressionbridal.com/collections.php?s=1629&cat=23 getting it in seamist colour. It looks very sexy on the model, but is very classy and elegant on my mom. She's going to get straps done, she's not comfortable going strapless.
  10. So we're getting married in Feb at Dreams Tulum. I'm going to use the resort photog for our wedding day, i believe that i will be happy with those pictures. I want to hire a photographer for a trash the dress session the following week while we are on honeymoon. I do not want to do it the first week we are there with all our guests and i think it will be fun and more relaxed to do it the second week. So my question is, who does trash the dress sessions only? From what i've seen its wedding packages, and what should i expect to pay for a TTD shoot? Any recommendations for a photographer that will travel to Dreams Tulum? Thanks, Mel
  11. Yeah really surprised at this rule? The last ten pounds and bulging brides is all about exercise AND diet, so why limit exercise??
  12. Very nice!! Enjoy your wedding/trip!! Where did you get your mom's dress? We need to get my mom one and i really like yours!
  13. Thanks for the info ladies. I don't have much weight to lose, 5lbs. I workout often, but my problem is portion control and wine.*blush* Maybe the $35 plan will work for what i'm looking for. I have no self control so i need a plan to follow!
  14. This is exactley what i was looking for. Has anyone order the program? I'm just not sure i want to spend $275!
  15. Did someone say they already had the 2011 price guide? I emailed Landy and she said it's not available till November. I have done zero planning! Gotta get my butt in gear here or it's going to be a very simple wedding
  16. i really like the second one, the first one is just not my style, too foo foo for a beach, my opinion!
  17. I was going to go with Somewhere over the rainbow, but it just gets me way too emotional. I was listening to it on the way into work and i was crying, not good. I'm going to be an emotional wreck as it is, i don't need music to help that anymore!! So i'm going to go with I'm yours, Jason Marz. It's just as beautiful and hopefully will keep back a few less tears!  Beautiful Day by U2 with us on the way out. Our song, Eric Claptons Wonderful Tonight 2nd song with wedding party, Led Zeppelin's Thank You  Now to work on the night's playlist.
  18. Can someone email me the 2011 price guide please!! I just received the 2010. PM me for email address. Appreciate it. Â Nothing new to report with me. No new bookings. Still have to get attire sorted, so much to do. But im procrastinating!!
  19. I want those!!! Perfect for beach ceremony and something i can use after!! Â Also, LOVE those green ones! Â
  20. Yep, it's 10 ppl booked, bride and groom count. I hear ya! A lot of our friends are looking for deals online, and i don't know if that's there way of holding out to the last minute, but it's frustrating forsure. Best of luck! Â We made the switch to Air Canada. Let's hope it's smooth sailing from here on!! Â
  21. Achi, Great pics, thanks for sharing!! Enjoy your honeymoon, what a special guy you have!!! I can't wait to hear about it!! Â Cookie, That's a great deal! Our rate with Air Canada after the huppla of switching is $1845 for one week in a Garden View, we paid $3448.00 for two weeks in the Ocean View. Much better than the $4683 we paid with Sunwing! Is your wedding Jan 22 or Feb 22?? We are Feb 22! Â So i'm feeling somewhat better about things. We got 10 ppl in our group with Air Canada, everyone has a fair price and there won't be any increases. I'm not confident we will get a price reduction, but whatever. And whoever else books great, if not we will have a very intimate wedding and i just can't wait for February!! Â Enjoy the long weekend! Â
  22. So this is bullshit. Sunwing won't price match Air Canada. TA is suggestiing canceling, losing our deposits as it will still work out in our favour price wise. But i still need to find two ppl to make our group ten. Noone is interested in making full payment in August, September now i guess. Ugh. Â Canadian brides, Air Canada has the Garden room rate at $1864 for my week in Feb, we paid $2063. We've upgraded to the Ocean room, and our savings will be $1000.00 Check out air canada right now if you can, and if you are with Air Canada ask for a price match!! Â And yes she said that if we dont' get 10 ppl in our group, they will charge the rest of us more money in December!!! It's sunwings "rules". So ridiculous.
  23. Cookie, I have no one interested at the moment to book with the price our TA is offering. The advertised pricer is cheaper that what we paid currently..... She's hopefully getting back to me about the price difference between Sunwing and Air Canada today.
  24. Thanks for your replies. Even if the deadline was today, no one is interested in paying the rate we have right now, as it's advertised cheaper online. My TA said she'd get back to me on the large price difference which went down the day after we paid in full, $900 difference... I just hope something can be done, if we are locked into those prices because we were advised to pay in full 6 months in advance, i will not be a happy bride!!! I'm hoping my TA steps up to the plate and i don't have to call Sunwing to sort this, isn't that why i choose her to do her job/the work? Â I think i scared alot of our guests off by posting what our TA had told us. About the price increasing significantly and putting the pressure to pay in full by August 27 when our flight leaves Feb 19. Â Might be a very intimate wedding......
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