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Everything posted by Lindslou

  1. Love the video Nat!!!! What a treasure to have. Hope you had a great honeymoon and can't wait to see some pics
  2. Hey Nat, Just log on here and saw your note!!! Congrats and can't wait to hear about it and see pics when you get back. I'm not on here as much any more but I will check in once in awhile to see if you are back. Hope all you other girls are doing great!!
  3. Congrats Sandy!!! Love your pics, sounds like you had a wonderful day
  4. We used Air Canada and had no problems. Even after the last payment date they still held the price for those that joined our group late. Sandy just thinking about you getting ready to leave, so excited for you!!! Hope you have a wonderful wedding and honeymoon!! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back
  5. Nat you pics are awesome!!! Can't wait to hear all about it
  6. Thanks Sandy!! Congrats on your legal ceremony!!! Isn't Patricia fantastic!!! We had so much fun too, did you go to her Condo? She has some great spots in there for pics.
  7. Love them Nat!! If you can bring one next time we get together
  8. Thanks girls!!! I still haven't gotten the CD's of my pics yet. Thought they would be here today.
  9. Hey Girls So good to see you again tonight. Here is the link to my photographer's website with some of our pics http://www.variastudio.com/blog.php
  10. Tuesday the 29th works for me
  11. Hey Pam I know exactly how you feel. Our week in Cuba was hectic. We hardly had any down time. Plus when we got home my work got extremely busy. I finally got to relax last weekend. So sorry to hear that you are not happy with your pics. I would be crushed if our pics didn't turn out. I still haven't gotten mine but I have my fingers crossed. Hope you are enjoying your time with your husband!!!
  12. Hey Pam, do you have any pics posted from your wedding?
  13. Perfect, I love that place. See you all then. I hope this works, here are a couple of pics of me at our wedding
  14. The 30th works for me, where are we meeting?
  15. Hey girls!! The 28th sounds good to me I'll go wherever
  16. Hi girls I just got back from my wedding in Cuba and I have to rave about the make up that I used. I girl I know works for Face atelier http://www.faceatelier.com/face/ca/web.nsf/fmPublic!OpenForm&sec it is used on many celebrities as well as Madonna's stage dancers without needing to be touched up. The foundation is a silicone base so it will not come off in the water or when sweating. Trust me I put this make up to the test and it stayed put even when doing our TTD. I love the waterproof mascara as well as the Translucent powder for shiny spots. I was just going to Sephora to get what I could until I found this product line and I am sooo grateful that I did.
  17. Hey Girls Well I'm home and have been catching up on sleep. Wow that week sure flew by!!! I'm really wishing that we took a couple of extra days but really didn't want to "honeymoon" with my mom Our resort was perfect, everyone loved it!!! Holguin is beautiful and the beaches are to die for!!! the first day after we arrived rain which was OK cause it gave us time to get settled. the next couple of days were cloudy so we took the opportunity to explore the area. We met with the wedding coordinator's the day before our wedding and went over every detail including plan B in case of the weather. They girls were so nice and very accommodating. the morning of our wedding the weather was iffy and very windy so we went with plan b. the ceremony was gorgeous, pretty quick and very simple!! After we had champagne and appies, then photos. I can not say enough about our photographer. She had so much energy and kept the day moving smoothly. Can't wait to get her pics!! We had a wonderful dinner. Everyone had a choice of Lobster, chicken, steak or pasta. Most went for the lobster which was fantastic!! Our cake was enormous and soooo good. I had to have a second piece. I have to say our TTD was sooo much fun and was so happy that we did it!!! We met our photographer at sunrise on the beach. It was a bit cloudy but had great lighting. We did some pics on the beach than moved to a couple of spots on the resort. We ended with the shots of us in the ocean. So much fun!!!! We were soaked and covered in sand. When we picked people up at another resort on the way to the airport they had heard about me in the ocean in my wedding dress. I was thankful that we did it so early in the morning so that there wasn't that much of an audience. The whole group did a catamaran day trip and loved it!!! We went to 2 reefs for snorkeling and then had a lunch. It was perfect to get away with everyone cause Dan and I were feeling that we were being pulled in all directions or that we hadn't had a chance to see some people so this gave us the opportunity to do that. to wrap things up Dan and I got first class on the flight to Toronto. It was just what we needed after a long day and week!! I will try to post some pics not sure if I can but I will see what I can do Hope you all had a great week Linds
  18. We are kinda in the same boat. We have asked our guest attending our DW to please not give us any gifts. Those that are not coming, if they ask we tell them that we have what we need but are developing our basement. It's a hard situation and not all people will be open to it. Some people still like to give you something as a gift.
  19. I knew you would be happy to hear that!!! I am looking forward to the next couple of days before we head out. It's kinda like Christmas now, I want to go to bed really early every night so it will get here sooner Talk to you all when I get back
  20. So today is my last day of work and I have to say that I am finally excited!!! I still have a tonne of things to do but they are fun things like mani & pedi Natalie, I finally said it, I am excited and I'm only going to more more excited as it gets closer to us leaving
  21. Hey Sandy, that is soooo exciting!!!
  22. Hey girls This has been a big topic with my FI and I. I have been wanting kids and he knows that but I haven't bugged him about it till he was ready. Now he can't wait to be a dad. It's so cute to see them like that and the things he says is sooo sweet. We leave on Sat of our wedding and will start trying in the spring/summer. Good luck to you all and do start taking Folic Acid!!!
  23. OMG I love this idea!!! I too lost my dad 2 years ago and have really been struggling with him not being there. I was trying to come up with something to do but everything I can think of just makes me cry and I know it will make it sooo hard for me on the wedding day to have something so visual. I wish I found this earlier cause we leave next weekend Wish you all the best of luck and you know he will be right there with you in spirit
  24. Just to confirm, this is the same place we met at last time, right?
  25. Oh ya, I guess the 2nd is Wed. Either day is good for me. We had our legal ceremony yesterday It was soooo much fun and the commissioner was perfect - thanks for the referral Sandy!!! I highly highly recommend her if any one is looking for someone. Her name is Patricia Ablett. So we are having fun this weekend wearing our wedding bands and calling each other husband/wife. Couple more weeks till we can do it officially.
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